Free Transportation Road Shape Tracing Printable
Shape Tracing can be a hard skill for kids, but we can make it fun. These free road shape tracing printables are a great way to work on shapes and having fun at the same time.
You work on shape tracing in PreK and kindergarten, and the road shape mats are fun ways to do that. And they could be used with tot and preschool age kids as well.
Plus they are a great low-prep shape activity you can do with kids that is simple and quick.

The Transportation Road Shape Tracing Printable is a great addition to the transportation printables and shape printables on the site.
The Transportation Road Shape Tracing Printable is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the shape section on the subscriber freebie page.
What shapes are you going to find in the printable road shape mats?
You are going to find nine 2d shapes in the road shape tracing printables: They are circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle, rhombus, star, heart, and crescent.
Transportation Road Shape Tracing Printable
You will find two set version of the car shape tracing printable. You can have a black version and a white version. This allows you to pick the one that works best for your needs.
These are great shape printables for tot (ages 2 to 3), preschool (ages 3 to 4), prek (ages 4 to 5) and kindergarten (ages 5 to 6).
Transportation Black Road Shape Tracing Printable
The black road tracing shape has the road in black and the dashed lines in white. You can see the shape name in the left corner. This is a great shape center printable

Transportation White Road Shape Tracing Printable
The white is just like the black but has the shape road white. The white road version is to help save on printer ink but is still a fun make for kids to use. This is a great shape tracing strips with the road theme. You have the big dashed lines for kids to use

I recommend printing this on cardstock and laminating them if you plan on using the a lot.
Things to use with the Car Shape Tracing Mats Printable
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- white cardstock
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- sheet protectors
- dry erase markers
- playdough
- Learning Resources Mini Motors Counting and Sorting Fun Set
Ways to Use the Car Shape Tracing Mats Printable
You’re going to find that I never use a printable one way. And I love showing you a few ways to use the road shape tracing printables.
Prepare the Car Shape Tracing Mats Printable
To help make sure the transportation shape mat printables last for all the ideas laminate the tracing pages or put them in sheet protectors. And the road shape mats are a shape printable you can use all year.
Trace with Road Shapes with Markers
You can trace the shapes with markers. You can use the big dry erase markers or fine point dry erase markers. Use what work best for the ages of kids you are teaching.
I love that you can use a q-tips to erase the line they drew on the roads. Then you get another way to work on fine motor and more shape line tracing.

Trace the Road Shape Mat with a Car
You can take a car, train, or truck and trace the lines. You can move the car around the road. You can do this with each shape.

If you love a transportation theme you might like these DIY felt car mat for kids.
Line the Road Shape Mat with Cars
You can line small objects around the shape. You can take the cars and put them all around the shape. This is another way to work fine motor skills in while working on shapes.

Use Playdough on the Road Shape Mats
Plus, these road mats can be use as playdough mats! You can get the playdough out and make snakes to line the shapes.

Tracing Road Shapes Mats in a Binder
You can put the transportation shape printable pages in a binder and trace them over and over. This is a great use for the white pages. You can use colored markers on the lines.

More Transportation Themed Printables
If you are looking for more shape printables you can use the Transportation Shape Find with shape tracing printables. You can match each page up with a shape trace and find with this fun printable.

You can also check out the Transportation Activity Pack that has loads more road shape activities.

What you will find in the Transportation Shape Find
You have 12 different shapes to work on. They have the shape name and the shape to trace and then dot or color on the signs.

What you will find in the Transportation Shape Find Printables
- 12 shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus/diamond, oval, heart, star, crescent, hexagon, octagon.
- Tracing section for each shape and shape word
- Find shapes on the signs
- $3.00 for all 26 pages of printables
Click here to buy your copy of the Transportation Shape Find at Teachers Pay Teachers
Click here to buy your copy of the Transportation Find Bundle at Teachers Pay Teachers
If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.
What you will find in the Car Shape Tracing Mat Printables
- Road shape tracing mats or road shape mats
- shapes: circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle, rhombus, star, heart, and crescent
- Black road or white background options
- 18 pages of printables

Transportation Activity Pack
The transportation Activities Pack has loads of no-prep pages, easy reader books, tracing strips, and clip cards for learning with a car or transportation theme for PreK and kindergarten.
What you will find in the Transportation Activity Pack
- Sign Prewriting Thick Line
- Sign Prewriting Thin Line
- Car Prewriting Lines
- Car Prewriting Strips Thick Line
- Car Prewriting Strips Thin Line
- Car Prewriting Book Single Print
- Car Prewriting Book Teacher Print
- Car Shape Tracing
- Sign Shape Tracing Strips
- Sign Shape Clip Cards
- Car Shape Book Single Print
- Car Shape Book Teacher Print
- Car by ABCs – Two letters per page
- Car by ABCs matching uppercase and lowercase letters with tracing
- Sign Clip Cards for matching Uppercase letters
- Sign Clip Cards for Matching Uppercase with lowercase letters
- ABC Tracing Strips with uppercase and lowercase letters
- ABC Tracing Strips with uppercase only letters
- ABC Tracing Strips with lowercase only letters
- Sign Number Clip Cards 1 to 10
- Number Clip Cards Which comes next
- Car Clip Cards
- Car Number Chart
- Car with Tracing 0 to 10
- Car Counting Book 0 to 10 Single Print
- Car Counting Book 0 to 10 Teacher Print
- Car Number Tracing Strips 0 to 10 Number digit and word
- Car Number Tracing Strips 0 to 10 Number digit
- Car Number Tracing Strips 0 to 10 Number word
- Which Has More Cars Clip Cards
- 189 pages
- Price: $10
More Shape Tracing Printables For Kids
Transportation Activity Pack has shape tracing, easy reader books and tracing strips.
Large Shape Tracing Pages are big shape tracing pages that work great for fine motor centers
2D Shape Tracing Cards are fun shape tracing printables that work great on a ring.
Space Shape Tracing is a fun space theme with shapes in the sky.
Flower Shape Tracing Printables is a wonderful spring shape printable.
Pumpkin Shape Tracing is a great fall shape tracing printable.
Check out all the fun Transportation Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Check out all the fun Shape Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.