Free Flower Telling Time Matching Card Printables
Telling tTme Matching cards is a great way to work on learning different ways of telling time. You can matching the analog time with the digital time for kids.
The Free flower telling time matching cards has digital time on flower pots and analog time on the flowers.
You can work on learning each type of time and then matching the different clocks that mean the same time.
The Flower Telling Time Matching Card Printables are a part of the 20 Free Printables for May.
The Flower Telling Time Matching Card Printables is a great addition to the telling time printables and flower printables on the site.
What is Telling Time?
It is the ability to look at a clock and tell time. There are many different types of clocks. You can tell time by an analog clock and a digital clock.
You start by learning the hours on the clock and then work up to an hour and a half hour. Then you learn to tell the time with all the minutes on the clock.
Flower Telling Time Matching Card Printables
The Flower Telling Time Matching Card is a digital clock and analog clock matching activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade. You have all 12 hours for both digital clock and analog clocks.
You can work on learning digital time or analog time with these cards. You can match the card, use them as telling time flashcards for kids.
Flower Analog Clock Card Printables
You have analog clocks with the hour on them. Each flower has the time in the middle of the flower. You can work on telling what the time is on the clock for kids.
You have all 12 hours on the flowers for kids to learn. You can talk about how the small hand short the hours and the long hand shows the minutes. And that when the long hand is on the 12 it is the start of the hour.

Flower Digital Time Card Printables
The digital time is on the flower pot. It has the format of hours and minutes. These just show the hourly time on the pots. You can talk about what part is the hours and minutes on the pot as well.
And that when the clock shows 00 on the minutes it is the beginning of the hour.

Things to use with the Free Flower Telling Time Matching Cards Printable
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- white cardstock
- printer
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- rings
- telling time help mats
- Telling Time Hourly Bookmarks
- A Second, a Minute, a Week with Days in It: A Book about Time
- Telling Time: How to Tell Time on Digital and Analog Clocks
- The Grouchy Ladybug
Ways to Use the Flower Telling Time Matching Cards Printables
You are going to see a few different ways to use these flower telling time matching cards.
Preparing the Telling Time Matching Cards
It is suggest that you print the telling time cards on white cardstock. This will help the clock cards last longer. You can also laminate the cards if you plan to use them over and over.
Telling Time Matching Center
You can make a matching time center for kids. You can have the time spread out for kids to search through the flower cards nd match to the correct time on the pots.
This is a great way to see both times and that they belong together.

Telling Time Matching Activity with Help
If you need help with telling time you can check out the hourly telling time bookmarks. They telling time bookmarks have the hourly time for kids to see on each bookmark.
You can use the bookmarks for beginners and have them match the pots and flowers and then check that they got them right.

Making a Clock for Kids to Match Time
If you have the space you can make a clock style center. You put the analog clocks around in a circle were you would find them on a clock. Then you have kids match the digital time to the time on the clock.
You can also have kids match the clock first. Another way to help them learn where the numbers are on a clock.

Matching Time in a Pocket Chart
You can make a matching center in a desk top pocket chart. You can use both sides and place all 12 flowers in the pockets. and then you can match the pots to the flowers.
You can also switch it up and put the digital time in the charts and match the analog time.

Matching the Telling Time Cards on Rings
You can put both set of telling time cards on rings. Then you flip through the set of telling time matching cards to find the same time on both cards.
You get to see all the different hourly times on the cards, Plus you get the action of flipping through the cards to find the cards that have the same time.
Making Analog Time on Telling Help Mat
If you are looking for another way to use the telling time matching cards you can use them with the telling time help mat. It has a clock for kids to build the time.
You can see we use the analog clock to make the same analog clock on the help mat. This is a great way to talk about the hour hand and minute hand and where they are for each hour.
We used a dry erase marker but you could also make the hands with playdough.

Using Digital to Make Time on Telling Help Mat
You can also give kids the digital time and have them make the analog time on the telling time help mat. It is great way to build the time for those that do well with a hands-on activity.
You can use a dry erase marker or playdough to make the time.

Telling Time Books to Use with the Flower Telling Time Matching Cards
A Second, a Minute, a Week with Days in It: A Book about Time is a great all around book about time. You can learn many different concepts about time in the book. And will help with this printable as well.
Telling Time: How to Tell Time on Digital and Analog Clocks is another good book for telling time. This is a book is better for older kids and not younger kids. But has all the concepts of telling time you may need.
The Grouchy Ladybug is great for time, size and shape. It is a fun book for working on telling hourly time.
What you will find in the Free Flower Telling Time Matching Card Printables
- Two sets of flower and flower pot cards with hourly time on them
- 1 to 12 in digital time
- 1 to 12 time in clock hands
- 4 pages
More Flower Math Printables for Kids
Flower Skip Counting Finds are perfect for a flower theme. You fill in the skip counting numbers at the top and then find them below.
Flower Petal Counting & Math Printables has addition and counting math with hands on mats you can use. These are great for PreK and Kindergarten.
Flower Subtraction Task Cards is a great way to work subtraction during the spring. You have 12 task cards for working on subtraction. These are great for kindergarten and first grade.
Spring Themed Multiplication & Division Set that has a fun spring and flower theme to it. This is great for learning and reviewing multiplication and division for third grade and fourth grade.
Check out all the fun Flower Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
More Telling Time Printables for Kids
Telling Time Bookmark Set has four sets of bookmarks with hourly, every 30 minutes, every 15 minutes, and every five minutes option for the bookmarks. Plus they have a blank set you can fill out the time.
Hourly Telling Time Easy Reader Book is a great hourly clock book with all 12 hours in the book with digital and analog times. Plus there is a write in the time on the clock version as well.
Apple Time Matching Cards is a time matching activity for hourly time. You can match the digital clock time with the analog clocks.
Monster Telling Time Clip Cards are super fun to clip time with an hourly clocks for kids to find and clip.
Check out all the fun Telling Time Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –