Free Ladybug Prewriting Strip Printables With Thick Dashed Prewriting Lines
Ladybugs are a great spring theme, and here are some fun ladybug prewriting strips for beginner writers.
You have thick lines for working on tracing the prewriting. It is a great way for kids to work on tracing lines but having a bigger line to trace makes it easier for kids learning to trace.
The Free Ladybug Prewriting Strip Printables are great for a fine motor prewriting center in the summer and spring.
The Ladybug Prewriting Strip Printables is a part of the 20 Free Printables for May.
This is an excellent addition to the prewriting printables and bug printables on the site.
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So what is pre-writing?
Pre-writing is the skill to build to work up to writing letters and other types of writing. It also teaches the direction that we read.
You can start many of those skills with fine motor activities with playdough and other small motor movements. But many of those skills are working up to prewriting with lines and then working on more fine motor skills that help improve writing and reading later in life.
Ladybug Prewriting Strip Printables
You have ten ladybug prewriting strips to use with kids. Each prewriting strip has a different line for kids to trace.
Each prewriting line is thick dashed lines that are great for beginners.

Things to use with the Ladybug Prewriting Strip Printables
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
Ways to Use the Ladybug Prewriting Strip Printables
You will see a few ways to use these ladybug prewriting strips. And remember, it is about making prewriting fun for kids.
Laminating the Ladybug Prewriting Strip Printables
You can print the ladybug prewriting strips on cardstock and laminate them. Laminating them makes it easier to reuse them over and over.

Setting Up a Prewriting Tracing Center
If you don’t want to cut up the pages you can still laminate them and use them as a page that kids can trace over and over.
You can see the four strips that come on each page before they are cut out for using in on rings.
You could also just put the pages in sheet protectors and avoid the laminating part. Remember do what works best for who you are working on prewriting with.

Put the Ladybug Tracing Strips on a Ring
After you laminated the prewriting strips, you can use a hole punch and put the prewriting strips on a ring.
This is a great way to store the strips for a fine motor center.

Setting up a Ladybug Prewriting Center
You can see a simple set up below for the prewriting strips for kids. We have the fine dry erase marker but you can use the bigger dry erase marker if you want.
Use the dry erase marker that works best for the kids you are using the strips with.

Tracing the Ladybug Prewriting Strips
You can see how simple it is to trace each of the lines. The best part about have the tracing strips on a ring or give them one strip at a time is that they don’t get overwhelmed with other lines they are going to trace.
A fun way to focus on one line at a time for kids in kindergarten and prek. You can talk about the different types of lines they are tracing the angled lines and straight lines and the curved lines.

Cleaning Off Ladybug Prewriting Strips
You can extra prewriting activity by having kids use a cotton ball and clothes pin to clean off the prewriting strips.
This idea for the prewriting center gives them another way to work on tracing without them knowing it.

Use Playdough on the Ladybug Prewriting Strips
Yes I know, you can use the prewriting strips for fine motor work. You can make playdough snakes and have the snakes match the line on the strip.
A fun fine motor activity center for kids in preschool and kindergarten.

Use Red Glass Gems on the Ladybug Prewriting Strips
Now you can also line each of the lines with small items. This is a great way to use the prewriting lines for kids that are not ready for writing.
The red glass gems work perfect for this. They let you cover the line and you can still see the line under the gems..

What you will find in the Free Ladybug Prewriting Strip Printables
- 10 prewriting strip printables
- Each prewriting strip has a different thick dashed line for kids to trace
- 3 pages
More Bug Fine Motor Activities for Kids
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Spider Prewriting Tracing Strips has a fun spider and spider web for the tracing. These are fun vertical prewriting strips to trace the web to the spider or the spider to the web. You have 8 prewriting strips. These are great prewriting printables for kids in preschool and prek.
Ladybug Fine Motor Mat Printables has 5 fine motor mats with a mix of tracing, templates, and dot markers with a ladybug theme.
Check out all the fun Bug & Insect Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –