Free Halloween Pack For Tot, Preschool, PreK & Kindergarten
The Halloween Pack is a great hands-on and low prep printables for Halloween. It has made to go with several Halloween Books. It has a fun collection of activities that can be fit to make different ages.
It is a fun pack with kindergarten, prek, preschool, and tot activities. It gives you a wide range to work with the kids who have older skills and younger skills on the same activities. There is the PreK and Kindergarten pack and the Preschool & Tot Pack. Each has different skill levels.

The Halloween pack is a fun addition to the Halloween printables and free printable packs on the site.
Free Halloween Printable Packs
The free Halloween pack was made for tot (ages 2 to 3), preschool (ages 3 to 4), PreK (ages 4 to 5), and kindergarten (ages 5 to 6). Okay and a few things that could be used in first grade.
These have a mix of activities in the Halloween Pack. You will find hands-on activities and no-prep activities You can use the one that work best for your needs.
You can find the full details below with more information about all the pages.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
Halloween Books to Use with the Halloween Pack
These are some of the fun Halloween books used as themes for the Halloween pack. And they are great to use with the Halloween pack. Or you can just read them!
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything is a favorite for us. It is a fun book about parts of a scarecrow and the noises they make following her.
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat! is a fun sequencing story for Halloween. You have lots of fun themes in the book and they are always fun to read.
Room on the Broom is a great story about collection and helping friends along the way. It has fun witch themes you can use with kids.
Big Pumpkin is a fun book about getting along and what you can do with a really big pumpkin.
You can find more Halloween Books to check out.
If you are looking for a No-Prep printable packs for Halloween. You will find some on the site! The No-Prep Halloween Weekly Packs has prek, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade!
Items to Use with the Halloween Pack and Halloween Tot Pack
One of the questions I get asked most often is what do I need to have to use with this pack. And here is a great list of items you will need. Each of these items makes preparing and using the pack easier. Plus as you go through the post you can see some of the ways these items are used.
- printer
- white copy paper
- pencil
- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat!
- The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything
- laminator
- sheet protectors
- crayons
- clear glass gems
- clothespins
- white cardstock
- glue
- markers
- scissors
- Halloween erasers>
- pocket chart
How to Use the Halloween Pack
There are many different pages in the packs. You can find information below for the different printables in the pack. Most of these match up to two stories: There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat! and The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.
Halloween Vocab Cards
You are going to find a few different Halloween vocab cards. You are going to find some for the Old Lady who Swallowed a Bat, Old Lady who is not Afraid of Anything and more Halloween words added in.
You have 36 different vocab cards to use with kids. And they fit a Varity of Halloween stories.
Halloween Vocab 3 Part Cards
The three part cards match up with the Halloween vocab cards. This lets you do a picture and word matching with the different stories. You can use these and the vocab cards for matching.
You have the following Halloween vocab words: old lady, bat, owl, cat, ghost, goblin, bones, wizard, trick or treat, cauldron, vampire, frankenstein, haunted house, full moon, witch, black cat, crescent moon, jack-o-lantern, mummy, spider, spider web, skeleton, tombstone, candy, devil, witch hat, broom, shoes, pants, shirt, gloves, hat, pumpkin head, little old lady and scarecrow.
Halloween Printable Which One is Different
The which one is different pages is a great page you can re-use or a single-time use. You can see below how to use it many times. We love using clear glass gems to cover what is different. This is a great no-prep Halloween worksheet.

Halloween What Comes Next Worksheet
The what come next pattern worksheets has four different patterns for kids to see. They cut and paste the picture that would match what would come next to finish the pattern. It is a great worksheet for patterns you can use with kinds in preschool and prek.

Halloween Prewriting Practice
You have two different prewriting worksheets. You are tracing different Halloween themes to a haunted house. They all have different lines for kids to trace. There is a simple page and a more complex page.
You can use these one time or put them in a sheet protector and use dry erase markers to trace the lines. Then you can trace the lines over and over in learning centers.
Old Lady, Bat and Wizard Pattern Cards
You have pattern cards to work on on ABC patterns. You use the three cards to build the patters. You can start patterns and have kids finish the pattern. This allows to doing hands-on pattern activities.
Haunted House, Jack-lantern, Moon Pattern Cards
These are similar to the pattern cards above but with different themes. And they are used the same way.
Halloween Matching Cards
You have the pictures from the vocab cards in a matching activity. You can do a matching the same cards activity. Or you can print two and keep one not cut up and have kids match the pictures on the page that is kept together. It makes a great matching center for Halloween.
Halloween 4 Piece Puzzles
You have four piece puzzles. Each puzzle is the same size with different Halloween pictures for kids to build. You have parts form stories and parts with just Halloween themes and kids dressed up in Halloween costumes.
Halloween 10 Piece Puzzles (1 to 10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50)
There are several puzzles in the set. You will find 4 and 10 piece puzzles in the older pack. You can see an example of the 1 to 10 here. They have 10 pieces and the puzzles go from 1 to 10, 11, to 20, 21, to 30, 31 to 40 and 41 to 50. All great ways to work on counting. I recommend printing on white cardstock and laminating them to help the pieces last longer.

Halloween Printable Number Clip Cards with Numbers 1 to 15
A lot of the themed packs have number clip cards. This set has number clip cards from 1 to 15. it is a fun way to work on counting and fine motor at the same time. You can use loads of items with them. But we love using clothespins.

Halloween Find Beginning Sound Printable
You have beginning sound worksheets or clip cards for all the Halloween vocab cards. You have three letters for each picture to circle or clip the beginning sound. Each page has 9 pictures for kids to work on the beginning sound.
Haunted House Size Sequencing
You have a haunted house in five different sizes. You can work on big to little and little to big. You can also have them compare two different haunted houses and say which is the bigger one and smaller one.
Sorting Kids & Candy
You have a fun cut and paste worksheet that has kids and candy for the sorting. You cut out the pictures and paste them to the correct side. A great visual sorting activity for Halloween.
Halloween Word Pocket Chart Wall Cards
You have pocket chart cards that match all the vocab words in the Halloween Pack. These are great for displaying on the wall. Or you can us them in writing centers.
Halloween Trace Beginning Sound
The Halloween trace beginning sound printable has tracing the first letter of each work for the vocab cards in the pack. You have the picture and then several of the letter to trace. These work great when you print on cardstock, laminate and cut into strips. Then you can focus on one word at a time.
Halloween Trace the Word
You have each of the Halloween vocab words for kids to trace. The word have guidelines to help kids with letter formation and these are great for working on handwriting. You can prepare these like the beginning sound tracing strips.

Halloween Write the Word
You have the same strips as those above with the Halloween vocab. But this time you have just the picture and a place for kids to write the Halloween vocab. You can use the pocket chart cards for kids to get help writing the correct words.
Supplies to use with the Halloween Math Mats
You have a set of numbers from 1 to 10 and 1 to 20 to use with the math mats. There is a set of ghosts and kids dressed up to use with the math mats.
Halloween with Questions about Kids Math Mats
You have an addition question and a subtraction question. You use the numbers in the equations on the page. Then solve for the answer. The pages help kids see a word problem with pictures to help solve the word problem.
Halloween Hands-on Math (Addition, Subtraction, Greater than/Less Than, Counting)
The Halloween Pack has several types of hands-on math pages. It has Addition, Subtraction, Greater than/Less Than, Counting. Plus there is also a word problem set in this series. You can see one of the addition page below. We used ghost erasers or you can use these acrylic ghosts. I recommend laminating the mat and the numbers to help them last longer. I also printed ours on white cardstock.

Halloween Cutting Practice
You have four different types of cutting lines for kids to cut. They each have a Halloween theme they are cutting to. These are kids work are working on cutting skills.
Halloween Word Matching with Tracing Words Worksheet
You have one side with a line of images from the vocab that match books. Then on the right side is words for kids to trace. After you trace the words you can match the Halloween picture to the word.
Halloween Picture Matching Worksheet
You have a Halloween picture matching pages. They have images on the right side and the left side. Kids are matching the pictures that are on the left hand side to the right hand side. This is a great way to work on visual matching of the same picture for kids.
Halloween Count & Color Worksheet
You can work on counting and coloring at the same time. You have Halloween themes to count and color the correct amount. You can use crayons or markers
on the page. We like to use crayons. If you are looking for more counting activities you can check out the Halloween 1 to 10 Set.

