31 Days of Free Printables in October
Who does not love free printables! And guess what is coming in October! 31 days of free printables. Yes, you heard that right 31 days of free printables. I have teamed up with Erin from Royal Baloo! We are BOTH bring you 31 days! Yes, that means double the printables!
If you have seen some of our projects in the past you will know that we have tons of fun with these! We have been working on this project for the last few weeks. It has been tons of fun to talk about and get our creative ideas going!

So what can you expect in these 31 days? Well, every day there will be at least one free printable on our sites! Plus there are going to be weeks of themes! That means at least 14 printables for the 4 themes!
We are going to start with a Week of Halloween, a Week of Dinosaurs, A Week of Transportation, a week of Thanksgiving and the last few days with something winter or just a surprise! When this is all done there will be 62 fun printables!
At the end of each week, we will be doing a round-up of all our printables from the different weekly themes on one of our sites. Plus some of the other printables that we have made in those themes.
Also keep an eye out there may be two posts some days! Loads of fun coming in the next month! We are both really excited about this project!
Plus you can check back here to check out all the printables from the month!
I can’t wait for you to see everything we have been making and planning! I hope you enjoy the month as much as we are!
Check out all the days here:
Day 1:
Halloween 2016 Calendar Set
Spooky Spider Counting Mats for Math Practice at Royal Baloo.
Day 2:
Spin & Cover Halloween Math
Vampire CVC Matching Free Printable at Royal Baloo.
Day 3:
Trick or Treat Kids Easy Reader Book
Jack O Lantern Fractions Practice Printables at Royal Baloo.
Day 4:
Halloween Themed Place Value Clip Cards
Doubles Addition Game – Frankenstein Addition Practice at Royal Baloo.
Day 5:
Trick or Treat Themed Bookmarks
Halloween Vowel Team Easy Reader for oo at Royal Baloo.
Day 6:
Fun Free Halloween Themed Writing Paper
Spooky Halloween SuDoKu Free Printable for Kids at Royal Baloo.
Day 7:
Fun Halloween Math Game: Roll A Witch’s Brew
Roll a Halloween Sentence for Silly Grammar Fun. at Royal Baloo.
Dinosaur Printables
Day 8:
Dinosaur Themed Counting Mats: Number 1 to 10
Dinosaur Place Value and Other Math Fun at Royal Baloo.
Day 9:
Dinosaur Themed Addition & Subtraction Mats
Dinosaur Handwriting Booklets for Learning to Write at Royal Baloo.
Day 10:
Dinosaur Easy Reader Book: What Do I Eat?
Dinosaur Syllable Challenge Cards for Kids at Royal Baloo.
Day 11:
7 Fun Dinosaur Information Bookmarks For Kids
Dinosaur Venn Diagram for Learning Advanced Categorizing at Royal Baloo.
Day 12:
Dinosaur Themed Multiplication Clip Cards
Dinosaur CVC Word Mats for Beginning Readers at Royal Baloo.
Day 13:
Stomping Dinosaur Gross Motor Dice
Dinosaur Make a Word Printable for Easy Writing Practice at Royal Baloo.
Day 14:
Roaring Dinosaur Themed Writing Paper For Kids
Dinosaur Letter Sounds for Learning to Read the Fun way at Royal Baloo.
Transportation Printables
Day 15:
Zooming Transportation Themed Addition Clip Cards
Transportation CVC Sliders for Learning to Read Fun at Royal Baloo.
Day 16:
Fun Transportation Easy Reader Book For Kids
Practice Averaging and Ordering Numbers with Trains! at Royal Baloo.
Day 17:
Flying Fun Air Vehicle Themed Counting Mats
Transportation Multiplication for Beginning Math at Royal Baloo.
Day 18:
Moving Transportation Themed Bookmarks
Duck & Truck ck Easy Reader Book For Beginning Readers at Royal Baloo.
Day 19:
Zooming Fun Transportation Reading Chart Printables
Transportation Counting Mats with Addition and Subtraction at Royal Baloo.
Day 20:
Fun Transportation Placemats for Home or Travel
Transportation Skip Counting Puzzles for Hands On Math at Royal Baloo.
Day 21:
Zoom Along with Transportation Themed Writing Paper
Fun Addition Fact Practice – Train Doubles Plus 1 at Royal Baloo.
Thanksgiving Printables
Day 22:
Easy to Use Thanksgiving Calendar Set for 2016 {Free}
Gobble Gobble: Turkey Spin a Sight Word Printables at Royal Baloo.
Day 23:
Easy No Prep Spin & Cover Thanksgiving Math
Turkey Digraph Sort: Gobble Up Reading Fun at Royal Baloo.
Day 24:
ABC Find & Color for Thanksgiving Fun
Hands On Measuring Fun with Thanksgiving Measuring Set at Royal Baloo.
Day 25:
CVC Find & Color Thanksgiving Fun
Turkey Number Line for Hands on Addition Fun at Royal Baloo.
Day 26:
Fun No-Prep Thanksgiving Learning with Digraphs
Free Thanksgiving Addition Game – Turkey Trot Addition at Royal Baloo.
Day 27:
Hands-On Thanksgiving Counting Mats for Numbers 1 to 10
Silly Thanksgiving Digraph Easy Reader Printable at Royal Baloo.
Day 28:
Easy Thanksgiving Math With Addition & Subtraction
Thanksgiving SuDoKu Logic Games for Kids at Royal Baloo.
Day 29:
Easy to Use Winter Subtraction Clip Cards
Wintery Number Sense Fun with Snowflake Puzzles at Royal Baloo.
Day 30:
No-Prep Winter Math: Counting, Addition, & Multiplication
No Prep Snowflake Fractions for Beginners at Royal Baloo.
Day 31:
Easy Winter Multiplication Matching Cards
Simple Snowflake Beginning Sounds Puzzles at Royal Baloo.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
Love all the ideas you guys come up with. Will you be doing this for every month? and the kids are asking if you will be making more dinosaur book marks?
As much as we have had fun doing this 31 days. No, we are not doing this every month. we might do a week here and there but it is too hard to keep it up.
I’m not sure if I’ll make more dinosaur bookmarks. What has been made may be it for a long while. I’m glad you are enjoying the month.