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Free Hanukkah Number Tracing Strip Printables

The Hanukkah is a great holiday theme for kids. And these are perfect to use in a number handwriting center. You have Hanukkah items on these number tracing strips.

The free Hanukkah number tracing strips are a great way to work tracing the numerical number.

You can add number tracing to learning centers and have fun tracing numbers. They have numbers from 0 to 20 for kids to trace.

Free Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips - with numbers 0 to 20. You can trace the numbers and an example of how to trace the numbers on the strips, plus Hanukkah items on each tracing strip. - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Hanukkah Number Tracing Strip Printables is a great addition to the Hanukkah Printables on the site.

The Hanukkah Number Tracing Strip Printable is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the Hanukkah or number section on the subscriber freebie page.

Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips

These fun Hanukkah tracing strips are a great way to work on handwriting with numbers.

The Hanukkah number tracing strips are great for later PreK and Kindergarten. You can use just the numbers you are looking for or the whole set. They are great for all eight nights of Hanukkah.

It is recommended that you print the Hanukkah number tracing printables on cardstock and laminate them.

You can see an example of the Hanukkah number tracing strips below. You can see the number on the strip with the example and the ones to trace with the Hanukkah.

Free Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips - with numbers 0 to 20. You can trace the numbers and an example of how to trace the numbers on the strips, plus Hanukkah items on each tracing strip. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways to Use the Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips Printable

You will see a few ways to use the Hanukkah number tracings strips below. This also includes how to prepare and store them.

Laminate the Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips

You can laminate the Hanukkah number tracing strips. I really do recommend doing it. You can cut the tracing strips out and then laminate the Hanukkah number tracing strips or laminate and then cut.

You can see we laminate and then cut out the number tracing strips.

Free Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips - with numbers 0 to 20. You can trace the numbers and an example of how to trace the numbers on the strips, plus Hanukkah items on each tracing strip. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Store the Hanukkah Number Tracings Strips on Rings

One you have the Hanukkah number tracing strips laminate you can punch a hole the corner and put them on a ring.

You can put all the numbers together or in different number combinations like 0 to 10 and 11 to 20. You can do which works best for you.

Free Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips - with numbers 0 to 20. You can trace the numbers and an example of how to trace the numbers on the strips, plus Hanukkah items on each tracing strip. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Using Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips in A Number Center

You can see a simple set up below for the Hanukkah number tracing strips. You have the numbers you are working on a ring.

Then you have dry erase marker for tracing the numbers.

Free Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips - with numbers 0 to 20. You can trace the numbers and an example of how to trace the numbers on the strips, plus Hanukkah items on each tracing strip. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Trace the Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips

You use the marker to trace the numbers. You can also trace the example on under the Hanukkah picture.

Free Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips - with numbers 0 to 20. You can trace the numbers and an example of how to trace the numbers on the strips, plus Hanukkah items on each tracing strip. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Trace the Numbers with a Dreidel

Since this is for Hanukkah you can use a dreidel to trace the numbers. You have kids hold the top of the dreidel and use the point for tracing the letters. A fun change up for the holiday.

Free Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips - with numbers 0 to 20. You can trace the numbers and an example of how to trace the numbers on the strips, plus Hanukkah items on each tracing strip. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Looking for More Hanukkah Number Printables

If you are looking for more Hanukkah Number printables check out the Hanukkah Number Find. it has numbers from 0 to 20 with tracing and find for numerical number and number word.

Hanukkah Number Find Printable with numerical find and number word find with tracing for the numbers and then finding he numbers with 43 pages of printables with numbers from 0 to 20. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Looking for more Number Tracing Strips?

If you are looking for more options of number tracing strips, then check out the Number Tracing Strips Selling Set! It has numbers 0 to 20 with 9 different types and 6 of them come with bear pictures and number digit options! There are more ways to work on number writing formation.

Number 0 to 20 Tracing Strips Selling Set - with 9 options for tracing sets for number words and number digits with two image options - 3Dinosaurs.com

Hanukkah Number Find Printable

A number find for Hanukkah with numbers 0 to 20 with tracing number and then finding the numbers on the dreidels.

Hanukkah Number Find Printable with numerical find and number word find with tracing for the numbers and then finding he numbers with 43 pages of printables with numbers from 0 to 20. - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Hanukkah Number Find Printable

  • Number 0 to 20 in digit and word options
  • Tracing section for each number
  • Several numbers to dot on the dreidel
  • 43 pages
  • Price: $3.50

If you want to check out a free sample of this, you can go here to check out a sample of the pages.

What you will find in the Free Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips:

  • Numbers from 1 to 20 plus 0
  • Hanukkah Theme
  • Tracing Number Digit
  • Example of how you trace each letter
  • Spot to put strips on a ring
  • 8 pages of printables

Free Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips - with numbers 0 to 20. You can tracing the numbers and an example of how to trace the numbers on the strips, plus Hanukkah items on each tracing strip. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Number 0 to 20 Tracing Strips Selling Set

This is a fun selling set with 16 different tracing strips options. You have number digit and number words. You will find them together and separate. With different picture options.

Number 0 to 20 Tracing Strips Selling Set - with 9 options for tracing sets for number words and number digits with two image options - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Number 0 to 20 Tracing Strips Selling Set

  • Number 1 to 20 tracing with Number tracing with Number guide example
  • Number Tracing with Trace in Bubble Example
  • Number 1 to 20 tracing with Number Picture
  • Number 1 to 20 Tracing with Bear Pictures
  • Number 1 to 20 Trace and Write with Number Picture
  • Number 1 to 20 Trace and Write with Bear Pictures
  • Number 1 t0 20 Bubble Number Tracing with Number Picture
  • Number 1 to 20 Bubble Number Tracing with Bear Pictures
  • Number 1 to 20 Number and Number Word tracing with Number Picture
  • Number 1 to 20 Number and Number Word tracing with Bear Pictures
  • Number 1 to 20 Number Word Bubble Tracing with Number Picture
  • Number 1 to 20 Number Word Bubble Tracing with Bear Pictures
  • Number 1 to 20 Number Word Tracing Number Picture
  • Number 1 to 20 Number Word Tracing Bear Picture
  • Number 1 to 20 Writing Strips with Number Picture
  • Number 1 to 20 Writing Strips with Bear Picture
  • 114 pages of Printales
  • Price: $3

Check out these other Hanukkah Number Printables

Hanukkah Ten Frame Cards works on numbers from 1 to 10 with fun cards to help with counting and math. You have filled in and blank ten frames to use with kids.

Hanukkah Number Color and Trace is a great way to work on numbers 0 to 20 with a Hanukkah theme. You have tracing numbers and writing number options.

Hanukkah Counting Candle Book is a fun counting to 8 themed book. This is a great Hanukkah printables for PreK and kindergarten.

Dreidel Number Dot Marker & Counting has numbers 0 to 20 numbers for kids to count and dot numbers.

Check out all the fun Hanukkah Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Hanukkah Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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