Free Leaves Activities Pack for Tot, Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, & First Grade
A great Free Leaves Printable Pack for Tot, Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, and First Grade.
You will find leaf hands-on activities, leave-worksheets, and more in this fall-themed printable pack.
You can see information on a lot of the pages in the pack. The free Leaves pack has over 110 pages of free printables to use with kids.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
The leaves printable pack is a great addition to the fall leaf printables on the site.
This free fall leaf printable pack is full of activities for Tot, Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten, and First Grade.
The Leaves Tot Pack has a few activities for 2 to 5.
These two leaf packs have over 110 pages of free printables with a leaf theme.
The Leave Activity pack has a lot more reading and math activities for ages 6-8. This was made to go with the book Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert. There are over 70 pages of free leaf activities and worksheets plus a 40 page leaf tot pack.
If you are looking for No-Prep Leaf Packs you can check out the No-Prep and Hands-On Leaf Weekly Packs. They have 5 days of printables and 4 pages for each day. You have PreK, Kindergarten. First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade options.
Things to use with the Leaf Pack Printables
I get asked about the items and books we use with the leave printable pack. These are some of the items and books we used with the free leaves activity pack.
- printer
- white copy paper
- white cardstock
- pencil
- crayons
- pencil grips – For Beginner Writers
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- clear glass gems
- glue stick
- dot marker
- abc stamps
- Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf
- Why Do Leaves Change Color? (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)
- Leaves
- Leaf Man
- Fall Leaves
- acrylic leaves
Learn more about the Leaves Activity Pack for Prek & Kindergarten
You are going to see more details about each of the different leaf printables activities in the pack. Each page has directions below on how to use the pages.
Leaf Which One Is Different Worksheet
You have a fun no-prep worksheet for kids to pick out which of the pictures is different. This is a great visual leaves prek and kindergarten worksheet for kids.
It lets you look at the left that might be facing a different way or a different color.

Leaf What Comes Next? Printable
The What comes next is a great worksheet for kindergarten or prek. You can look at the pattern and find what would come next in the pattern and cut and paste it on the correct page. This is a simple leaf pattern worksheet for kids.
Leaf PreK Prewriting Practice Worksheet
You have a fun prewriting page with four different lines for kids to trace. You can use this as a kindergarten prewriting worksheet or a later prek worksheet.
You can see that we put this prewriting worksheet in a sheet protector and use a dry erase marker to trace the lines. This allows you to reuse the worksheet.

Leaf Pattern Cards for ABC Patterns Printable
You have a set of three leaf cards to make patterns. You can see the example of the three cards below. And you can make the patterns you want. You could start with AB patterns and then work toward ABC patterns.
You can label the leaf cards on the back with letters if that helps. I recommend printing two or three sets of the pattern cards to have extra to make lots of patterns.

Leaf Matching Cards Printable
You have nine leaf matching cards. You can print both pages and then cut both out and match the cards.
You could also keep one of the pages together and then match the cards to the same one of the single page of pictures.
Leaf Size Sorting Printable
You have a set of leaves that come in small medium and large. Each of the leaves matches up to the size sorting mat. You can sort a few of the leaves or all of the leaves. It is a great way to see leaves are the same size.
You could also turn this into a matching match where you match the same size leaves. Plus this is a great free leaf sorting activity.
4 Piece Leaf Puzzles Printable
You have several leaf puzzles with four pieces. The puzzle are a great way to match and build a picture.
You have similar leaves but in different colors for kids to match

Leaf 10 Piece Puzzle Skip Counting by 5s Printable
You have a single ten piece puzzle that has skip counting by 5. It is a veritcal puzzle with the number starting at five on the bottom and working to 50 at the top.
Leaf 10 Piece Puzzle Skip Counting by 10s Printable
You have a great fall theme with leaves and kids. The puzzle has 10 pieces and skip countings from 10 to 100. You can print the puzzle twice if you start just starting out or just have them put the puzzle together.

Fill in the Missing Fall Words Worksheet
You have a great worksheet to work on filling in the missing words. There are several leaf themed sentences for kids to read and find the correct word. You can see the page below. There is a sheet with the correct words for helping out.

Writing: Leaves Worksheet
You have a fun writing prompt page for leaves. Kids can write a sentence about leaves. This is a fun creative leaf writing worksheet that you can use during the fall.
Color & Trace Leaves Coloring Printable
The leave color and trace has a big letter Ll to color. Then you have a simple sentence to trace that says L is for leaves. You have three leaves to color on the leaf coloring worksheet. This is a great kindergarten and preschool leaf worksheet.

Ll Letter Find Printable
You have a very simple letter find for kids. You have several uppercase and lowercase Letter l to find on the page. You can see we used dot markers to dot the page. You have an exmaple of the letters at the top of the page with a leaf. Then the letters below to find. This is a great no-prep letter find worksheet.

Ll Handwriting Tracing
You can working writing uppercase and lowercase letter L. It has a row for each letter case to trace. The third row of letter tracing has the uppercase letter L and lowecase letter l together to trace. This is a great handwriting worksheet for kindergarten age kids.
Leaf Sentence Writing
You have a sentence about leaves to read, then trace and finally write the sentence. You have three leaf sentences on each page. You have two pages of leaf sentence writing printables.
Leaf Statement Writing
This writing page is great for first grade and second grade for kids to fix what is wrong with the sentence. You have five sentences to fix on this leaf writing worksheet.
Leaf: Read, Write & Stamp
You have two leaf word worksheets for the read write and stamp. Each page has three words on them. You have leaf, leaves, orange, yellow, green, and brown. You can see one of the pages below.
We used markers and ABC stamps on the page.

Leaf Writing Paper Printable
You have two pages of leaf shape writing pager. The first leaf writing paper has guidelines on the leaf. The second leaf writing paper has single line paper. This is a great way to work on writing during the fall.

Leaf Cutting Practice Printable
You have four cutting practice lines for kids. Each of the cutting lines to the leaves are different. This allows you to work on your cutting skills in a fall leaf theme.
Sorting Leaves vs Not leaves Printable
You have 10 items to sort. There are five leaves and five items that are not leaves. You cut and paste the leaves or not leaves on the correct side. This leaf worksheet is a great way to work on seeing things that are similar and different.
Leaf Color by Size Worksheet Printable
You have a maple leaf in three sizes for kids to color. You color the big leaf orange, the medium leaf red and the small leaf yellow.
You can use lots of items to color the leaves, but dot marker are also fun to color the leaves.

Leaf Color by Size Math Worksheet Printable
Now, if you have an older student in kindergarten or first grade you can use the coloring by size page and fill out the leaf worksheet. This is a simple way to count how many of each leaf size and then record the answers.

Count and Color Numbers 1 to 5 Worksheet Printable
You have a row of leaves and each row tells you how many leaves the color and what color the leaves are. This is a great kindergarten leaves worksheet.
Addition & Subtraction with Leaves
You have a smiple worksheet with mixed addition and subtraction. You have a number and leaves for use with the equation. This is a great way to work on mixed math and have fun with counting as well.
Each worksheet has a mixed of the type of math.

Addition Leaves Worksheet Printable
You have two sets of leaves to do some addition. You count each leaf and then put into the equation below. Then slove the equation. It is a simple kindergarten math worksheet for a fall theme.

Subtraction Leaves Worksheet
You have two sets of leaves to work on subtraction. This leaf math worksheet is similar to the addition worksheet. You use the two sets of leaves to make the equation and then solve the subtraction.
Leaf Math Mat Leaves and Numbers Printables
You have a mix of leaves and numbers that you can use with the leaf mat mats. Each of them can be used in the four types of leaf mats.
If you don’t want to cut out leaves you can use a leaf punch to make leaves.
Leaf Counting Mat Printable
You can work on counting from 0 to 20 with this leaf mat. It is a simple way to work on pulling a number and then counting out leaves to match the number.
Leaf Addition Mat Printable
You can work on addition with this hands-on leaf addition mat. You can pick out the numbers and then add up to 20 with the mat. You can use two sets of 1 to 10 for each number pile.
Then make the leaves match the numbers and answer the equation.

Leaf Subtraction Mat Printable
The leaf subtraction mat works just like the addition mat. You do want to make sure that you use the bitter number on the left side of the equation and the smaller number on the right side of the minus sign. Then you solve the euqation with help from the leaves.
Leaf Greater Than/Less Than Mat Printable
You have a leaf math mat where you can use the leaves and the numbers to compare is they are great than, less than or the same. You can pull out the number and the count the leaves to match and the compare the numbers and then put the correct symbol in the middle of the numbers.
Roll & Count Leaves Printable
You have a leaf themed 6-sided Die printable to use with the graphing pages. You have a 1-5 graphing worksheet and a 1-10 graphing worksheet. You can use the die with both graphing activities.
Roll & Count Leaves Questions Math Worksheet
After you have done the roll and count printable you can use that worksheet to fill out the Math question worksheet. You have comparing numbers and adding numbers for each of the items on the dice. And using a new graph each time makes the math different every time. This is a great kindergarten and first grade leaf math worksheet.
Fill in the Missing Number Skip Counting by 2 Worksheet
You have a fun worksheet with different starting points for counting by 2. Each of the row of numbers skip counts by 2 and you fill in the missing numbers on each row. This is a great skip counting by 2 worksheet for kids in first and second grade.

Count & Graph Leaves Worksheet Printable
This leaf theme worksheet comes in two options. You have color the graph and another version where you trace the numbers on the graph. You can use which of these leaf graphing activities that work best for you child.
This is a great worksheet for kindergarten and a review for first grade.
Fill in the Missing Numbers 1-100 Worksheet Printable
You have a 100 chart with missing numbers. This is a great worksheet for first grade and second grade. You can work on filling in all the numbers that are missing.
Fill in the Missing Numbers 101-200 Worksheet Printable
There is also a second chart that has numbers missing from 101 to 200 for kids to fill in. This a number worksheet that is great for kids that need more of a challenge and are working bigger numbers.
Coloring By Addition Leaves Worksheet Printable
This coloring addition worksheet works on adding up to 9, 10, 11, and 12 numbers. YOu have an equation to solve and then you color the leaf base on the answer. It is great addition review for first grade kids and a fun learning tool for kids that are more advanced in kindergarten.
Coloring by Subtraction Leaves Worksheet Printable
This is another great math worksheet for kids in first grade. You can work on subtracting to numbers where the answers are 4, 5, 6, and 7. You can work on subtraction numbers from 14 on down. This is a great way to see how well kids know their subtraction facts.
Coloring Even & Odd Leaves Worksheet Printable
You can work on coloring even and odd numbers with this worksheet. Each of the leaves has a number for you to color. You can work on even numbers ending with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and odd numbers ending with 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. This is a great learning tool for first grade and a review for second grade.
Color in the Leaf Pattern Printable
You have two pattern worksheets for kids to work on coloring patterns. You can leave the pattern blank and tell them the pattern when they start, or color the start of the pattern for them to finish. This is a great way to work on AB and ABC pattern with kids.
Fill in the Missing Pattern Worksheet
You have a fun pattern worksheets that has some of the pattern missing. And you need to find the correct pictures to fill in that missing pattern. This pattern worksheet is great for kids who are working on patterns and need a challenge. This is a great leaf worksheet for kindergarten.
Color the Correct Answer
You have fun read the sentence and color the answer for size worksheet. You have three sizes and a sentence to read to see what color and size of leaf you are coloring. This is a great worksheet to do with a learning center or one on one.
CVC Word Family sort: -it, -at, -ut
You have three CVC word families to sort. You have -it word family, -at word family and -ut word family. You have several words for each CVC ending on leaves. Then you sort them ot the correct word family pile.

CVCC Word Family Sort – all, -ell, -ill
You have three CVCC word familes to sort. You have an -all word family, -ell word family, and -ill word family. You have several words for each CVCC ending on the leaves. You can read the words and then sort the leaves to the correct pile.
Learn more about the Leaves Tot Pack for Tot and Preschool
You are going to see some information about all the pages in the Leaves Tot Pack. There are several fun pages for kids to use.
Also remember as you progress out of the tot pack you can work in pages for the kindergarten and prek pack.
Leaf Solid Line Prewriting & Leaf Dashed Line Prewriting
You have two types of prewriting lines for the leaf tot pack. It has a thick line to trace and a thin line to trace. You can use the version that works best for your child. There are three lines on each page to trace. And the lines are the same lines.

Leaf Which One is Different Tot Printables
You have a great which one is different worksheet for preschool age kids. You have three images on each row and one of the images is different. You have them circle the image that is different.
If you want to reuse this page then have them use an object to cover the picture that is different. This is a great size center activity for kids.
Circle the Small Leaves Worksheet Printable
You have a fun size worksheet to use with kids. You have kids circle the small leaves on the worksheet. This is a great way to work on learning the difference in size for kids.

2 Piece Leaves Puzzles Printables
You have several leaf two piece puzzles. This is a great matching activity for them. You make sure you match each leaf side correctly.

Color the Leaf Small Book Printable
This color the leaf easy reader book is a great way to work on colors of leaves. Each page has a single leaf for kids to color to match the sentence. The color word is in color to help kids learn color words.

Leaf in Shape Small Book Printables
You have a book where a leaf is in a shape. Each page of the book has a different shape. You can leave shape names with this simple easy reader book.
12 Leaf Themed Match Cards Printables
There are 12 leaf matching cards. You print two copies of the page and make a simple matching game.
You can also leave one matching card set together and have them match the cards to the page.
Leaves Two 9 Piece Puzzle Printables
There are two nice piece puzzles in the leaves tot pack. You want to print these on cardstock for kids to make the puzzle.
If they have a hard time with these types of puzzles then print the puzzle twice and use one left together as a template for the puzzle. Then they can match the puzzle pieces.

Fall Leaves Single Page Matching Worksheet Printables
You have a great matching worksheet. This is a simple worksheet so you don’t have a lot of clutter on the page. You can match the four pictures on the page. You can use a marker to do this.
If you want to make this a hands-on activity you could tape yarn on the page and have them point the string at the matching picture.

Roll & Count Die & 1-5 Graphing Worksheet
The leaf tot pack also has the roll and graph die and a graphing worksheet from 1 to 5. This is a great way to work on counting and matching the picture on the die at the same time. You roll the die until one column reaches the top. Or you could have them roll until all the columns reach the top.
Shape Tracing Worksheet with Thin or Dashed Lines Printable
You have two shape tracing pagers. The first one shape tracing page has thin lines for the shape, and the second one has thick lines for the shape tracing.
You can trace these pages with a pencil or a marker. If you want to reuse the page you can put it in a sheet protector and use a dry eraser marker for the tracing. You can see how we did that below.

Letter L Sorting Uppercase & Lowercase Printable
You have a set of leaves with an Uppercase L and lowercase l. You can work on sorting the letters on the letter sorting sheet. You have six of each letter to sort. It is best to print this activity on cardstock and have them sort the letters.
You could also make this letter sorting activity a cut and paste activity for them to cut out the leaves and paste it on the page. You can use it how it works best for your preschooler or tot age child.

Dot the Letter L Worksheet
You have an uppercase L to do and then the word leaf to trace. You can see a yellow leaf at the bottom. This is a fun letter L worksheet for preschool kids.

