Free Monster Number Count Mats from 1 to 10
Counting mats are a great way to work on number and working a counting mat area and ten frames. Counting mats build number skills that kids can take from PreK and kindergarten onto older grade levels.
The free monster number counting mats work on numbers from 1 to 10 with playdough numbers, counting mat area, and ten frames all to work on counting during Halloween or any time of the year.
The Free Monster Count Mats from 1 to 10 is part of the 20 Free printables for October.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
This is a great addition to the monster printables on the site.
What are counting mats?
The counting mats are a fun and colorful counting activity for preK and kindergarten children to provide an opportunity to count out loud and develop number recognition.
The monster number counting mats work on numbers from 1 to 10. They are simple and easy to use. They have a playdough number, number word at the top, ten frame, and an area to build the number on the monster. You have loads of skills in just one mat.
If you plan on using the monster counting mats a lot them it is recommended that you print them on cardstock and laminate them.

Things to use with the Monster Count Mats Printable
There are just a few of the items we used with these number counting mats.
- printer
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- sheet protectors
- googly eyes
- dry erase markers
- playdough
- unifix cube
Ways to Use the Monster Count Mats Printable
You are going to see a few ways to use these counting mats and how flexible they are to use with kids.
Setting up the Monster Number Counting Mat
There is a look at one simple way to set up the counting mat. You can have them all the mats or just one mat at a time. You can see the monster counting mat in a sheet protector, playdough, unfix cubes, and googly eyes!

Count the Eyes on the Monster
You can start by putting the eyes on the monster on the counting mat. It is fun to start in one area on the counting mats and work to the next.

Make the Playdough Number on the Counting Mat
Then you make the playdough number. You can skip this part or do it. It gives you a little extra sensory to the counting mats by making the playdough number.

Fill in the Ten Frame on the Counting Mat
Finally, you fill in the ten frames with the unfix cubes. Then you see the final part of the monster number counting mat filled out.

Fill out the Monster Counting Mat by Dry Eraser Marker
Now not everyone has all the items to do the mat but this is one fun counting mat you can do with a dry erase marker! You can use the marker to fill out this counting mat.
You can keep it in a sheet protector and draw on the eyes and color in the ten frame!

Use Monster Counting Mats in a Binder
One reason that the monster number counting mats are in sheet protectors is that they are easy to store in a binder
. You can do them right in the binder or pull them out one at a time.

More Monster Number Printables
You can find these other monster number themed printables to use with the monster number counting mats.
More Monster Number Counting Mats 1 to 20
You can find these other monster number counting printables. The Monster Counting Selling Set has numbers from 1 to 20 with four sets of mats to use. They are a great way to meet kids where their needs are at.

Monster Dot the Number & Counting Printable
You have a great dot marker monster number set that comes in color and black and white and lets you dot the number and count the dots on the monster.

Monster Number Find Printables
You can also follow up the monster counting mats with a monster number find printables. These are a great way to add in tracing the number and then finding the number. The Monster Number find is another good number recognition printable.

What you will find in the Monster Number Find
Number digits and number words for kids to work on. You can trace the number or word and then dot them!

What you will find in the Monster Number Find printables:
- Number 0 to 20 in digit and word options
- Tracing section for each number
- Several numbers to dot on the monsters
- $3.50 for all 43 pages of printables
If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the pages.
Monster Counting Mats Selling Set
info text here

What you will find in the Monster Counting Mats: 1 to 20
- Monster Number Counting 1 to 20 with Playdough Number, blank ten Frames and Mat
- Monster Number Counting 1 to 20 with Playdough Number, Fill in Ten Frames and Blank Mat
- Monster Number Counting 1 to 20 With Blank Number, Filled in Ten Frames and Blank Mat
- Monster Number Counting 1 to 20 With Blank Number, Blank Ten Frames and Filled in Blank Mat
- Monster Number Counting Blank Number, Blank Ten Frame and Blank Mat.
- Monster Number Cards
- Monster for Ten Frames
- Monster Eyes for Mats
- 88 pages
- Price: $3
What you will find in the Free Monster Counting Mats from 1 to 10
- A green monster for the counting mats
- Numbers 1 to 10
- Ten Frames for Counting
- Number Digit and Number Word
- 10 monsters for the 10 frames
- 10 eyes for the counting mats
Check out these Monster Number Printables
Candy Monster Themed Number Color and Trace works on numbers from 0 to 20 with a monster and counting the candy.
Monster Number Wall Cards is a fun set of wall cards to change up learning. You have numbers 0 to 20 wall cards.
Monster themed Number Finds are a great way to work on numbers 0 to 20 with number digit and number work.
Monster Number Dot Marker & Counting has fun monster with numbers 0 to 20 with dot marker numbers and count the dots.
Check out all the fun Monster Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –