Free Shark ABC Tracing Strip Printables
Sharks are a great theme and having fun shark printables for shark week is loads of fun. This shark letter tracing strips are a great handwriting center idea you can use with kids.
That can work on tracing uppercase and lowercase letters at the same time. This helps with seeing what uppercase letter goes with what lowercase letter.
You can use them during shark week or any ocean theme that you do with kids. And plus sharks are just fun.

The Shark ABC Tracing Strip Printables are a great addition to the shark printables on the site.
The Shark ABC Tracing Strips are part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the ocean section on the subscriber freebie page.
Shark ABC Tracing Strip Printables
The shark alphabet tracing strips are great for working on tracing uppercase and lowercase letters together.
You have a shark fin on each tracing strip with an example of how to trace the letter and several letters to trace.
These are great for later PreK and Kindergarten. You can use just the letters you are looking for or the whole set.
It is recommend that you print the letter tracing strips on cardstock and laminating them.
You can see an example of the shark letter tracing strips below. You can see the uppercase and lowercase letters on the strip with the example and the ones to trace with the shark fin.

Things to use with the Shark ABC Tracing Strips Printable
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- white cardstock
- laminator – this is similar to what I use and love!
- laminating pouches
- q-tip
- dry erase markers
- rings
Ways to Use the Shark ABC Tracing Strips Printable
Youi will see a few ways we have used the shark letter tracing strips in learning centers.
Laminating the Shark ABC Tracing Strips
These shark alphabet tracing strips are great to use when laminated. You can print each page on cardstock and laminate them.
You can see below that we like the laminate them and then cut the tracing strips out.

Storing the Shark ABC Tracing Strips
Once you have all the tracing strips cut out. You can then put them all together on a ring. This is a great idea to keep the tracing strips all together.

Setting up a Shark ABC Letter Tracing Centers
You can see below a very simple set up of a letter tracing center idea. You can have several or all the letter on a ring with a dry erase marker for tracing.

Some letter tracing center ideas are:
– Letters of their name
– Letters of the sight words you are learning
– CVC words
– Vocab words
– Letter of the Day
– Spell different shark names
Tracing the Letters
After have you the letters you are going to be using, then have kids trace the letters.
One fun option is to also have them trace the example of how to write the letter as well as the letters on the tracing strip.

Cleaning Off Dry Erase Marker with Q-Tip
A fun idea you can do it to use a q-tip or cotton swab to clean off the dry erase marker on the tracing strips.
This is a sneaky way to add more handwriting practice on the shark letter tracing strips. The cotton swabs are great to work on fine motor skills. And retracing the letters help them with their fine motor skills.

Way to Use the Laminated Sheets for Handwriting
Now if you love using the tracing strips but don’t want to do all the cutting and putting them on a ring. You can just laminate the sheet and let kids tracing the letters on each sheet.
You could also put the page in a sheet protector if you don’t want to laminate.
But this allows you to work on several letters at a time. You might want to trace a letter set each day.

More Shark ABC Printables
If you are looking for more shark letter printables. Check out the Shark ABC Letter Find printable. You have tracing the letters and then finding the letters on the shark fins. A great handwriting and letter identification printable.

No-Prep Shark ABC Find
Uppercase and lowercase themed shark alphabet finds for kids to work on their letters. You can trace the letter then dot or color the shark fins.

What you will find in the Shark ABC Letter Find Printable:
- All 26 letters of the alphabet in Uppercase and lowercase options
- Tracing section for each letter
- Several letters to dot on the shark fins
- 52 pages of printables
- Price: $3.50
Click here to buy your copy of the Shark ABC Find at TPT.
Click here to buy your copy of the Shark Find Bundle at TPT.
What you will find in the Free Shark ABC Letter Tracing Strip Printable
- All 26 Letters
- Shark Fin Theme
- Uppercase and lowercase tracing together
- Example of how you trace each letter
- Spot to put strips on a ring
- 10 pages of printables

ABC Tracing Strips Set
You have great tracing strips with loads of tracing options with letters together and apart. There is also ABCtracing options with letters or pictures of beginning sounds.

What you will find in the ABC Tracing Strips Set
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Letter Guide Example
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Letter Guide Example
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Trace in Bubble Example
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Trace in Bubble Example
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Letters
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Letters
- Alphabet Picture Words Tracing with Bubble Words with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Picture Words Tracing with Words with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Letter Writing with with Picture of Beginning Sound
- Alphabet Uppercase Writing with Picture of Letter
- Alphabet Lowercase Writing with Picture of Letter
- 227 pages
- Price: $4.50
Check out these other Shark ABC Printables
Shark Activity Pack: Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs & Numbers is a great set of activities that work together with a shark theme. You have a mix of no-prep shark worksheet, shark easy reader books, shark tracing strips, and shark clip cards! All of these shark printables work great together in a shark learning center. This is great shark activities for preschool and kindergarten.
Easy No-Prep Shark ABC Letter Find is a fun letter find with shark finds. It has uppercase and lowercase letter options. You can trace the letter and find the letter on the shark fin.
Hands-On Shark ABC Matching Printable is a matching activity for letters with uppercase and lowercase letters. You have picture to match the beginning sounds with uppercase letters and lowercase letters on shark finds.
Shark Themed ABC and Number Wall Cards are great to display during the summer. They are great to see letter formation and number formation as well.
Check out all the fun Shark Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –