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Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables

There are many ways to work on prewriting and having different themes for prewriting is fun.

This free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables has parts of the story with Goldilocks. You have tracing strips for the house, porridge, chairs, and beds. All fun elements of the story. You can read the story and trace the strips as you read the story.

A fun way to change up prewriting and have fun with the Goldilocks and the Three Bears story.

The Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables is part of the 5 Free Goldilocks & the Three Bears Printables.

Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables - 10 prewriting strips with Goldilocks nad different parts of the story. You have tick dashed lines for kids to trace- 3Dinosaurs.com

The Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the prewriting or Nursery Rhyme & Folk Tale section on the subscriber freebie page.

The Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printable is a great addition to the prewriting printables on the site.

What Are Prewriting Skills?

Pre-writing skills are the fundamental skills kids need to develop before they are able to write. These are often simple lines that kids trace to build those skills.

They start with simple lines and work up to more complex lines.

Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables

The Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printable has 10 prewriting strips for you to use with kids. You have thick dashed lines for kids to trace. Each strip has a different picture for you to trace to.
You start with house and then move to different parts of the story.

Each strip has a different parts. So you will have three different porridges, three different chairs, and three different bed.

This was made so you can trace the lines as you read the story. You can see the first three prewriting strips below.

Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables - 10 prewriting strips with Goldilocks nad different parts of the story. You have tick dashed lines for kids to trace- 3Dinosaurs.com

Goldilocks & The Three Bears Books to use with these Prewriting Strips

Goldilocks and the Three Bears: A Classic Fairytale is a classic version of the book. You can read the story and retell the events.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears: A Classic Fairytale

Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Jan Brett is an amazing picture book. She puts so much creativity into each page. And it is a wonderful book to read.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears by Jan Brett

Things to use with the Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Prepare the Goldilocks Prewriting Strips Printables

Here are a few suggestion to help you prepare the prewriting strips.

Laminate the Goldilocks Prewriting Strips

If you plan on using these prewriting strips a lot you will want to laminate them. This helps make the prewriting strips last longer for kids.

You can cut and the prewriting strips and then laminate. Or you could laminate and then cut the prewriting strips. You can do which works best for you. You can see we laminate and then cut the strips out.

Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables - 10 prewriting strips with Goldilocks nad different parts of the story. You have tick dashed lines for kids to trace- 3Dinosaurs.com

Store the Prewriting Strips on a Ring

I really like to store the prewriting strips on a ring. This helps keep the story in the right order. And it makes is easier to story after you are done using them. And you don’t have to find the strips to put them together.

Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables - 10 prewriting strips with Goldilocks nad different parts of the story. You have tick dashed lines for kids to trace- 3Dinosaurs.com

Ways to Use the Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables

You are going to see different ways to use the Goldilocks prewriting strips. You can use these in small groups or big groups.

Setting up a Prewriting Center

A fun way to use these is in small group. You have prewriting strips on a ring and then a dry erase marker. You can use the thin dry erase markers or the big dry erase markers.

You can give kids a few strips to trace or all the strips to trace.

Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables - 10 prewriting strips with Goldilocks nad different parts of the story. You have tick dashed lines for kids to trace- 3Dinosaurs.com

Tracing the Prewriting Strips

You can see how the tracing of the Goldilocks prewriting strips will look. You have goldilocks and then tracing the thick dashed line to the other side. And remember each part of the story is on the strips to use with kids. A fun way to do prewriting with the story.

Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables - 10 prewriting strips with Goldilocks nad different parts of the story. You have tick dashed lines for kids to trace- 3Dinosaurs.com

Using Hands-On Items on the Prewriting Strips

If you are not reading the story with the strips you can use small items like erasers or clear counters to line the prewriting strips. Each time they place a small item on the line it helps them work on fine motor skills.

Using Playdough on the Goldilocks Prewriting Strips

Another way to use these is for kids to use playdough on the strips. Kids can make playdough snakes and then match the line on each prewriting strip. It is a fun way to add a different fine motor activity with the prewriting strips.

Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables - 10 prewriting strips with Goldilocks nad different parts of the story. You have tick dashed lines for kids to trace- 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables

  • Goldilocks and the Three Prewriting Strips
  • Goldilocks tracing with thick dashed lines to different themes in the Goldilocks and the Three Bears Story
  • 10 Prewriting Strips
  • 3 pages
Free Goldilocks & Three Bears Prewriting Strip Printables - 10 prewriting strips with Goldilocks nad different parts of the story. You have tick dashed lines for kids to trace- 3Dinosaurs.com

Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set

Looking for more pre-writing printables or want it just ready to print and use. Then check out the Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set.

This set includes some of the printables above in an easy no-prep printable set. Plus additional and new printables. The sets include big and thin dashed lines, no-prep pages, prewriting strips, easy reader book and more!

Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set - easy pages ready for teachers to use no-prep pages, easy reader books, tons of new tracing pages and options for kids. It has 174 pages of pritnables $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Fine Motor Prewriting Printables:

  • Big Solid and Dashes Prewriting Lines Worksheet with a start and stop.
  • Big Solid and Dashes Prewriting Worksheet mixed with start and stop
  • Thin Prewriting lines Worksheet with start and stop.
  • Thin Lines Prewriting Worksheet mixed with start and stop.
  • Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines with start and stop.
  • Prewriting Practice with Patterns with prewriting fonts – Large Font
  • Prewriting Practice prewriting fonts single repeated prewriting
  • Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts all fonts together
  • Prewriting Practice Patterns with prewriting fonts – Single Pattern Repeated
  • Prewriting Practice Patterns with prewriting fonts – mixed patterns together
  • Prewriting Practice Patterns Finish the Patterns with prewriting fonts – mixed patterns together
  • Prewriting Practice Spin & Trace Prewriting Fonts
  • Prewriting Strips: Big Solid Prewriting Lines with Stop & Start – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Big Dashed Prewriting Lines with Stop & Start – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting thin lines with start and stop – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines with start and stop – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines.
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice Patterns
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Big Dashes Lines – Single Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Big Dashes Lines – Teacher Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Thin Dashes Lines – Single Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Thin Dashes Lines – Teacher Print
  • 174 pages
  • Price: $8

More Goldilocks Printables for Kids

Goldilocks & the Three Bears Sequencing Printables has a sequencing printable for the story.

No-Prep Goldilocks and Three Bears Weekly Packs are easy pack to use with six grade levels and are fun to use with the story. You have Prek to Fourth Grade for levels.

Goldilocks & The Three Bears Printable Pack is a great tot, preschool, prek and kindergarten pack for kids with loads of activities.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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