Free St. Patrick’s Day Pack for Tot, Preschool, Prek & Kindergarten
The Free St. Patrick’s Day Pack is is a great learning pack with a mix of no-prep and hands- printables with a St. Patrick’s day theme you can use with kids.
You are going to find St Patrick’s Day puzzles, St Patrick’s Day worksheets, St Patrick’s Day matching games, St Patrick’s Day vocab cards, St Patrick’s Day letter tracing, and more in this pack.
It has easy to use worksheet and fun hands-on activities that you can use with a mix of different ages.

The St. Patrick’s Day Pack is a great addition to the St Patrick’s Day prinables and free printable packs on the site.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
This St. Patrick’s Day printable pack is made to be used with children from 2 to 8. These printables were made to go with the book: There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover! by Lucille Colandro.
If you are looking for No-Prep St Patrick’s Day Packs you can check out the No-Prep St Patrick’s Day Weekly Packs. They have 5 days of printables and 4 pages for each day. You have PreK, Kindergarten. First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade options.
Things to use with the St. Patrick’s Day Pack Printable
- printer
- white copy paper
- white cardstock
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- crayons
- markers
- pencil
- pencil grips – These are great help for kids that struggle with writing
- glue stick
- gold coins
- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover! by Lucille Colandro
- Pete the Cat: The Great Leprechaun Chase
All the Information on the Saint Patrick’s Day Pack For PreK & Kindergarten
You will see a mix of hands-on St. Patrick’s Day printables and no-prep VSt. Patrick’s Day worksheets. This pack is for kids in prek (ages 4 to 5) and Kindergarten (5 to 6), and a few ideas work for first grade (ages 6 to 7)
You have have a description of the page and how to use it. You will find information on all 55 pages in the pack.
St Patrick’s Day Vocab Cards Printables
You have 9 vocab cards that work with the story There was an old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover.
You have the words old lady, clover, daisy, butterfly, bird, pot, gold, fiddle, and rainbow.

St Patrick’s Day 3 Part Cards
You have 3 part cards to use with the St Patrick’s Day vocab cards. You have the picture and a line between the picture and the word.
You cut the cards out and use the two pieces to match the correct word and picture. You can also use the vocab cards as matching cards for the 3 part cards.
You can see below how they are use with he example of the clover.

St Patrick’s Day Which One is Different Worksheet
You have a worksheet with five rows of images. You have 5 images in each row. You look through the images and find the image that is different.
You can use hands on items to cover the image or circle with a marker or pencil.

St Patrick’s Day What Comes Next Cut & Paste Worksheet
You have worksheet with ABC and AB type patterns. You use the images below to complete the pattern.
This is a cut and paste worksheet for kids. You have 4 patterns to finish.
St Patrick’s Day Prewriting Practice Worksheet
You have two pages of prewriting worksheet. You trace the link from the old lady to an item from the story. You have a prewriting page with simple lines and a second page with more complex lines.
This is a great page to reuse. You can put the prewriting page in a sheet protector and trace the lines over and over.

St Patrick’s Day Pattern Cards for ABC Patterns
You have three set of cards to make ABC patterns. You have an old lady, the leprechaun, and a rainbow. You can print one set but we find that printing them twice words best.
You make ABC patterns like a pattern that repeats with the lady and the rainbow to make an AB pattern.
Or you use all three cards to make a repeating ABC pattern. This is a great way to work on patterns and change it up for the different seasons.
This pattern activity is great prek and kindergarten age kids.
St Patrick’s Day Matching Cards
You have a set eleven matching cards. You can print the cards and match the two sets of cards.
You can also keep one sheet together and match the cards to the page. This is a great hands- on activity for preschool age kids.
St Patrick’s Day 4 Piece Puzzles
You have 10 4 piece puzzle. Each puzzle is the same size with four pieces for kids to build each picture.
You have all the themes from the book for the puzzle. This is a great hands-on activity for prek and kindergarten.

St Patrick’s Day 10 Piece Puzzles ( 1 to 10 & Skip Counting by 10 Puzzle)
You have two sets of 10 piece puzzles Each puzzle is different and works great for different ages.
St Patrick’s Day 10 Piece Puzzles: Numbers 1 to 10
The first 10 piece puzzle is all the parts from the story with a rainbow in the background.
You have numbers from 1 to 10 on the puzzle pieces. You can print the puzzle on cardstock and cut it out. Then use it in a center for kids to build the puzzle.

