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Free Valentines Cards Printables

Valentines is always a fun with the exchanging of cards. I always look for fun cards each year. This year I thought I would do something different.

One thing I dislike about buying store cards is that the line for writing the name is always so small. Younger kids can never seem to fit their names on the lines.

To help this problem, I made some fun new Valentine’s cards for kids!

Free Valentines Cards Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Valentines Cards Printables

Each of the cards has a cute character on them and are very simple. The cards are about 5X3 inches in size. There are two different kids of cards.

You have one set that has a single line for writing in the two and from. This has lots of space for kids to write their names.

Free Valentines Cards Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

The second type has guided line to help kids who are just learning to write their name. This gives them the dotted line they are used to using.

Free Valentines Cards Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

My hope is to help out those little ones who need more space to write on their valentines! I know that my girls who are younger do! We will be printing ours on cardstock>. I can’t wait for my girls to get started working on theirs!

You might also like these printable valentines.

What you will find in the Free Valentines Cards Printables

  • 12 different Valentines Cards
  • 2 types of writing with guides and single line
  • 3 pages total
Free Valentines Cards Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Valentine Printables

Fun Valentines Placemats is a great way to have fun on Valentines Day. You have three different Valentines themed printable placemats to pick from.

Heart Fine Motor Printables for Valentine’s are a great fine motor mats with heart tracing, heart playdough mats and heart dot marker mats.

Heart Counting Book has number from 0 to 10. For kids to work on counting and number words with trace and coloring the number word.

Valentines Dot the Number Count the Number has numbers from 1 to 20 for kids to work on learning. You dot the number and count the dots. You have numbers from 0 to 20 with color and black and white options. These are great preschool and prek Valentines printables.

Check out all the fun Valentines Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Valentines Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. These are perfectly adorable! Happy Valentine’s Day!

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