Free Monster Pack – Tot, Preschool, PreK & Kindergarten
Monsters are a great theme that you can use all year round. These easy to use monster printables are great for kids that love monster lovers. Plus they are free monster printables. Plus they work great for around Halloween.
You have two free monster packs for tot & preschool and PreK & kindergarten. Loads of different activities to work on learning skills in a fun way. You have a mix of hands-on and no-prep printables.
You can have fun learning with these cute monsters.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
These Monster Printables are made to be used with kids 2 to 8. They were made to go with several monster books! This is a fun pack full of Monster activities for the kids that like Monsters, Inc. .
If you are looking for no-prep monster packs you can check out the Monster Themed Weekly Packs! They have 6 grade levels with prek, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.
Things to use with the Free Monster Printables
I always get asked for a list of items we use with the packs and this is a small list of what we have used.
- printer
- copy paper
- white cardstock
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- pencil
- dot marker
or bingo daubers
- crayons
- markers
- sheet protectors
- dry erase markers
- clear glass gems
- clear counters
- clothespins
- 1 inch ring
- stapler
- scissors
- Have You Seen My Monster?
- Monsters Love School
- Where the Wild Things Are
A look at the few of the Monster Printables in the Monster Tot Pack
There are so many pages I can’t do them all but I can share a few of the pages here.
Monster Printable No-Prep Matching Worksheet
You have a no-prep single page monster matching. You match the same monster on the other side of the paper.

Monster Printable Shape Tracing
There are two shape tracing pages. You have a thin line and one a thick line option. You can see the thin line below.

Monster Printable Color Word Book
There is a small book that you can use to learn color words. Each page has a fun monster for kids to color.

Monster Printable Two Piece Puzzles
The Monster tot printables have some two piece matching puzzles. You can line the monsters up and match them.

Monster Printable Nine Piece Puzzles
There iare two monster 9 piece puzzles in the set. You can have them match the puzzles or just put the puzzle together.

A look at the few of the Monster Printables in the Monster Pack
I love the packs but it is always hard to pick just a few pages to show. There are so many great activities in the pack from prewriting, clip cards, sorting by size, puzzles, pocket chart cards, and more. I’m going to share a few pages from the pack.
Monster Printable Prewriting Worksheet
You have two sets of prewriting pages. They have a mix of different types of lines to trace.

Monster Printable Finish the Pattern Worksheet
You have a finish the pattern cut and paste activity. They can find the next part of the pattern.

Monster Printable Roll & Graph Math Worksheet
The pack has is a roll and graph activity. You have 1 to 5 and 1 to 10 options for it. Plus there is a matching math sheet to go with it! You can also find the 1 to 5 in the monster tot pack.

Monster Printable Skip Counting by 2 Math Worksheet
You have a fun skip counting by 2 activity. It will let you fill in the missing numbers. There is also a puzzle that you can do for skip counting.

Monster Printable Letter Coloring & Tracing for Letter M
You have a fun letter m coloring page with coloring and tracing. There is also a matching letter M find as well.

Monster Printable Four Piece Puzzles
You have several monster 4 pieces puzzles. There are loads of fun to work on simple puzzles that build off the tot pack ones.

Monster Printable Ten Piece Puzzles
You are also going to find several 10 pieces puzzles. You have 1 to 10, 1 to 20, 2 to 20, and 10 to 100. Each puzzle is made to have different types of kids at different levels of learning.

Monster Printable Word Family Sorting: Short I
You even have a fun word family with short “i” vowels for sorting. It has -ig, -in and -it for sorting.

Graphic: Melonheadz Illustrating and Doodles
What you will find in the Free Monster Pack – contains over 65 pages
(part 1) 3 Part Cards, which One is Different, What Comes Next, Prewriting Practice, Pattern Cards, Matching Cards, 4 Part Puzzles, 10 Part Puzzles, Clip & Count 0 to 20
(part 2) Beginning Sound, Wall Cards, 2 Write Beginning Sound, Trace Word, Write Word, Size Sorting, Trace & Color, Cutting Practice, Color by Size, Math Pages (Addition, Subtraction, Greater Than/Less Than, Counting), Find the M, Fill in the Missing Number, ABC Writing, Math Matching, Monster Color by Number, Roll & Count (1 to 5, 1 to 10, 1 to 20), Roll & Count Questions
(part 3) Color the Pattern, Fill in the Missing Pattern, Word Family Sort (-ig, -it, -in), Blends Sort (br-, dr-, pr-) Make Your Own Monster
What you will find in the Free Monster Tot Pack – contains 36 pages
Prewriting Practice, 2 Part Cards, Color the Monster, Matching cards, 2 9 Piece Puzzles, Monster Matching, Roll & Count, Shape Tracing, Letter Sorting, Dot the Letter, Lacing Card, M Tot Page.
Check out these other Monster Printables
Monster ABC & Number Wall Cards
Watercolor Color Wheel – Monsters Love Color
Swing Into Summer Learning: Week 5 Monsters
Monster Skip Counting by 10 Easy Reader Book
Check out all the fun Monster Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –
I’m hoping you can help me out. I’m clicking on the links to download and it just keeps redirecting me back to your home page. I’ve right-clicked and clicked save linked files. I also read through your PDF help page but am unable to make it work. Any other suggestions?
Are you sure your adobe is up to date? Did you try a different browser? If you try all 4 suggestions on the help page you will be able to get them.
From the Help page
“If you are sent to the homepage it means your browser did not send referrer information, or your security software blocked it. Referrer data is required to prevent the most common kind of content theft.”
“If none of that works try another browser. I have found most people using IE have not been able to get the PDFs, probably due to its strict default settings.”
Thank you!! These will be perfect for our “Monsters Aren’t Scary” unit in October!!
Thank you! These look great!
Thanks for all the great free printables that you share! These will go perfectly with the Feed the Woozle game I just bought to use in speech-language therapy and OMazing Kids yoga classes 🙂
Thank you for linking up this week at Manic Monday!
I’m now following you on Pinterest!
Oh I love this!!! I’ve printed it out and put it in Koko’s workbook for when he finishes his curriculum in the next 5 weeks 🙂 Thanks for sharing
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