If you want you can print the puzzle twice and use the not cut up one to match the puzzle pieces. It is a great matching and they can see the numbers in order.

St Patrick’s Day 10 Piece Puzzles: Skip Counting by 10
The second puzzle is a skip counting by 10 puzzle. It starts at 10 and goes to 100.
You can use it same as the puzzle above. The skip counting by 10 puzzle is great for kids in kindergarten and some first grade kids as well.
St Patrick’s Day Clip & Count Number 1 to 15
You have a set of number count and clip cards. they have numbers from 1 to 15 for kids to count and clip.
You have items from the story for them to count and three numbers below to clip the correct number. This is a great hands-on number counting activity.

St Patrick’s Day Beginning Sound Clip Cards or Worksheet
You have beginning sound page for the word from the vocab cards. You have three uppercase letters for kids to pick the correct letter and clip the letter.
You could also keep the page together and make it into a worksheet for beginning sounds.

Clover Size Sorting (Small Medium & Large)
You have sorting activity with three sizes of clovers small, medium and large. You have a sorting math for kids to sort the clovers.
This is a great hands-on sorting activity for kids in PreK.

St Patrick’s Day Pocket Chart Cards
Yo have all the vocab cards in pocket chart size cards. These are great for displaying on the way or using with the writing and tracing strips.
You have all 9 vocab cards in these cards.
St Patrick’s Day Beginning Sound Tracing Strips
You have a beginning sounds tracing strips. You have the picture and then lowercase letters to trace on each strip.
You can trace these with pencil if you are doing one time.
You can also laminate the the page and cut out the strips or you can put it in a sheet protector and trace that it over and over.

St Patrick’s Day Word Tracing Strips
You have the picture and the word written out in a tracing font. it is a great way to work on handwriting with kids.
You can print them on cardstock and laminate them or you can print them out and trace with a a pencil for a one time use.

St Patrick’s Day Writing Strips pages
You have the picture on the cards and guidelines for kids to write out the words for each picture.
You can use the pocket chart cards to help kids write their words. This is a great kindergarten handwriting activity.
St Patricks Day Writing (Clover, Rainbow, Leprechaun)
You have a writing page for clover, rainbow and leprechaun. You have a picture and space below to write a sentence for the word. You have one writing page for each word.
This is great for kindergarten writing. You could also use the page to write the word as well.
St Patricks Day Color the Letter & Trace the Sentence ( Clover, Rainbow, Leprechaun
You have a beginning sound coloring page. This has Uppercase and lowercase letters to color. Then you have a sentence to trace with the beginning sound and then the word to trace.

Rainbow Color by Number Worksheet
You have a color by by number with each arch of the rainbow is a different color with the color code at the bottom of the page to color the letters.
This is a great preschool number worksheet.
Color by Coin Subtraction Worksheet
You have a simple color by subtraction page. It as several coins with subtraction equations on them. There is a color code at the bottom of the page. You color each answer for the coin based on the color for the answer.
St Patrick’s Day Word Matching with Tracing
You have a matching worksheet with matching picture and word. You have nine pictures on the left side of the page. You have nine words to trace that match the pictures.
You match the picture to the word and trace the word on the page.
St Patrick’s Day Picture Matching Worksheet
You have a matching page with matching the picture to the same picture. You draw a line from one picture to the same picture on the other side.
Clover Color by Size Worksheet (Small Medium & Large)
You have a color by size worksheet to go with the hands-on size activity. You have several colors of different sizes for kids to color.
You have a color code on the top left hand sizes for the different sizes. Then clovers are on the page in three sizes. You have large, medium and small.

Adding Coins Mat
You have an addition mat with the equation at the bottom. There are numbers you can use with all the math mats.
You can build the equation with the coins in the set or gold pieces.
You can laminate the page or in a sheet protector and use dry erase markers to write the equations.

Subtracting Coins Mat
You have a math mat with a subtraction equation at the bottom and space to make the subtraction equations with coins or gold pieces. You can build equations that work from 20 to 0.
Greater Than/Less Than Coin Mat
You have a mat to compare numbers from 0 to 20. You have the space for the numbers and the great than, less than and equal symbols. You will find that tiles for them or you can write them on the mat if you have it laminated.
Counting Coins Mat
The final math mat is a coining coins mat. You can use coins from the set or gold pieces. You can write in number or use the number tiles in the pack. You can count form 0 to 20.
Find the Letter C Worksheet
You have a letter find worksheet for the letter C. You have uppercase C and lowercase c in the set. This is a great way to see the letter mixed in with other letters.

