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Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables

Trees are a great theme for Arbor Day or Earth Day. The free Tree Fine motor Mat Printables are a great way to add in some fine motor work during spring, summer, and fall.

You can use the Trees for crafts, fine motor mat centers, and more. And you can use the mats that work best for you. And kids will have a blast.

You will find 4 Tree fine motor mats: tree tracing, tree template mat, tree dot marker, and tree playdough mats.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables are a great addition to the earth day printables and Arbor Day printables on the site.

The Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables are part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the raindrop section on the subscriber freebie page.

What are Fine Motor Skills?

Fine motor skills involve using the small muscles in your hands and wrists to make precise movements.

This can be tearing paper, playdough, pencil control, or coloring with a crayon.

Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables

You have 7 tree fine motor mats to use with kids. You have a tree template, tree tracing worksheet, tree dot marker printable, and a tree playdough mat. The Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables are great fine motor activities for kids in preschool, prek, and kindergarten.

Tree Template Printable

You have two tree templates. Each tree has a tree with lots of leaves and a solid top of the tree for coloring. These great templates for spring and fall tree crafts for kids in preschool, prek, and kindergarten.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree Tracing Printable

You have two tree tracing templates. You have the same trees from the tree template but it allows you to do the tracing of the lines. You have the simple tree to trace and the more complex tree to trace. You can use the simple tree in prek and the more complex tree in kindergarten.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree Dot Marker Printable

You have two dot marker trees. The first tree has an outline of a tree for kids to dot. And the second dot marker tree has the whole tree filled in for kids to dot. The dot marker trees are great for spring and fall fine motor activities.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tree Playdough Mat Printable

You have a simple playdough mat for kids to work on making the tree shape between the two lines. It is a great playdough mat that kids can use in a learning center.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Tree Fine Motor Printables

Ways to Use the Tree Fine Motor Mats Printables

You are going to see several suggestion on how to use the tree fine motor mat printables.

Ways to Use the Tree Template Printable

The tree template make a great template for a tree craft for kids.

Coloring Tree Template Printable

The tree template printable makes a great coloring page for kids. You can give them green and brown and have them color the tree.

You can use markers, crayons or colored pencils for the coloring. You can see we used crayons below.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Make a Torn Paper Tree

You can use the tree template and make a torn paper tree. It is super simple to do and fun for kids. And tearing the paper works great on fine motor skills. Construction paper works great for this craft. You can give them green and brown paper to tear.

Finger Paint the Tree

You can also use finger paints and finger paint the Tree for younger kids. This is a great way to use it for tot and preschool age kids. You can give them green and brown colors.

Ways to Use the Tree Tracing Printable

You will see a few ways to see the tree tracing printable below.

Set up a Fine Motor Tracing Center

You can have kids set up a fine motor tracing center for the tree. You can give them a pencil and the tree to trace. You can see below we have a pencil with a pencil grip. It is a great tool for kids struggling to hold a pencil correctly.

And it works in skinning markers, colored pencils, and crayons as well!

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Trace the Tree with Crayons

You can trace the tree with crayons. It makes for a fun fine motor activity for kids. You can use green in the spring and red, yellow, and orange in the fall.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Trace the Tree with Paints and Cotton Swabs

If you want to use this with older kids who still struggle with fine motor, have them trace it with q-tip and washable paints. It is a great way to sneak in painting and fine motor. And they might like it better than tracing the tree with a pencil. And you can call it painting instead of tracing.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Reuse the Tree Tracing Printable

If you want to reuse the tree, then laminate the page or place it in a sheet protector and use dry erase markers to trace over and over. It makes a great fine motor center activity and you can use it more than one time.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ways to Use the Tree Dot Marker Printable

You will see a fe suggestion on how to use the dot marker tree below.

Use Dot Makers on the Dot Marker Tree Printable

You can dot markers on the dot marker tree. You can get a brown from the brilliant dot marker set and green for the main dot marker set.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use Circles on the Dot Marker Tree Printable

You can use a circle punch and have kids punch out brown and green circles from construction paper. Then they can use a glue stick and glue the circles on the tree. You can also use glitter paper to make it is a fancy tree. And you can do green for the spring and yellow, red and orange for the fall. This makes a fun tree craft you can do with kids.

Use Glass Gems on the Dot Marker Tree Printable

You can use green glass gems and brown glass gems on the tree as well. They make a great fine motor center for kids to place the glass gems on the tree.

Ways to Use the Tree Playdough Mat Printable

You will see a few ways to use the tree playdough mat.

Use Playdough on the Tree

You can use playdough on the tree. You can laminate the tree and put it in a sheet protector and then use playdough to outline the tree.

Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use Dry Erase markers on the Playdough Mat Tree

If you want another way to use the tree playdough mat you can use dry earse markers to trace around the tree and truck with dry erase markers. A great way to reuse the tree playdough mat printable.

What you will find in the Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables

  • 2 Tree Templates
  • 2 Tree Tracing Mats
  • 2 Tree Dot Marker Mats
  • 1 Tree Playdough Mat
  • 7 pages
Free Tree Fine Motor Mat Printables with 2 tracing tree, 2 tree templates, 2 tree dot markers and 1 tree playdough mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Spring Fine Motor Mat Printable Set

You have 9 fun spring fine motor mats together in a fun bundle.

Spring Fine Motor Mat Printable Set with 8 different themes fine motor mats with dot markers, template, tracing, playdough mats and q-tip printables for building fine motor skills during the spring - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Spring Fine Motor Mats Printable Set

  • 9 Fine motor mats with a mix of templates, tracing, dot marker, q-tip and playdough mats.
  • Spring Fine Motor Mats: Baseball, Earth, Easter Egg, Ladybug, Rainbow, Raindrop, Tree, Tulip, dinosaur egg,
  • 44 pages
  • Price: $4

More Tree Printables for Kids

Tree Shape Pack For PreK & Kindergarten is a great pack with no-prep and hands-on activities with shapes! It is great for Prek and Kindergarten age kids. You have 12 shapes that kids can use for learning their shapes.

Sequencing: Seasons of a Tree has clip cards, sequencing cards, cut and paste worksheets, an easy reader book, and writing pages. All to help kids learn about the seasons of a tree.

Tree Shape Find Printable has 11 shapes for ids to trace and then find on the trees. You have shape word and geometric shape for kids to work on.

Tree Dot the Number Count the Number has numbers from 0 to 20. You have a dot marker number and dot that count up to the number on the tree. This is a great arbor day number printable for kids in kindergarten and prek.

Check out all the fun Earth Day Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Earth Day Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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