Free Sea Turtle Fine Motor Mats
Sea turtles are a favorite ocean theme. And sea turtles also make great fine motor mats for a summer ocean theme!
The free sea turtle mats work great with the fish fine motor mats in an ocean fine motor center.
You have four types of turtle fine mats to use. You have a sea turtle template, sea turtle outlines, a sea turtle tracing printable, and a dot marker sea turtle printable.
The Sea Turtle Fine Motor Mat Printables is a great addition to the ocean printables on the site.
The Sea Turtle Fine Motor Mat Printables are part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the ocean section on the subscriber freebie page.
What are Fine Motor Skills?
Fine motor skills involve using the small muscles in your hands and wrists to make precise movements.
This can be tearing paper, playdough, pencil control, or coloring with a crayon.
Sea Turtle Fine Motor Mat Printables
You have four sea turtle fine motor mats. You have a sea turtle template, sea turtle outline printables, a sea turtle tracing, and a sea turtle dot marker printable. Each of these is a fun way to work on fine motor activities with kids.
The sea turtle mats are great for tot (2 to 3 years old), preschool (4 years old), and kindergarten (5 to 6 years old)
Sea Turtle Templates Printable
The sea turtle template is a great coloring pages or template for a craft with kids. You can see the whole turtle with the head, shell, and flippers.

Sea Turtle Outline Printable
The sea turtle outline is like the sea turtle template but only the outline of the turtle is there. You can use this for fun fine motor crafts and activities.
You have one with a single sea turtle outline and one page with two sea turtle outlines.
Sea Turtle Tracing Printable
You have the turtle template but all the lines on the turtle are there for tracing. You can have fun working on fine control by tracing all the lines on the sea turtle.

Sea Turtle Dot Marker Printable
The last sea turtle fine motor printables is the sea turlte dot marker printable. It has the sea turtle outline but has the center filled in with circles you can use for a dot markers or anything you wan to glue or stick on the cirles.

Sea Turtle Book to Read with the Sea Turtle Fine Motor Mats
A great book to read with these sea turtle fine motor printables is Sea Turtles by Gail Gibbons. You have a fun book full of information about sea turtles and Gail Gibbons book are our favorites!
Things to use with the Sea Turtle Fine Motor Printables
- printer
- white copy paper
- colored paper
- colored pencils
- crayons
- dot marker
- markers
- pencil
- pencil grips – We love these!
- sheet protectors
- white cardstock
- dry erase markers
- playdough
- clear counters
- mini dot markers
- paint tray
- washable paints
- q-tip
Ways to Use the Sea Turtle Fine Motor Mats Printables
You will see some ideas for fine motor centers with the sea turtle below. And remember these are just ideas and you might have more ideas you want to try for you ocean fine motor centers.
Ways to Use the Sea Turtle Template Printable
You are going to see a few suggestion for fine motor activities with the sea turtle template.
Color the Sea Turtle Template
You can use anything you want to color the sea turtle. You can see we used crayons buy markers or colored pencils work just a great.

Finger Paint the Sea Turtle
You can also use finger paints and finger paint the sea turtle for younger kids. This is a great way to use it for tot and preschool-age kids.
If you don’t like fingerprinting, use a clothespin and a cotton ball to paint the sea turtle.
Ways to Use the Sea Turtle Outline Printable
I love the templates because you want use them for crafts in so many fun ways. Kids can have fun making or decorating the turtle.
Torn Paper Sea Turtle
You can make a great torn paper sea turtle craft with kids. You can see we used brown and green construction paper for the sea turtle.

Ways to Use the Sea Turtle Tracing Printable
You are going to see two tracing ideas for the sea turtle tracing printable. I love this one because you can work on pencil control for handwriting without kids knowing it! They might just want to trace a turtle instead of other things.
Trace the Sea Turtle Fine Motor Center
One fun thing about the sea turtle fine motor tracing it is a different way to work on prewriting. Kids trace all the fun lines of the turtle and work on fine motor control.
If they need help holding the pencil use a pencil grip. This helps kids hold the pencil the right way.
And if kids can’t trace the turtle in one sitting that is fine. They can use it several times to finish tracing the turtle.

Reuse the Sea Turtle Tracing Printable
The sea turtle tracing printable is great for reusing. You can put it in a sheet protector and use a dry erase marker to trace the lines.
You can do this over and over. You can see we printed the sea turtle on green paper to make tracing the turtle fun.

Ways to Use the Sea Turtle Dot Marker Printable
The sea turtle dot marker printable is great for hand eye coordination for kids. You can use dot marker, stickers, clear counters, glass gems on these printables. And those are all fine motor items to help with fine motor skills in different ways.
Dot Marker the Sea Turtle
You can just dot marker
the turtle. You can who the whole sea turtle green or you can make a different for where you see the shell and the rest of the turtle.

Use Glass Gems on the Sea Turtle
Another great way to use the sea turtle dot marker printable is to use green glass gems on the circles. This makes a great fine motor center for kids.
They work their fine motor skills by placing each of the glass gems in the circle and filling the whole trutle.

What you will find in the Free Sea Turtle Fine Motor Mat Printables
- 1 Sea Turtle Template
- 2 Sea Turtle Outlines
- 1 Sea Turtle Tracing Mat
- 1 Sea Turtle Dot Marker Mat
- 5 pages
More Ocean Printables for Kids
Fish Fine Motor Mats has three different types of fish for kids to dot, trace and color. A great fine motor ocean printable you can do during the summer.
Ocean Dot the Number Count the Number has three different themes with Shark, Fish, & Jellyfish with Numbers 1 to 20. Super fun to dot and count. These are great ocean printables for prek and kindergarten.
Ocean Themed Gross Motor Dice has 6 ocean animal movements you can do with kids. This is a great ocean movement activity for preschool and kindergarten age kids.
Ocean No-Prep Weekly Packs has 6 grade level weekly packs. They have 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. They are made to just print and use. They have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.
A Fun Crab Walking Gross Motor Dice is great to get kids moving in different directions.
Check out all the fun Ocean & Beaches Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –