Free Hanukkah ABC Tracing Strip Printables
Letter tracing strips work great for holiday handwriting centers for kids. And the Hanukkah ABC tracing strips are great for the eight nights of Hanukkah.
You can add the alphabet tracing strips to learning centers and have fun tracing letters. They have letters from A to Z for kids to trace.
These are fun addition for a Hanukkah learning center.

The Hanukkah ABC Tracing Strip Printable is a great addition to the Hanukkah Printables on the site.
The Hanukkah ABC Tracing Strip Printables is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the Hanukkah section on the subscriber freebie page.
I have loads of Hanukkah activities on the site and it would also work well with my Hanukkah Pack!
Hanukkah ABC Tracing Strip Printables
Below, you can see the uppercase and lowercase letters on the strip with the example and the ones to trace with the Hanukkah themes.
These are great for later PreK and Kindergarten. You can use just the letters you are looking for or the whole set. They are great for Hanukkah.
It is recommended that you print the letter tracing strips on cardstock and laminating them.
You can see an example of the tracing strips below. You can see the uppercase and lowercase letters on the strip with the example and the ones to trace with the dreidel, menorah, and gift.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
Things to use with the Hanukkah ABC Tracing Strips Printable
- printer
- white cardstock
- laminator – this is similar to what I use and love!
- laminating pouches
- dry erase markers
- rings
- dreidels
- paper cutter
Ways to Use the Hanukkah ABC Tracing Strips Printable
You will see a few ways to use the Hanukkah ABC letter tracing strips.
Laminating the Hanukkah ABC Tracing Strips
You can print the Hanukkah alphabet tracing strips on cardstock and laminating. You can see below that we printed on stardust cardstock and the laminate the cards. You can also print, cut and then laminate the cards. You can do which works best for you.
We love using a paper cutter to cut out the letter tracing strips.

Storing the Hanukkah ABC Tracing Strips
After we got the tracing strips lmainate and cut out we put them on a 1 inch ring. This is great for store or keeping sets of letters together.

Setting up a Hanukkah ABC Letter Tracing Centers
You can make letter tracing centers for kids. You can use all 26 letters of the alphabet in the center or use just a few of the letters.
You can use one letter at a time and add strips as you go. Or use them in different tracing center ideas.
Some letter handwriting center ideas are:
– Letters of their name
– Sight words
– CVC words
– Vocab
– Letter of the Day
– Letter from Hanukkah themes like dreidel, menorah, gifts or presents, candles, and more

Tracing the Letters
You can have fun tracing the letters and it is fun to use different colors on dry erase markers on the tracing strips. You can see we used blue.

If you have issues getting the marker off the tracing strip you can use a dry erase cleaner to get it off.
Trace Letters with a Dreidel
A fun idea for these tracing strips since it is for Hanukkah, is to use a dreidel to trace the letters.
Kids can hold on the top and use the point to trace the letters. Plus it is great for fine motor skills as well.

More Hanukkah ABC Printables
If you are looking for more Hanukkah ABC printables then check out the Hanukkah ABC letter Find Printable. It has uppercase or lowercase tracing with finding the letters on the dreidels.

What you will find the Hanukkah ABC Find Printable
Uppercase and lowercase themed ABC finds for kids to work on their letters. You can trace the letter then dot or color the dreidels.

What you will find in the Hanukkah ABC Letter Find Printable<:
- All 26 letters in Uppercase and lowercase options
- Tracing section for each letter
- Several letters to dot on the dreidels
- $3.50 for all 52 pages of printables
If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.
What you will find in the Free Hanukkah ABC Tracing Strip Printable
- All 26 Letters
- Hanukkah Themes: Dreidel, Menorah and Gift
- Uppercase and lowercase tracing together
- Example of how you trace each letter
- Spot to put strips on a ring
- 10 pages of printables

ABC Tracing Strips Set
You have great tracing strips with loads of tracing options with letters together and apart. There is also abc tracing options with letters or pictures of beginning sounds.

What you will find in the ABC Tracing Strips Set
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Letter Guide Example
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Letter Guide Example
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Trace in Bubble Example
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Trace in Bubble Example
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Letters
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Letters
- Alphabet Picture Words Tracing with Bubble Words with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Picture Words Tracing with Words with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Letter Writing with with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase Writing with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Lowercase Writing with Picture of Letter
- 227 pages
- Price: $4.50
Check out these other Hanukkah ABC Printables
Hanukkah no-Prep Weekly Packs has 6 grade levels with prek, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade. You have five days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You have a mix of math and language activities in each of the packs.
Hanukkah ABC Letter Find is a great way to work on ABCs. You have tracing letters and finding letters on the dreidel.
Hanukkah Spin and Trace ABCs: Print & Cursive is a fun way to work on ABCs during Hanukkah.
Check out all the fun Hanukkah Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –