Free Transportation Easy Reader Book: On Our Drive
Easy reader books are a great way to introduce new ideas. You can also make these books loads of fun for kids.
This is a great easy reader book about things you could see on a drive.
It is a wonderful new easy reader book for kindergarten and first grade kdis to use.
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This is a great addition to the transportation printables on the site.
What is an easy reader book?
Easy reader books are beginner reader books that help build literacy skills. These can also be called emergent reader books.
Easy page in this transportation easy reader book have fun landscapes for kids to learn about while reading the book. You can see an example of the book below.
You are doing to see the sight words: we, by, the. It is a fun way to mix up learning new words.

Things to use with the Transportation Easy Reader Book Printable
How to Make the Easy Reader Books
I always get asked how I make the easy reader books. Here are the simple steps that I use to make the books. I use scissors and a stapler.
Cut Down the Center of the Easy Reader Book
You line up the pages of the easy reader book. There is a line down the middle of the book. You cut down the middle. Be sure to hold the pages tight while you cut.

Alternate the Pages of the Easy Reader Book
The book has the odd pages on the top and the even on the bottom. You alternate every other page from the top and bottom until the pages of the book are in order.

Staple the Left side of the Easy Reader Book
Then you staple the book on the left hand side of the book. You can put in three or four staples on the side.

Ways to Use the Transportation Easy Reader Book: On Our Drive Printable
You can color the pages in the book. You can talk about how each of the pages sees something different.

You can underline the different landscapes. You can talk about the differences between all the landscapes in the book.

What you will find in the Free Transportation Easy Reader Book: On Our Drive
- Transportation themed book with different landscapes
- Landscape themes: pond, mountains, desert, park, beach, farm, and stream
- 8 page easy reader book
- 4 pages
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Cassie –