Halloween Find the Same Worksheet
You have a set Halloween pictures on the left hand side. And you are looking for the images that are the same size and direction. You are going to have some that are different heights, and some facing different directions. These are great for working on visual differences.
Jack-o-Lantern Color by Size Worksheet
The jack-o-lantern color by size worksheet has three sizes of pumpkins. You have a large, medium, and small. You have a color code on the stop left side of the paper. Kids color the pumpkins based on the size using the code.
Halloween Writing Pages
The Halloween writing pages has three different themes: Jack-O-lantern, ghost, and bat. You have a picture and the word for the picture. Then you have guidelines below for kids to write about the picture on the page. This can be simple sentences or complex depending on the age of the child.
Halloween Trace & Color
The Halloween trace and color has an uppercase and lowercase letter to color, a simple sentence to trace and a picture to color. You have the following pages: haunted house, witch and black cat.

Halloween colouring pages would also be great to use with this Halloween pack. You can use it with this pack for fine motor fun.
Color As You Read Story Pages
There are two color as you read the story pages. One goes with the following book: There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat! and The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything.
You have different parts of the story to color as you listen to the book.

Match Words and Scarecrow Parts Printable
You have the different parts of the scarecrow and then the sounds they made in the book The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. You can match the sounds they made with the pictures.
Color the Pattern: Tombstones and Jack-O-Lantern
You have two color the patterns worksheets. These are worksheet where kids can make up their own pattern or you could start a pattern for them to finish. You have six rows on each page to work on the patterns. You can do AB ABC patterns or with older kids try an ABCD pattern.
Fill in the Missing Pattern
You have three pattern on the page. Each of the rows is missing two parts of the pattern. You cut the missing parts below and paste them onto the correct place to finish the pattern. You have three pages of missing pattern worksheets to use with kids.
Halloween Word Small 8 page books
You have two eight page book to use with kids. They have a picture and then the word for the picture. There is a print version and a tracing version of the books. These match with vocab for the two different books.
You can see how to make the books here.

Halloween Follow the Line
You have a fun worksheet where you follow the lines to a picture. You pick a letter for each line. Then you trace the line to the picture. Then you answer the quest as to which letter line went to that picture.
Halloween Barrier Game Printable
This is a fun verb game you can play with kids. You have a mat and pictures that you can place on the mat to make a picture. You use two sets of this game. You use one set for making the picture, then you tell kids verbally where they should place the pictures on their mat. It is a great follow directions and learning different things like on the left side or right side.
Halloween Tot Pack
You are going to see the different part of the Halloween Tot Pack you can use with tot and preschool age kids.
Halloween Prewriting Printables Thick Lines
Another page that I love is the prewriting pages. These have big thick lines that help those just starting out with prewriting. But if they are not ready for prewriting, give them a hands-on item to place on the lines. There are loads of Halloween erasers that you can find. We got these are Target but you can find others here Halloween erasers. I like to think of this page as the page we will get to when they are ready.

Halloween Cutting Practice
You have very simple cutting strips that you can use with kids. They have a thick line for kids to cut. They can cut out the pictures and paste on a paper as well
Halloween 2 Piece Puzzle Printables
The Halloween Tot Pack has some pages and that simpler version of the older version but works great for younger kids. The 2 piece puzzles is an example of that. You can see similar pictures to the older but just two pieces. I recommend laminating these puzzles to help them last longer. You could also use these puzzles and cutting practice.

You can also do a Halloween playdough activity with the Halloween Tot Pack.
Jack-o-Lantern Small Color Book Printable
Another fun printable I love is the coloring book. Each of the books has 11 color words for kids to learn. They color the jack-o-lantern in many colors. The page order does not matter. I set this book up with all the matching color crayons.

