Free Romping & Roaring Number 3 Pack: Frog and Pond Theme
The Free Number 3 pack is a part of the Romping & Roaring Number. This Romping & Roaring 3 Pack has a frog theme.
It works on learning the number 3 with a mix of number 3 printable worksheets and number 3 hands-on activities. You will find numerical number and number word activities together.
This number 3 pack is great for learning to write the number 3, find the number 3, color the number 3, prewriting practice for the number 3, number 3 mazes, number 3 dot marker pages, and more.

The Romping and Roaring Number 3 Pack has 40 pages with a wide range of activities to help kids work on their numberss. This pack has a theme of frogs. You will find the all the activities have frogs and pond animals in them.
You have loads of worksheets and hands-on activities all the focus on the number three with frog themed. The packs are made to be flexible to the needs of kids learning numbers. You can use just the pages that work for the level you are at. There are different levels of number tracing printables to help kids grow with their fine motor abilities.
The Romping & Roaring Number 3 pack works great for kids in Prek (ages 4 to 5) and Kindergarten (ages 5 to 6).
This is part of the Romping & Roaring Number Packs. It is a great way to work learning the numbers with several different printable activities.
If you want to grab all the Rompaing & Roaring Number Packs together you can get a copy of the full set plus extras at my store for $25. It is a huge time saver to buy the set to get all the numbers at one time.
Things to use with the Free Romping & Roaring Number 3 Pack Printable
I always have requests for what items we used with the Romping & Roaring Number Printables Packs and this is an easy list for you to use and see what we used. I do mention some of these in the post.
- printer
- white copy paper
- white cardstock
- pencil
- crayons
- dot marker or bingo daubers
- markers
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- playdough
- clear counters
- abc stamps
- Jump Frog Jump
- Frogs by Gail Gibbons
- From Tadpole to Frog
Ways to use the Romping & Roaring Number 3 Pack
You will find out information about all the pages in the number 3 pack.
Color the Number 3 Worksheet
You have the number 3 and number word three in bubble letters at the top of the page. Then you have three frogs below to color.

Find the Number 3 On the Frog
You have several numbers 3 on the frog. Kids can use crayons or markers to dot or color all the threes on the frog.
It is a great search and find for kids to do.
Number 3 Trace – Color – Count
You have number three worksheet where you trace the sentence, color and count the frogs.
It is a great coloring page. You have the number three in the top left hand of the page and three frogs to color.

Color by Number
You have a color code for numbers 0 to 5. You have a coloring page with lots of the number three and number word for kids to find and color.
It is a great color by code worksheet for numbers. And you see the three and 3 after you finish coloring.

Color by Letter Number Word
You have a color by letter for the word three. Each letters has its own color in the color code. You color each letter base on the color code. It is a great way work on the word three.

Color the Frogs in 10 Frames
You have a coloring ten frame worksheet. You can see the frogs count up to three in the ten frames. Kids can color the 3 and then color the frogs in the ten frames.

10 Frames Playdough Mat
You have a ten frame Playdough mat with three circles in the ten frames for kids to make playdough balls and fill in the circles.
You could also use dot markers on this page to color the ten frames.
We put this page in a sheet protector and use the playdough on it and then use it again with dot markers. It gives that page two uses.
Number Three Word Playdough Mat
You have a number three word playdough mat. The word three is in the middle it has bubble letters for kids to make playdough snakes to make the letters of the word.
You can laminate the number word playdough mat page or put the page in a sheet protector. Either work great to use over and over.

Number 3 Playdough Mat
You have the numerical number 3 in the middle of the page. You can use big playdough snakes to make the number 3.
You can laminate the number 3 playdough mat page or put the page in a sheet protector. Either work great to use over and over.

Number & Word Tracing Worksheet
You have 3 and three to trace on the page. There is a row of 3 and the a row of the word three.
You also have three frogs on the side of the page for counting up to three.

Number 3 & Tracing with Guides & Directions Worksheet
You have a three and 3 for tracing but with guidelines and direction arrows to help with how to trace the number and word for kids.
It is similar to the page above but with the guidelines and arrows to help know how to trace the three and 3.
Number 3 & Tracing with Guides Worksheet
You have a number 3 and three tracing page. it has three 3 to trace and the word three to trace. The tracing is in guidelines to help kids with letter and number formation.
This has the frogs on the side for counting like the two worksheets above have.
Number 3 Writing Practice with Stop & Start Handwriting
You have a numerical number three tracing worksheet with a start and stop for helping trace the number. You have a green star for the start and a red octagon for the stop.
These are great for those just started out with handwriting. And the stop and start are great help for this.
You can put the 3 tracing worksheet in a sheet protector and trace it over and over with dry erase markers.

Number 3 Writing Practice with Guides Handwriting
Yo have two rows of the numerical number 3 for kids to trace. The number 3 is in guidelines to help kids see the number formation and how it should look compared to other numbers or letter they are working on.
This number three worksheet is a great page to progress from the start sand stop 3 writing page.
Number Three Word Writing Practice with Guidelines Handwriting
You also have just the number three word tracing page for kids to use. It has three rows of the number three word to trace. This is a great repeat practice for kids.
You can reuse this number 3 handwriting page for putting it in a sheet protectorand using dry erase markers to trace it over and over.

Dot the Number 3
You have a number 3 dot marker number printable. You have the number three made out of circles that kids can dot with a dot marker.
The circles also work great for clear counters and green glass gems. (Green because it is a frog theme for the number three).

Dot the Number three Word
You have the number word three written out. It has circles on the letters that you can do for the dot marker number three worksheet.
As above you can use dot markers or clear counters and green glass gems
Find the Number 3 Worksheet
You have a number find worksheet for the number 3. You have the three on the left hand side with three frogs. Then you have circles with different numbers from 0 to 10.
You find and dot all the threes that you can find.

Color the Number 3 & Three Word by Color
You have a color code on the top left hand side. You have the word three and the numerical number 3 in buddle letter fond for kids to find and color each of them on the page.
Color by Size Number
You have color by size worksheet with the numerical number 3. You have three sizes with small, medium, and big.
You have a color code for each size. And you color the number three base on the size of the number.

Color the Number
You have a bunch of numbers on the page. You have a mix of numbers from 0 to 10. You find and color all the number three on the page.
It is a great letter find worksheet for kids.

Shape Tracing with Solid Line
You have eight shapes on the same page. You have circle, square, triangle, rectangle, pentagon, oval, diamond, and heart. In the middle of each shape is the number three.
You can use the thick shape tracing lines to work on tracing the shape around the number three. It is and easy no-prep shape worksheet for kids.
Shape Tracing with Dashed Line
The shape tracing with dashed lines has the same eight shapes as the thick tracing lines with the number 3 in the middle. You can use crayons and markers to trace the shape lines around the three.
It is an easy no-prep worksheet for kids.

Follow the Number 3 Path
You have a follow the number 3 worksheet for kids. They have a start at the top left hands side of the paper and they follow the number 3 through the number maze until they reach the bottom right hands side.
An easy no-prep number 3 worksheets you could color with crayons or use green glass gems to make the path.
Follow the Number Three Word Path
The number three word maze also works like the number 3 one. You start at the top left hand side and go to the bottom right and side following the number three word through the maze.
It is a great way to work on recognizing number words mixed with other number words.
Color the Number with Color Words
You have the page with several number threes and under each number 3 is a color word.
Kids color the 3 based on the color word below the number. It is a fun way to add some color words in with this number three learning pack.

Number 3 Counting Book
You have a 6-page easy reader book with counting to three. Each page of the book has a pond animal for kids to count and color.
At the top of each page is a 3 and three in bubble letters for kids to color. You have a simple sentence on each page.