Color as You Read Story Worksheet
The color as you read the story lets kids read the parts from the story as they read the story. You have all the vocab words that are in the story. It is a great way to recognize word and the pictures that go with the words.
Clover Color the Pattern Worksheet
You have a pattern worksheet. You can use crayons or dot markers and make patterns. You can do AB, AAB, BBA, ABC and more.
You can see we used a dot marker to make the pattern below.

St Patricks Day Fill in the Missing Pattern Cut & Paste
You have a pattern worksheet with three row o patterns. There are parts of the pattern missing. You need to cut and paste the pictures to complete each pattern.
This is a great way to work on recognizing patterns.
St Patrick’s Day Letter Stamping
You have a letter stamping worksheet for kids. You have the beginning sounds for each each letter for kids to stamp uppercase and lowercase letters.
We used ABC stamps for our stamping.

All the Information on the St Patrick’s Day Tot Pack
You will see all about the pages in the Saint Patrick’s Day tot pack printables below. Plus how to use some of them as well.
St Patricks Day Basic Prewriting Worksheets
You have 5 different prewriting lines for kids to trace. Each page has one prewriting line with 3 lines to trace. You can use all the lines. They are simple and easy to use. They have the old lady tracing to a theme from the book.

St Patricks Day 2 Part Puzzles Printables
The two part puzzles has all the pictures from the story in two pieces puzzles. That makes it a great hands-on activity. It also works great for kids to see how two sides make a whole.

Color the Clover Book
You have a fun clover small book. Each page has a different color for kids to color the clover. You have 11 colors words in the book.

St Patricks Day Matching Cards
You have the pictures from the story for kids to match. The pictures are in order of the story from left to right. You want to print this on cardstock. Then you can play a matching game where you match the same picture.
Or you could cover each picture with a glass gems as you hear the picture in the story.
St Patrick’s Day 9 Piece Puzzle
You have a 9 piece puzzles for kids to make. It has the old lady and the leprechaun on the puzzle.
You print this puzzle on cardstock and laminate. Then you cut out the pieces for kids to make the puzzle.
You could also print this puzzle twice and make it a matching puzzle game.

St. Patrick’s Day Trace the Shapes Thick Line
You have a clover shape tracing page with thick lines for the shape. You have the following shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, diamond, pentagon, hexagon, and heart.
St. Patrick’s Day Trace the Shapes Thin Line
You have the same shapes as the thick lines but instead you have thin lines for kids to trace.
You can reuse both of these shape pages by putting them in a sheet protector and tracing with dry erase markers.

St. Patrick’s Day Matching Worksheet
You have a matching worksheet with four images on each page. You have kids draw a line from one picture to the same picture on the other side.

Dot Marker Letter C for Clover
You have a dot marker letter C that is uppercase with a picture of a clover and the word clover written out for tracing.

