Free Printable Multiplication Flashcards
I know I’m always looking for more printable flashcards. And these free multiplication flashcards are great for working on learning multiplication math facts.
You have printable flashcards from 1 to 12 for multiplication that come in five fun colors. Plus, it’s super easy to just print and use the cards.
These multiplication flashcards also match up with the addition flashcards, subtraction flashcards and division flashcards. These cards also have the same color options.

The Printable Multiplication Flashcards is a great addition to the multiplication printables and math flashcard printables on the site!
What is Multiplication?
Multiplication is one of the basic math operations that kids learn.
Multiplication is the adding of equal groups together. So you would be adding groups of 2 together.
You multiply these numbers together to get an answer.
An example is 2 x 3 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
Printable Multiplication Flashcards
These printable multiplication cards have multiplication from 1 to 12.
I like making things simple and easy to use. The multiplication flashcards have 8 cards per page.
The multiplication equations are written like 12 x 3, 12 x 4 for the sets.
The free multiplication flash cards come in 5 different colors: white, red, blue, green, blue and pink. This gives you an option that your child or class might like.
These are great for working on multiplication math facts for kids in third grade (ages 8 to 9) and fourth grade (ages 9 to 10).

Things to use with the Multiplication Flashcards Printable
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- white cardstock
- color cardstock
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- unifix cubes
- Skip Counting Tiles
- multiplication bookmarks
Ways to use the Multiplication Flashcards
There are so many ways to use the multiplication cards and I wanted to show a few ways that we have used the flashcards.
Use the Multiplication Flashcards with the Multiplication Bookmarks
If it is their first time through the multiplication flashcards you can give them help to know the right product or answer. You can use my multiplication bookmarks. The multiplication bookmarks have equations and answers or products for kids to look at.

Multiplication Flashcards on a Ring
You can print the white multiplication cards on any color cardstock you want. This allows you to change up the cards for the different seasons as well! You can see that we have the cards on a ring
. This helps keep the cards they are working on together.

Use Unfix Cubes to Solve Multiplication Flashcard Equation
You can make multiplication flashcards a hands-on activity. I know that there are those kids that learn better with something hands-on.
You grab unfix cubes to match the cards. Now you can do use the unfix cubes with the multiplication flashcards however you want. You can see the printable flashcard below and matching unfix cubes for the numbers in the multiplication equation.

Then you combined the cubes into tens and then you have the answer for your multiplication flash card.

Clipping the Answer to the Multiplication Flashcards
If you are looking for another way to work matching the answer to the flashcard you can use the skip counting tiles. They have all the numbers from 1 to 12 with skip counting 12 times.
You can cut up the skip counting tiles and then glue or tape them to clothespins. You can see examples below. If you use these as clip cards a lot I recommend printable on cardstock and laminating
the numbers.

Then you can clip the answer to each multiplication flashcard. It is a quick way to see if they got the answers right.

If you love the multiplication flash cards but want to have answers you can print on the back. You can check out the printable multiplication flashcards with answers.
What you will find in the free Multiplication Flashcards Printable
- Multiplication Flash Card Colors: White, Green, Blue, Pink & Red
- Multiplication equations for 1 to 12.
- 18 pages for each color flashcard option

If you would like to help support the site you can buy these at Teachers Pay Teachers.
Check out these other Multiplication Printables For Kids
Multiplication Practice Bookmarks & No-Prep Worksheets has bookmarks to work on multiplication from 1 to 12 with recording sheets and no-prep worksheets that all match.
Multiplication Bookmarks have multiplication facts 1 to 12 with each number on a bookmark. They are a simple way to review math facts. Plus, they fit great in kid’s hands. They have all the multiplication facts for each one on bookmark.
Mini Multiplication Flashcards has multiplication from 1 to 12 cards. Plus add on cards for 13 to 15. These are small multiplication flashcards that work great in sensory bins.
Multiplication Wall Cards has two types of cards with numbers and without numbers. They has multiplication 1 to 12.
Multiplication Visual Wall Cards has equations with matching images in array style of rows for kids to see and learn with.
A fun hands-on learning activity with Groups of Multiplication Mat. It has groups of flashcards and 2 different mats with a recording worksheet.
Multiplication Roll & Make Mats is a great hands-on way to work on building groups of multiplication.
Check out all the fun Multiplication Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –

Perfect timing! Wolf was just saying we need multiplication flash cards, and there you were, on the Thoughtful Spot Blog Hop! Yay!
I’m glad you can use them!
Thank you for sharing!!!
These flashcards are amazing. Just what I’ve been looking for. Do you have any advise on how a child can understand division. Thanks.
I currently don’t but I am working on something for it. I hope to have the post out this month. But my best advice is work on teaching how many groups you can make. So if you have 12 divided by four. How many groups of 4 can you make? We use unifix cubes
a lot to help with this. I give them cubes to match the equation and have them answer it. I hope that this helps some.
Read of this post to help with Division.
Thank you for making these multiplication flash cards available for free. My daughter (10 years old) has a test tomorrow and she was nervous she wouldn’t do well. Using these flash cards has guven her the confidence she needed. We appreciate you.
That makes so happy to hear that these multiplication flashcards were helpful. I’m glad I can help people with with a few free printables that I have on the site.
It helps our children to familiarize the table of multiplication.