Sorting Number 3 & Number Word Three
You have a fun sorting activity for the number word three and the numerical number 3. You have a sorting mat and then each frogs to sort to each side. The frogs have the number or the word on them.
You can see we printed the frogs on green cardstock and sorted them to the mat.

Number 3 Spinner
You have three numerical number 3 and three number words. You have each in three different fonts.
You can use a clear spinner or a pencil and paperclip to make the spinner.
Number Dice
You have a number dice that matches the number 3 and number word three that are on the spinner.
Roll & Count Numbers

Frog Roll & Count Tiles
You have a page a frogs that kids can cut out and use to glue onto the roll and counting number pack. It is a fun way to add something with cutting and pasting to the project.
Number 3 Matching Cards
You have a number matching activity for kids. You have a set of 6 three and six 3 cards. We printed it on green cardstock and the matching made on white cardstock.
You matc the same numberfont for each of the nubmers on the mat.

Number 3 Two Piece Puzzles
You have four two piece puzzles. each has the number three in some way. Yo have the numerical number 3 puzzle, the number thee word puzzle, the three frogs puzzle, and the number 3, three and three frogs puzzle.

9 Piece Puzzle
You have a nine piece puzzle you have number three word on the bottom right and the number 3 in the top left hand corner. Then you have three frogs in the middle of the puzzle.
You can color and do this puzzle once. You can also have kids color and cut out and glue out the puzzle on a piece of paper.
It is a fun number 3 puzzle to have for kids.

Romping & Roaring 3 Pack contains 40 pages:
Color the Number 3, Find the Number 3, Trace – Color – Count Number 3, Color by Number Worksheet, Color by Letter Number Three Word, Color the Frog in 10 frames, 10 Frames Playdough Mat for Number 3, Number Three Word Playdough Mat, Number 3 Playdough Mat, Number & Word Tracing, Number & Tracing with guides & directions, Number & Tracing with guides, Number Writing Practice with Stop & Start, Number 3 Writing Practice with guides, Number Three Word Writing Practice with guides, Dot the Number 3, Dot the Number Three Word, Find the Number 3, Color the Number 3 & Three Word by color, Color by Size Number 3, Color the Number 3, Shape Tracing with Solid Line with The Number 3 inside Shape, Shape Tracing with Dashed Line with The Number 3 inside Shape, Follow the Number 3 Path, Follow the Number Three Word Path, Color the Number with color words, Number Counting Book, Sorting Number & Number Word, Number Spinner, Number Dice, Roll & Count Numbers, Roll & Count Number 3 Tiles, Number 3 Matching Cards, Number Three 2 Piece Puzzles, Number Three 9 Piece Puzzle

Romping & Roaring Number Packs
33 packs in all with 11 extras! These are a great mix of hands-on and no-prep activities for kids to work on learning and writing their numbers. Each of the sets is loads of fun with skills that help kids learn their numbers.
There are 33 letter packs and 5 letter review packs that are in sets of 4 numbers. Each set is designed to help kids learn and review their numbers.
25 Romping & Roaring Number Packs: These have a pack for each number with a fun theme for each number (plus two options for 5, 10, 15, 20). They all work on the same skills so kids can be familiar with what they are doing. They also have extra sheets to build on skills.
You get all the packs for $25.

What is in the Romping & Roaring Number Packs
- 20 letter packs with 40 pages of activities for each letter
- 5 review packs with four numbers in each review: 1,2,3,4 & 5,6,7,8 & 9,10,11,12 & 13,14,15,16 & 17,18,19,20 with 36 pages for each review pack
- Plus 11 fun extras only in the selling set – with Table of Contents, Number chart (for keeping track of what you have learned), Number Cube Cards, Number 3 Part Cards, Number Book 1 to 20, Color by Number & Number Word, Number Floor Mats, Number Read Write & Stamp, Wall Cards, Number Money, and Romping & Roaring Zero Pack
- 1,455 pages
- Price: $25
Cassie –
Graphics from Melonheadz Illustrating and Doodles.