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Free Forest Shape Puzzle Printable

Puzzles are a great learning tool for kids. And this shape puzzle is a great way to work on learning geometric shapes and shape words with a fun forests theme.

Kids can match the shape name and shape to build the forest puzzle. This is a great shape activity for kids in kindergarten and first grade that are working on shape words.

The Forest Shape Puzzle Printable is part of the 20 Free Printables for September.

Free Forest Shape Puzzles for kids with matching geometric shape to the shape word on the mat. A great shape and forest printable for kids learning shapes. - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Forest Shape Puzzle Printable is a great addition to the forest printables and shape printables on the site.

This is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the forest or shape section on the subscriber freebie page.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

What is a Matching Puzzle?

A matching puzzle is where you have items on the mat that matches something on the puzzle piece. These can vary in the different ways that you can use them.

Forest Shape Matching Puzzle

You can see the puzzle pieces of the shape puzzle. You have the shape word mat and the puzzle pieces with shapess. You want to make sure to print these on cardstock and laminate them. It helps them last longer.

Free Forest Shape Puzzles for kids with matching geometric shape to the shape word on the mat. A great shape and forest printable for kids learning shapes. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Forest Shape Puzzle Printable

Preparing the Forest Shape Puzzle Printable

You will see the steps below we did in preparing the shape puzzle.

Laminate the Shape Puzzle

You want to make sure to laminate both parts of the puzzle to start with. You can see above that we laminated the puzzle before cutting it out. A lot of people say the other way works better. But I like cutting after laminating.

Free Forest Shape Puzzles for kids with matching geometric shape to the shape word on the mat. A great shape and forest printable for kids learning shapes. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cut Up the Forest Shape Puzzle Pieces

You cut up the puzzle with the shape on it. You can see how below. We laminated the puzzle and then cut it out.

Free Forest Shape Puzzles for kids with matching geometric shape to the shape word on the mat. A great shape and forest printable for kids learning shapes. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Preparing the Shape Puzzle Mat

You can prepare the puzzle mat in many different ways, but wall putty works great to put puzzles in place without much noise. You can see that I put a small amount on the corner on each place on the puzzle.

Free Forest Shape Puzzles for kids with matching geometric shape to the shape word on the mat. A great shape and forest printable for kids learning shapes. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ways to Use the Forest Shape Puzzle Printable

Say the Shape on the Mat

You can start by having them point to and say all the shape names on the mat. It is a great reading shape word activity for kids.

Setting up the Shape Puzzle Center

You can see how we set up the puzzle center. You can see the shape puzzle mat and the puzzle pieces below. If kids need help matching shape words and shape names you can use the shape bookmarks as a help.

Free Forest Shape Puzzles for kids with matching geometric shape to the shape word on the mat. A great shape and forest printable for kids learning shapes. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Make the Forest Shape Puzzle

After you have the puzzle set up you can let kids build the shape matching puzzle. It is a great way to work on matching shapes and shape names for kids.

Free Forest Shape Puzzles for kids with matching geometric shape to the shape word on the mat. A great shape and forest printable for kids learning shapes. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Remove Puzzle Pieces from the Mat

You can also do the puzzle in reverse. You have them point to a puzzle piece and say the shape name. Then take off the puzzle piece and spell the shape word below the puzzle piece.

Looking for More Shape Printables

If you love this shape puzzle and are looking for more shape printables, Check out the Shape Color and Find the Shape. It is a great way to see the shape and then find the same shape around the shape.

Shape: Color the Shape & Find the Shape - a fun shape find with color the shape in the middle and find the shape around the shape for a great shape find worksheet - 3Dinosaurs.com

Shape: Color the Shape & Find the Shape

A fun and easy to use shape color and find activity for kids. With a big shape to color and then find the shape that are the same as the shape in the middle.

Shape: Color the Shape & Find the Shape - a fun shape find with color the shape in the middle and find the shape around the shape for a great shape find worksheet - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Shape: Color the Shape & Find the Shape

  • Color Shape in middle and Find shape around it
  • Shapes: circle, square, rectangle, oval, rhombus, triangle, star, heart, crescent, hexagon, pentagon, and octagon.
  • No-prep printable
  • 13 pages
  • Price: $3

What you will find in the Free Forest Shape Puzzle Printable

  • 12 Shapes: circle, square, trigraph, rectangle, oval, crescent, star, heart, rhombus, hexagon, pentagon, and octagon
  • Shape puzzle math with shape words
  • Forest puzzle with shapes on each piece
  • 2 pages
Free Forest Shape Puzzles for kids with matching geometric shape to the shape word on the mat. A great shape and forest printable for kids learning shapes. - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Forest Printables for Kids

No-Prep Forest Weekly Packs has 6 grades of learning with math and language. You have PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.

Woodland Pack Tot, Preschool, PreK & Kindergarten has over 30 pages of activities plus a tot pack that work on woodland animals prewriting, forest animal matching, 10 piece & 4 piece puzzles and more.

Romping & Roaring 2 Pack has a fun bear themed to it. You can count and learn about the number 2.

Bear Dot Marker Number & Counting has numbers 1 to 20 with color and black & white options. The color comes in two options all brown or a mix of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Forest Animal ABC Easy Reader Book has 11 forest animals for kids to trace the beginning sound or beginning letters.

Check out all the fun Woodland & Forest Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Forest & Woodland Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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