Halloween Matching Cards
The Halloween matching cards are the same as if the main pack. You have different Halloween themes and kids match the cards that are the same.
Halloween 9 Pieces Puzzles
You have a haunted house nine piece puzzle. It has 3 x 3 pieces. You can print off one copy and have kids make the puzzle. Or print off 2 copies of the puzzle and have kids match the puzzle pieces.
What you will find in the Free Halloween Pack – contains over 110 pages:
(Part 1) Halloween Vocab Cards, Halloween Vocab 3 Part Cards, Halloween Which One Is Different, Halloween What Comes Next worksheet, Halloween Prewriting Practice, Old Lady, Bat and Wizard Pattern Cards, Haunted House, Jack-lantern, Moon Pattern Cards, Halloween Matching Cards, Halloween 4 Piece Puzzles, Halloween 10 Piece Puzzles (1 to 10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50), Halloween Clip & Count 1-15
(Part 2) Halloween Find Beginning Sound, Haunted House Size Sequencing, Sorting Kids & Candy, Halloween Word Pocket Chart Wall Cards, Halloween Words Write Beginning Sound, Halloween Trace the Word, Halloween Write the Word, Halloween with questions about Ghosts Math Mats, Halloween Hands-on Math (Addition, Subtraction, Greater than/Less Than, Counting)
(Part 3) Halloween Cutting Practice, Halloween Word Matching with Tracing Words Worksheet, Halloween Picture Matching Worksheet, Halloween Count & Color Worksheet, Halloween Find the Same Worksheet, Jack-o-Lantern Color by Size, Halloween Writing Pages (Jack-O-lantern, ghost, bat), Halloween Trace & Color, Color as you Read Story Pages, Match Words and Scarecrow
(Part 4) Grave Color the Pattern, Jack-o-Lantern Color the Pattern, Fill in the Missing Pattern, Halloween Word Small 8 page books, Halloween Follow the Line, Halloween Barrier Game

What you will find in the Free Halloween Pack – Contains 22 pages:
Halloween Solid Line Prewriting, Halloween Cutting Practice, Halloween 2 Piece Puzzles, Color the Jack-o-Lantern Small Book, Halloween Matching Cards, Halloween 9 Pieces Puzzles

You can also check out these other Halloween Packs
Halloween No-Prep Weekly Packs are an easy set of no-prep worksheets for kids to learn with. You will find have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade levels. They have 4 pages of printables for each day for five days.
Scarecrow No-Prep Weekly Packs are an easy set of no-prep worksheets for kids to learn with. These can be used with a general scarecrow themed or with The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams. It has Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade and Fourth Grade levels. They have 4 pages of printables for each day for five days.
Bat & Moon Activity Pack has prewriting, shapes, numbers and ABCs with easy reader book, clip cards, tracing strips and no-prep printables. These are all great and work together to make a fun learning pack.
The Bat & Spider Pack is a great theme for Halloween! It has a mix of activities that kids can do. You have tot, preschool and kindergarten printables and activities in the pack.
Check out all the fun Halloween Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –
Graphics purchased from N3rdyGirlDesigns, Melonheadz Illustrating and Doodles, and Scrapping Doodles
I just found this through Preschool Corner. Totally awesome, Cassie! You know I’ll be featuring this in my post on the 15th! 🙂
Thanks for finding me and for the upcoming feature. I can’t wait to see what you do!
This is a fantastic package. Thanks for sharing. I really like them. My wife is big into early learning and literacy. We have two small children of our own. We also have free printables on our site at Windy Pinwheel. Come check them out.
Thanks again.
I’ll see about looking at it.
I just featured your Halloween Pack in my monthly post at PreK + K Sharing with Montessori-Inspired Friendly Ghost Activities:
Thanks so much for the feature! I loved what you did! It is always so much fun to see what you do!
WOW! I love this pack! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Thank you so much!!!
AMAZING! Can’t wait to use! 😀
Great printables! I’m going to have to use a few next week. Thanks for linking up to The Sunday Showcase!
I was unable to download these files. I received a message saying the file was damaged and could not be repaired.
Please make sure you have the current adobe when downloading the file and also are click on the links and not the ad.
Thanks so much for sharing all of your work. And for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday. Have a great week.
Thanks for linking this up, Cassie! It’s part of my Halloween round up today.
Thanks for sharing in the After School Linky Party! You’ve been featured this week in a Roundup of Halloween Activities! Here’s the link
We don’t do halloween, but these are pretty cute!
We love this Halloween Pack!!
I have a question. I was downloading the free pack in four parts. I am looking for these three activities my four year old who would have fun with their challenge, but I can’t seem to find them. In the table of contents, they say their in the Part 3 download. Can you help me?
– Pumpkin Number Skip Counting by 3
– Pumpkin Missing ABC lower case
– Match words and Scarecrow
The Halloween Pack comes in four different download links on the download page. You will find the link for the download page after the Pack list.
Once at the download page, you are going to look for Halloween Pack part 3.
You can find information about the download links on the help page:
Then, you will download Halloween Pack Part 3. the scarecrow words and matching are the bottom of the page and match words from a book. They are not word matching the piece of clothes.
I have found the pumpkin pages. They are in the pumpkin pack. The pages were taken out of the Halloween pack.