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Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats

Sandcastles are a great summer theme! And we super excited about these free sandcastle fine motor mats.

These fine motor mats are a simple way to add some fine motor in during the summer.

You can color, trace and dot the sandcastle and see several ways to use them. Plus these are great for school and home during the summer.

Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats - you have a sandcastle template, sandcastle tracing, and sandcastle dot marker page all to work on fine motor skills this summer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Sandcastle Fine Motor Mat Printables is a great addition to the printables and fine motor printables on the site.

The Sandcastle Fine Motor Mat Printables are part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the beach section on the subscriber freebie page.

What are Fine Motor Skills?

Fine motor skills involve using the small muscles in your hands and wrists to make precise movements.

This can be tearing paper, playdough, pencil control, or coloring with a crayon.

Sandcastle Fine Motor Mat Printables

The sandcastle fine motors mats are great for the summer. You have a sandcastle template, a sandcastle tracing, and a sandcastle do tmarker printable. There are three mats to use in all.

Sandcastle Template Printable

The sandcastle template printable is great for coloring and as a craft template for kids.

Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats - you have a sandcastle template, sandcastle tracing, and sandcastle dot marker page all to work on fine motor skills this summer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Sandcastle Tracing Printable

The sandcastle tracing printable has the whole sandcastle in a dotted line. It is great for working on fine motor handwriting skills for tracing all the different lines on the sandcastle.

Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats - you have a sandcastle template, sandcastle tracing, and sandcastle dot marker page all to work on fine motor skills this summer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Sandcastle Dot Marker Printable

The sandcastle dot marker printable has circles all over the sand and the sandcastle for kids to dot or use hands-on items to cove the dots.

Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats - you have a sandcastle template, sandcastle tracing, and sandcastle dot marker page all to work on fine motor skills this summer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Sandcastle Fine Motor Printables

Ways to Use the Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats Printables

You are going to see different ways to use each of the sandcastle mats. And if you have a suggest let me know.

Ways to Use the Sandcastle Template Printable

You will see a few ways to use the sandcastle template page.

Color the Sandcastle

This sandcastle template works great as a coloring page. You could color just the sandcastle or the whole page. It is a great way to get fine motor strength from coloring.

Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats - you have a sandcastle template, sandcastle tracing, and sandcastle dot marker page all to work on fine motor skills this summer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Template for a Torn Paper Sandcastle

You can use the sandcastle template as a fine motor mat for crafts. We love torn paper and this is a great way to add another fine motor skill for kids. And you get a fun craft at the end.

Just give them construction paper and let them create.

Ways to Use the Sandcastle Tracing Printable

You will see a few ways to use the tracing sandcastle page.

Set up a Sandcastle Fine Motor Tracing Center

You can use the tracing sandcastle in a fine motor center. You can give kids a pencil, markers or crayons to trace the line.

Below you can see a fine motor center we would do. It has a pencil with a pencil grip. The grip is only for those that might need extra help.

Let them have a fun time tracing the lines.

Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats - you have a sandcastle template, sandcastle tracing, and sandcastle dot marker page all to work on fine motor skills this summer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Reuse the Sandcastle Tracing Page

This is also a great page to reuse over and over. You can put the page in a sheet protector and then trace the lines with a dry erase marker.

And just wipe off when done and use it again. You can laminate
the page if you are going to use it over and over.

Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats - you have a sandcastle template, sandcastle tracing, and sandcastle dot marker page all to work on fine motor skills this summer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ways to Use the Sandcastle Dot Marker Printable

You will see some ideas to use the dot marker sandcastle page.

Dot Marker the Sandcastle

Dot markers on pages are always fun. You can see we used a brown dot marker and dotted all the circles on the sandcastle and the sand. You could mixed up the colors as well. Nothing says you have to use brown for the whole thing.

Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats - you have a sandcastle template, sandcastle tracing, and sandcastle dot marker page all to work on fine motor skills this summer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use Glass Gems on the Sandcastle

It is always fun when you can reuse a page. And using glass gems on the dot marker sandcastle is great. You can cover all the circles with the glass gems.

We have several colors and you could use any color you wanted to decorate the sandcastle. We used a yellow glass gems below.

Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats - you have a sandcastle template, sandcastle tracing, and sandcastle dot marker page all to work on fine motor skills this summer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mat Printables

  • 1 Sandcastle Templates
  • 1 Sandcastle Tracing Mats
  • 1 Sandcastle Dot Marker Mats
  • 3 pages
Free Sandcastle Fine Motor Mats - you have a sandcastle template, sandcastle tracing, and sandcastle dot marker page all to work on fine motor skills this summer. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Summer Fine Motor Mat Printable Set

You have 10 fun summer fine motor mats together in a fun bundle. Easy to use and great to use all season.

Summer Fine Motor Mat Printable Set with 7 different themes fine motor mats with dot markers, template, tracing, playdough mats and q-tip printables for building fine motor skills during the summer- 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Summer Fine Motor Mats Printable Set

  • 10 Fine motor mats with a mix of templates, tracing, dot marker q-tip and playdough mats.
  • Summer Fine Motor Mats: Fish, Fireworks Ice Cream, Shark, Shell, Sun, Turtle, Planet, Sandcastle, Torch
  • 35 pages
  • Price: $4

More Beach Printables for Kids

Beach Prewriting Worksheets is an easy prewriting printables that kids can use. You have two sets of prewriting lines to pick. Plus these are no-prep so you can just print and use them.

Here is a fun Beach Theme ABC Easy Reader Book that works on beginning sound letters. You have trace lowercase letters and then read the sentence in the alphabet easy reader book.

Building a Sandcastle is a great summer sequencing for the beach. You can have kids read the book and then follow the steps. You can retell the sequencing in clip cards, cut and paste and writing.

Beach Activity Pack is a great pack with loads of prewriting, ABCs, number, and shape activities for kids all with a beach and shell theme that work great together!

Beach No-Prep Weekly Packs has 6 grade levels of printables with Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth grade. You have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day.

Check out all the fun Ocean & Beach Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Ocean & Beach Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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