Leaf Lacing Cards
You have two different leave lacing cards. These cards are great for kids to work on fine motor skills. You can print them on cardstock and laminate them. Then use a hole punch to punch out the lacing area. Super easy to do and fun fine motor for kids.
What you will find in the Leaves Pack contains over 70 pages for PreK, Kindergarten, and First Grade:
(Part 1) Leaf Which One Is Different Worksheet, Leaf What Comes Next?, Leaf Themed PreK Prewriting Practice Worksheet, Leaf Pattern Cards for ABC Patterns, Leaf Matching Cards, Leaf Size Sorting (Small, Medium, & Large), 4 Piece Leaf Puzzles, 10 Piece Puzzles Skip Counting by 10s & Skip Counting by 5s, Fill in the Missing Fall Words, Writing: Leaves, Color & Trace Leaves, Find the Ll’s, Ll Tracing, Leaf Sentence Writing, Leaf Statement Writing, Leaf: Read, Write & Stamp, Leaf Writing paper
(Part 2) Cutting Practice, Sorting Leaves vs Not leaves, Leaf Color by Size, Leaf Color by Size Math Worksheet, Count and Color Numbers 1 to 6, Addition & Subtraction with Leaves, Addition Leaves Worksheet, Subtraction Leaves Worksheet, Hands-on Leaf Themed Math Mats (Addition Mat, Subtraction Mat, Greater than/Less Than Mat, Counting Mat), Roll & Count Leaves: 6-sided Die, 1-5 Graphing & 1-10 Graphing, Roll & Count Leaves Questions, Fill in the Missing Number Skip Counting by 2, Count & Graph Leaves Worksheet, Fill in the Missing Numbers 1-100 Worksheet, Fill in the Missing Numbers 101-200, Coloring By Addition Leaves Worksheet, Coloring by Subtraction Leaves Worksheet, Coloring Even & Odd Leaves Worksheet
(Part 3) Color in the Leaf Pattern, Leaf Fill in the pattern Worksheet, Color the Correct Answer, Leaf Word Family sort: -it, -at, -ut, and Word Family Sort – all, -ell, -ill
What you will find in the Leaves Tot Pack contains 40 pages for Tot and Preschool:
Solid Line Prewriting, Dashed Line Prewriting, Which One is Different, Circle the Small Leaves Worksheet, 2 Piece Leaves Puzzles, Color the Leaf Small Book, Leaf in Shape Small Book, 12 Leaf Themed Match Cards, Two 9 Piece Puzzle, Single Page Matching Worksheet, Roll & Count Die & 1-5 Graphing Worksheet, Shape Tracing Worksheet with Thin or Dashed Lines, Letter L Sorting Uppercase & Lowercase, Dot the Letter L Worksheet, and Leaf Lacing Cards
Check out these Other Leave Printables for kids
No-Prep & Hands-On Leaf Themed Weekly Packs has great no-prep and matching hands-on activities for prek, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.
Leaf Activity Pack: Prewriting Shapes, ABCs & Numbers is a great fall printable set that has clip cards, no-prep printable, tracing strips and easy reader books.
Leaves Sight Word Find: Preprimer is a great word find with all 40 of the Dolch Preprimer words.
Fall Leaves Matching ABC Cut & Paste has all 26 letters of the alphabet for kids to work on matching uppercase and lowercase.
Scarecrow Adding Doubles Mini Set works on adding two of the same number together for numbers 1 to 10 with matching cards, no-prep mats and hands-on mat.
Check out all the fun Fall & Leaves Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –
Graphics by Melonheadz Illustrating and Doodles.
I love this pack! I really like that you put an index at the beginning of every part too — I don’t know how many times I’ve wanted a particular activity and had to go through every part because I couldn’t remember what part the page was in 🙂 The leaves are just beginning to blow around and turn color (as much as they can in SoCal) and my kids are endlessly fascinated by them. They will be ecstatic that they get to have a leaf unit!
Thank you, thank you, thank you and God bless you.
Just a note: Part 1, page 27 – September is misspelled
Every pack I have updated or made new I have (part 1) with all the pages in the pack now I’m trying ti update old packs pages when I can. the Index takes a bit of time to put together.
Typo fixed.
LOVE your packs! They are what I primarily use for preschool with my nephew. I noticed what appears to be two errors, one on page 25 (it says native American boy in the rectangle (or some shape! lol) and it is a leaf, there are two like that on that page. Also, on page 37, I think you meant to put and upper and lower case “L” for sorting the letters on page 38, and it is both upper case “L”s. I don’t mean it as nitpicky, just trying to help out!
I’m sorry I didn’t clarify what pack I meant. It’s the TOT pack.
All fixed. 🙂 Sorry I missed it.
Thanks so much for another fabulous pack, Cassie! I love that you included activities for ages 2-8. I featured your pack as the Free Printable of the Day at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and on Pinterest. 🙂
I have a wide range of ages at home. So I want fun things for them 🙂
Just found your blog/website! Love! But when I clicked to download Part 1 of the Leaves Pack, it redirects me to a welcome page. :/
Please read over the PDF help page. It will give you tips when you have problems. My first suggestion would be to update your adobe.
Thank you for these wonderful packs! I like all of the older child sheets you put in here! Love the math and the word family activities! You are such a blessing! THANK YOU!!!
I”m trying when I do a few of these to put more older sheets in. I have a lot of preschool and kinder stuff in some of the older packs already. 🙂
Cassie, thank you so much for another wonderful pack. The kids love your packs and this one will be another hit as we just read the book today. Also thank you so so much for the index…i was having trouble figuring out how to use some of the printables and this helped so much. Thanks for all the hard work!
Thanks so much for all your wonderful freebies that I saw on Manic Monday freebies.
LMN Tree
I found you through the Manic Monday Linky! I love your packet! Thanks for sharing! I have a number puzzle freebie that you get free on my blog. Here’s the
This is a super cute fall themed leaf pack. Thank you for sharing your and you for linking up this week to the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop 🙂
I will be featuring this and your other fall/Halloween themed packs on The Sunday Showcase this weekend. Thanks for linking up!