Free Gross Motor Movement Dice Printable
Gross motor dice can make gross motor movements loads of fun.
It is fun to change things up. And gross motor dice can do just that: change up how you do gross motor.
You have six gross motor movements and speed dice to make a fun gross motor activity. This will keep kids active and having fun at the same time.

The Gross Motor Movement Dice Printable is a great addition to the gross motor printables on the site.
The Gross Motor Movement Dice Printable is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the gross motor section on the subscriber freebie page.
What is Gross Motor?
Gross Motor is big movements using parts of the body like legs, arms, and torso. This can include running, jumping, moving arms or legs, crawling, and more!
Gross motor can be loads of fun!
Why use theme gross motor activities?
I like themed gross motor activities because it is different from other gross motor activities. It changes how you do the movement, and kids can have fun relating to the themes in the set.
Gross Motor Dice Printable
You have a gross motor dice. These are easy to know gross motor movements. You have one movement on each side of the die.
You have cube insets or a folding die you can use.
You have 6 Gross motor movements trunk twists, jumping jacks, running in place, sit-ups, push-ups, and squats. There are simple gross motor movements that can be fun for kids to mix up with the dice.

Things to use with the Gross Motor Dice Printables
These are all items we used with the gross motor dice.
Gross Motor Dice Movements Printable
Each side of the dice or the cube inserts have one gross motor movement. It says the name of the movement that kids will do.
You have 6 different gross motor movements on the gross motor dice. They are trunk twists, jumping jacks, running in place, sit-ups, push-ups, and squats.
Before you start using the dice you always want to make sure they know what the movements are.

Jumping Jacks Movement
Jumping jacks are a movement that most kids know. It is great for working both side of the body doing similar movements.
You can also check out this fun jumping jack dice.
Trunk Twists Movement
Trunk twists are where you keep the feet planted and turn at the waist side to side. You want to keep the arms in close so that kids don’t kids someone.
Running in Place Movement
You do a simple run in place. You simply movement or have them exaggerate the running movement.
Sit-Ups Movement
You do a movement sitting on the floor where you bend your knees and lay the rest of your body on the ground. Then you bring your head up towards your knees.
Push-Ups Movement
You have kids lay on the floor and use their arms to push themselves up off the floor.
Squat Movement
You do a movement like you are sitting in a chair. You want to make sure that they don’t have their knees go over their toes.
Using The Gross Motor Movement Dice
A little bit about the dice and how to use them.
Using the Cube Dice Inserts
You have two types of dice, but we love using the cube dice. They hold up better.
It is simple to put the inserts into the dice and to change them when we need.
And it is fun to throw the cube dice in the air and the dice lasts a lot longer.

How to Use the Gross motor Movement Dice
One you have the dice picked that you are going to use. then you move on to using the dice.
Before you start using the dice you always want to make sure they know what the movements are.
You have have kids roll the dice and then do the movement. You can do that a few times. You can tell them how many to do for each roll or just do it for so many seconds.
Adding the Speed Die
You can add the speed dice to the movements. When you do this the slow is really slow and the fast is fast and you might want to tell them to do smaller movements when it is fast to avoid damage.

Adding A Number Dice to the Movements
You can use the number dice on the site and add the number dice to the rolls they make.
I put in numbers 5 to 10. It gives a nice amount of times without kids betting board doing loads of each movement.

More Gross Motor Movement Printables
I you are looking for more gross motor ideas you can check out the gross motor movement set. I has gross motor dice, gross motor chart, rolling games, and gross motor task cards. All great to get kids moving while having fun.
What you will find in the Gross Motor Movement Set
This is a full set with gross motor dice, gross motor chart, rolling games, and gross motor task cards. Loads of fun ways to explore the gross motor movements that can work for many different settings.

What is in the Gross Motor Movement Set
- Gross motor movement dice with folding and two cube dice options
- Speed dice with folding and two cube dice options
- Number dice with 1 to 12 options with folding and two cube dice options
- Gross Motor Movement Chart
- Gross Motor Spinning Mat
- Gross Motor Movement Task Cards with 6 cards total
- Rolling Gross Motor – Single Movement
- Rolling Gross Motor – Two movements to match each die roll
- 22 pages
- Price: $3.00
What you will find in the Free Gross Motor Movement Dice Printable
- Gross Motor Movement Dice
- 6 Gross motor movements: trunk twists, jumping jacks, running in place, sit-ups, push-ups, squats
- Folding Dice or Cube insert options
- 4 pages

More Gross Motor Printables & Activities
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Cassie –