Free Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words Printable
Rhyming words can be so hard to teach. But having fun printables to help with rhyming can help make it easier. The Mittens Rhyming Matching for CVC Words is a great learning center for rhyming words.
You can match the rhyming pictures that have the same ending with a mix of short a, short e, short i, short o and short u words.
This rhyming activity is a great winter learning to read center for kids in kindergarten and a fun review for first grade.
The Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words is a part of the 20 Free Printables for January.
The Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words Printable is a great addition to the rhyming printables and CVC printables on the site.
The Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words Printable is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the CVC or winter section on the subscriber freebie page.
What are Rhyming Words?
A rhyming word is a repetition of similar sounds.
So rhyming words are words that have the same ending sound. So you will find words like cat and bat rhyming. But you can also find that cheese and peas also rhyme.
What are CVC words?
CVC words are words that have a consonant vowel consonant pattern. They have easy to sound out consonants with a short vowel sound in the middle.
Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words Printable
The mitten rhyming matching cards have pictures of CVC words. You have 12 pairs of rhyming pictures on the mittens.
Each of the pictures on the mittens is in black and white.
This is a great way to work on the middle vowel and ending sounds for CVC words.

CVC Rhyming Words
The CVC Rhyming Mittens are:
– wag and bag
– bat and cat
– map and nap
– hen and pen
– bed and fed
– bin and fin
– pig and wig
– cot and dot
– cop and mop
– log and fog
– nut and cut
– bug and hug
Things to use with the Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words Printable
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
Ways to Use the Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words Printable
You will see a few ways touse these rhyming cards below. And these are just a few suggestions for this rhyming activity.
Preparing the Mitting Rhyming Cards
You can print the rhyming cards on cardstock and laminate them. It is one way to help them last longer. This will help the cards last longer.
If you are only using them one time, you can print them on cardstock or regular copy paper. I don’t recommend the copy paper because it does not hold up very long.
If you want to help kids with words, you can write the words on the back of the cards. Then they can check to see if they made the match.
Rhyming Matching Game with Cards
You can set up a rhyming matching game with the cards. You have the separate or mixed up and have them match the CVC rhyming cards.
You can do which works best for your current level of learning. You can give them all the cards to match or just a few cards to start with.

Use the Mitten Rhyming Cards in a Learning Center
You can put the mitten rhyming cards in a pocket chart on the wall or a tabletop pocket chart. You can see the tabletop version below. You put the cards in and then have them match the cards that rhyme.
It is super easy to set up and do. And it is easy to switch between kids doing the activity as well.

Use the Rhyming Cards on Rings
Another learning to read center idea for the mitten rhyming cards is to sort the cards into two piles and use a hole punch to put the cards on rings.
Then kids can flip through the cards and find the matching rhyming cards. You can ask them to say the words for the cards and say why each of the cards rhyme.

Record Your Matchingt Rhyming Cards
Another activity you can do with the cards is to match the cards and write the words. You can use the blank writing paper for this.
You can do the two words that rhyme on each line. This allows you to be flexible with the words. You could also expand the writing to write a sentence with each of the rhyming words as well.

What you will find in the Free Mittens Rhyming Matching CVC Words Printable
- 12 CVC Rhyming Matching Mitten Cards
- 3 short a matches
- 2 short e matches
- 2 short i matche
- 3 short o matche
- 2 short u matche
- CVC Matches are: wag and bag, bat and cat, map and nap, hen and pen, bed and fed, bin and fin, pig and wig, cot and dot, cop and mop, log and fog, nut and cut, bug and hug
- 3 pages
More Rhyming Activities for kids
CVC Rhyming Word Matching Game is a fun card game you can make with CVC color by letter cards.
Rainbow Rhyming Word Matching: CVC, CVCe & CVCC has fun rainbows with two piece puzzles that kids can match the rhyming words.
Gingerbread Rhyming CVC Clip Cards are fun clip cards that kids can clip the rhyming word and then record their rhyming words.
Pumpkin CVC Rhyming Clip Cards has pumpkin cards with pictures and then clip the rhyming word on the side.
Bat Themed Rhyming Matching: CVC, CVCC, & CVCe has simple rhymes with matching bats and a rhyming worksheet that matches the bat puzzles.
Check out all the fun Rhyming Word Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –