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Free Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles Printables – Addition from 1 to 20

Hands-on matching for math is a great way to work on learning. This teaches that there is more than one way to add up a number.

These simple free snowman addition matching cards provide a fun hands-on way to work on addition. You have fun equations to solve and then match that has the same answer to the addition..

I always get asked for more addition printables, and this is a really fun math center for winter math.

The Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles is a part of the 20 Free Printables for January.

Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20  with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

The Snowman Addition Matching Puzzle Printables is a great addition to the winter printables and addition printables on the site.

What is addition?

Addition is the adding of two or more numbers together. So by adding 2 + 1 we get 3. The number 3 is the sum of the two numbers.

Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles

These Snowman addition matching puzzle cards work on having two addition math problems with kids matching the cards that add up the same number.

Each puzzle piece has an addition problem on them. You can see four of the addition matching puzzle pieces below.

Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20  with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Matching Number Bond Mat

You have a mat to match the puzzle pieces and then number bonds to build the two numbers. This is a way to make the puzzle pieces a math center.

If you plan on using the number bond mat a lot, I recommend printing on cardstock
and laminatingthe mat.

Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20  with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Snowman Addition Matching Printable

I always get asked what we used with the printables, and this is a nice easy list for you to see.

Ways to Use the Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles Printable

You can see a few ways to use the puzzle pieces and the number bond mats with these fun addition math puzzles.

Make a Snowman Addition Matching Game

You can match the addition math puzzle pieces. You can line them up on two sides and match the puzzles. A simple and easy addition activity to do.

Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20  with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

Build Addition Equations with Unfix Cubes

You can take unifix cube and build the equations that you are matching. It is a great way to see if they are the same or not.

You can see how they are equal in size but different in how you add up to the same number.

Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20 with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

Match Addition Puzzles Pieces on Rings

You can also make this a matching game on rings. Kids can solve and flip through the rings to find the two pieces with the same answer for the addition.

This makes a great center and keeps the pieces together as well.

Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20  with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

Build Addition Equations On Addition Number Bond Mat

Here are some suggestions for the addition number bond mat and the puzzles. You can see below we put the mat in a sheet protector and use dry erase markers with it.

Use Unfix Cubes in the Addition Number Bond

You can use unifix cube to build the number bonds. You can stack them in the circles and then combine them to show the same answer for both addition equations.

Then write the addition answers on both number bonds.

Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20  with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use Erasers in the Addition Number Bond

You can use erasers to build the addition in the number bonds. It is another great addition activity to do with these matching addition puzzles.

You can also write the addition answers on both number bonds with dry erase markers.

Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20  with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

Write in the Addition Number Bond Mats with Dry Erase Markers

You could use a dry erase marker and write in the number bonds and answers. This is great way to see how number bonds work and see if they come up with the same answer as well.

Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20  with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Winter Addition Printables

Now if you are looking for more winter math you can check out the No-Prep Winter Math Printables for Addition and Subtraction. It is an easy way to work on more math facts. These are great for morning work, homework, or extra practice for those that need it.

No Prep Winter Addition & Subtraction - 30 pages no-prep printables with a mix of addition and subtraction activities plus a math center activity - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepmath #tpt #addition #subtraction

What in the No-Prep Winter Math Printables Addition & Subtraction

It is a collection of 30 pages on no-prep activities for addition and subtraction. It also includes great math center activities of roll and graph and a math fact sheet. These pages are great for morning work or homework.

No Prep Winter Addition & Subtraction - 30 pages no-prep printables with a mix of addition and subtraction activities plus a math center activity - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepmath #tpt #addition #subtraction

What you will find in the No-Prep Winter Math Printables Addition & Subtraction:

  • 30 pages of no-prep printables for addition and subtraction
  • Winter themed Math Fact Review Page
  • Roll & Graph multiplication for 1 to 6 and 1 to 12
  • Spinner to use with Roll & Graph and math fact page
  • Price: $4

You can check out a sample of the pages here.

What you will find in the Free Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles Printables

  • Snowman addition puzzles
  • Addition from 1 to 20
  • Snowman Mat for matching cards, addition, and number bonds
  • 5 pages
Free Snowman Addition Matching - a fun addition matching game adding numbers from 1 to 20  with two piece puzzles and matching number bond mat for kindergarten and first grade - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Winter Addition Printables

No-Prep Winter Addition & Subtraction has 30 pages of printables for each set with review sheets at the end. A great way to work on math facts from 1 to 20.

Snow Learning Pack Math Update also is a great addition to multiplication math activities for kids!

Snowman Addition Matching Puzzles has addition from 1 to 10 with three peice matching puzzles. Easy math printable for the winter.

Addition Flashcards 1 to 10 come ins 5 colors for you to pick from. You have white, green, red, pink, and blue.

Addition Flashcards for 11-20 comes in five color options for you to pick from. They are the same colors as the 1 to 10 cards.

Check out all the fun Winter & Snow Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Winter & Snow Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. Hi I don’t think the link to download the snowman addition puzzles IS working. Thanks.

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