Dot Marker Letter B for Bird Worksheet
You have a dot marker letter B that is uppercase with a picture of a bird and the word bird written out for tracing.
Clover Lacing Card Printable
You have a clover that you can print out and punch holes in to make a clover lacing cards. A simple printable to work on fine motor skills.
Letter B Coloring Worksheet
You have a little B coloring page with letter b to trace and color. You have a butterfly and bird on the page for kids that start with the little b.
St. Patrick’s Day Pack contains over 55 pages:
(Part 1) St Patricks Day Vocab Cards, St Patricks Day 3 part Cards, St Patricks Day Which One is Different Worksheet, St Patricks Day What Comes Next Cut & paste, St Patricks Day Prewriting Practice Worksheet, St Patricks Day Pattern Cards for ABC patterns, St Patricks Day Matching Cards, St Patricks Day 4 Piece Puzzles, St Patricks Day 10 Piece Puzzles ( 1 to 10 & Skip Counting by 10 Puzzle), St Patrick’s Day Clip & Count Number 1 to 15
(Part 2) St Patrick’s Day Beginning Sound Clip Cards or Worksheet, Clover Size Sorting (Small Medium & Large), St Patricks Day Pocket Chart Cards, St Patrick’s Day Beginning Sound Tracing Strips, St Patricks Day word Tracing Strips, St Patricks Day Writing Strips, St Patricks Day Writing (Clover, Rainbow, Leprechaun) St Patricks Day Color the Letter & Trace the Sentence ( Clover, Rainbow, Leprechaun, Rainbow Color by Number Worksheet, Color by Coin Subtraction Worksheet, St Patrick’s Day Word Matching with Tracing, St Patricks Day Picture Matching Worksheet, Clover Color by Size Worksheet (Small Medium & Large), Adding Coins Mat, Subtracting Coins Mat, Greater Than/Less Than Coin Mat, Counting Coins Mat, Find the Letter C, Color as You Read Story Worksheet
(Part 3) Clover Color the Pattern Worksheet, St Patricks Day Fill in the Missing Pattern Cut & Paste, St Patricks Day Letter Stamping
St. Patrick’s Day Tot Pack contains 24 pages:
St Patricks Day Basic Prewriting, St Patricks Day 2 Part Puzzles, Color the Clover Book, Matching Cards, St Patrick’s Day 9 Piece Puzzle, St. Patrick’s Day Trace the Shapes Thick Line, St. Patrick’s Day Trace the Shapes Thin Line, St. Patrick’s Day Matching Worksheet, Dot Marker Letter C for Clover, Dot Marker Letter B for Bird, Clover Lacing Cards, and Letter B Coloring Worksheet
More St Patrick’s Day Printables
St. Patrick’s Day No-Prep Weekly Packs has 5 days of printables with 4 pages for each day. These are no-prep packs that means just print and go. You have PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.
St Patrick’s Day Prewriting, ABCs, Numbers & Shapes has no-prep pages, easy reader books, clip cards, and tracing strips for kids to work on the different skills. These are a fun way to work on different skills in the same theme.
St Patrick’s Day Learning Pack has 50 pages and is made for kids 5 to 10. This has 1st to 3rd grade great math and language activities. You will find a mix of hands-on and no-prep activities to use.
St Patrick’s Day ABC Pot of Gold Matching With Tracing is uppercase and lowercase letter matching with two options of recording sheets. It has all 26 letters of the alphabet
Check out all the St Patrick’s Day Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –
Graphics purchased from Scrappin Doodles and Melonheadz Illustrating and Doodles
These are super cute! I’ll have to see if our library can get the book in for me in English so we can use them. Thanks for sharing!
You are welcome. The books in that series are all so fun!
This pack looks wonderful. When I tried to open the link I kept getting error messages. Is there another way to open this? Thank you so much for taking the time and sharing these with us all.
Hi! Yes Please update your adobe and also read through the help and Error post!
I’m having trouble downloading the St. Patrick’s Day Pack…I keep getting the error message “HTTP 404 webpage not found”.
Is there another link possibly I could try?
Link is now fixed.
Thanks for posting – love the holiday themed suggestions!
You are welcome it is fun to have holiday stuff!
I am having problems too. I can open other Packs but not this one. This is the error I get:
Not Found
The requested URL /printables/packs/stpatricksday.php.php was not found on this server.
Link is not fixed. Try again.
What a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day pack!! I will be printing some off for my boys and have pinned to my St. Patrick’s Day Board. Stopping over from TGIF! Also I have just started a new St. Patrick’s Day Linky and would LOVE it if you get a chance to link up your idea. Have a wonderful weekend!!
I’m make sure I try and link up!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the subtraction sheet you’ve included in your St. Patrick’s day pack! Oh my! Please keep making these WONDERFUL subtraction sheets in each of your packages.
As always, you’re packs are amazing and THANK YOU so much for the wonderful creations you share with us.
I will try to keep adding what I can but I vary what I put in the packs. So keep that in mind. I’m glad you like them.
Hi there! These look adorable. I am going to have to try and download them when I get to school. It seems to not want to be cooperative on my home computer. Thank you for creating! Thank you Classroom Freebies’ Manic Monday!
I’m glad you like them. Read over this post: for help with downloading.
Thanks Cassie! Your creations are all so cute and a total LIFESAVER! 🙂
Fun in PreK-1
I’m glad that you like them! I always try and do something fun with them.
Thanks so much for sharing another awesome pack, Cassie! I love St. Patrick’s Day, and your printables make it so easy to create fun hands-on learning activities. I featured your pack as the Free Printable of the Day at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and on Pinterest at
Thanks for the feature! I am always thankful for all you do!
Another great pack! I will be featuring this on The Sunday Showcase.
I’m glad you like it! I worked really hard on it.
Cassie these are fantastic! You always make such gorgeous packs!
Thanks for sharing your creativity and linking up at TGIF! I am featuring this today as the most clicked on link here at TGIF:
I look forward to seeing you linked up again later today =-) Have a GREAT weekend,
I’m glad you like it! I always try and do my best when I make things.