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Free Nativity Coloring Printable with Word Print & Cursive

My girls have really enjoyed the Christmas coloring with print and cursive.

They asked if I had any nativity-themed ones. I thought it would be a fun time to get them made. Exploring the nativity this way is a fun practice of what they are learning. These come in 4 different levels of learning.

Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive  with 9 nativity words and four options for the coloring - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Nativity Coloring Printable is a great addition to the nativity printables on the site.

What is the Nativity?

The Nativity is the birth of Jesus Christ, and is celebrated by Christians on Christmas Day. It has different themes and parts to the Nativity story.

Nativity Coloring Printable with Word Print & Cursive

This set of nativity coloring pages matches up with the Nativity Pack. I made this set with all the options that will include some fun for older kids who are learning cursive. My oldest loves it when I make new things for her.

There are 4 different types of writing in these printables: print beginning sound, print words, cursive beginning sound, and cursive words. All the pictures come in four options.

You have the following nativity words: Jesus, Mary & Joseph, stable, angel, shepherd, wise men, Bethlehem, camel, and animals.

You have space to trace the words and letters and then write the words and letters.

Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive  with 9 nativity words and four options for the coloring - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Book to Read with the Nativity Coloring pages

Here are a few Nativity book that you can use with these coloring pages.

Silent Night (The Christmas Choir) is a fun book that you can sing as you read about the nativity.

Silent Night (The Christmas Choir)

The Birds of Bethlehem is the Nativity story told by bird. It is a unique way to look at the Birth of Christ.

The Birds of Bethlehem

Other Books we have enjoyed:

Things to use with the Free Nativity Coloring Printables

A look at the Nativity Color Pages

You will see the different nativity coloring pages below.

Nativity Color Printable With Print Letters

The first nativity coloring pages have the nativity picture and print letters with the beginning sound. You can see that you have several letters to trace and space below to write the letter.

Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive  with 9 nativity words and four options for the coloring - 3Dinosaurs.com

Nativity Color Printable With Print Words

The second nativity coloring pages have the nativity picture and the nativity words in print to trace. You can see how words to trace and the space below to write the words.

Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive  with 9 nativity words and four options for the coloring - 3Dinosaurs.com

Nativity Color Printable With Cursive Letters

The third nativity coloring pages have the nativity picture and uppercase cursive letters with the beginning sound. You can see that you have several letters to trace and space below to write the letter.

Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive  with 9 nativity words and four options for the coloring - 3Dinosaurs.com

Nativity Color Printable With Cursive Words

The fourth nativity coloring pages have the nativity picture and the nativity words in cursive to trace. You can see how words to trace and the space below to write the words.

Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive  with 9 nativity words and four options for the coloring - 3Dinosaurs.com

You might also want to try this Paper Plate Nativity Craft Free Template with kids.

What you will find in the Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive printables

  • 9 different Nativity Words in the set: Jesus, Mary & Joseph, stable, angel, shepherd, wise men, Bethlehem, camel, and animals
  • Print: beginning sound or words
  • Cursive: beginning sound or words
  • 36 pages total
Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive  with 9 nativity words and four options for the coloring - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Nativity Printables

Nativity Easy Reader Book is a fun little book to read with the Nativity names in it. It has simple sight words and themes from the nativity in the book.

Nativity Centered Christmas Writing Paper has 6 different nativity themes and writing paper styles. You have two paper writing styles with guideline and single lines for the writing paper style.

Nativity Bookmarks with Scriptures has 8 bookmarks for kids to read about the Nativity story. Each bookmarks has the scripture that matches the bookmark.

Nativity Acrostic Poems has 10 poems for kids to work on. These work great for older kids working on nativity themes. You can write words about each letter of the names. It helps them think about each theme in the nativity story.

Check out all the fun Nativity Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Nativity  Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive - 3Dinosaurs.com

Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive  with 9 nativity words and four options for the coloring - 3Dinosaurs.com

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