Free Weekly School Calendar
Now and then I forget that I’ve made something and never put it out. Last year I made this weekly school help printable. The weekly calendar is to help with kids going to school. I always got confused who had what schedule. As kids go up in grades, it can be harder to remember their daily schedule. My girls will be in Kindergarten, Second Grade, and Fourth Grade.
The weekly school calendar is easy at a glance calendar for the girls and me to use.
I used this last year and loved it. I have added a few new things for this year. Each of the calendars run Monday through Friday. There is a spot for homework and school schedule.

There are some cards to help make their school schedule. There is a set for boys, girls and special days. The special days have Field Trip, Exam, No School, 1/2 Days and PTC (Parent Teacher Conference).

Right now I’m getting everything ready for when they start school. I cut out the daily cards and place them with the calendar sheet. I’ll glue the daily cards on with glue stick and laminate them once I get the schedule from the school. You can see how it would look.

After the sheet has been laminated as changes in school schedule come I put them on the calendar. If there is no school I put it over the school schedule. If they have something added to the schedule I add it as well. I use putty
to make the special cards stick to the calendar.

What you will find in these printables:
- 6 Different Weekly Calendars Sheets
- 1 Sheet of cards for boys or girls
- Speical Calendar Cards: field trips, exams, no school, 1/2 days and PTC.

Also check out these other school helps:
- First & Last Day of School Pictures
- Back to School Printables
- Free Parent Teacher Conference Notes Printable
Something fun for this year is a monthly blog hop with several different bloggers. Each month we will be covering a theme for parents. I’m really excited to be apart of it. You can see the schedule below. Plus check out everyone’s blog posts.

Back to School Posts:
- Wise Owl Factory Book a Day – Homework Help Information for Public School Parents
- Thriving STEM – 10 Ways to be an Awesome Public School Mom
- The Rescourceful Mama – Volunteer at Your Child’s School When You Have Little Time
- Planet Smarty Pants – What I Love About School Art Project
- Creative Family Fun – Dear Teacher…
Cassie –
Very useful!
Thanks! I really like it.
Great printable to get organized!
I try and be as organized as I can be. 🙂
It’s hard to be organized with one kid, I can’t imagine with 3 girls going to school! These are a great idea!
These are great for keeping a routine for the kids! Plus, helps parent stay organized!
Thank you so much for all the wonderful printables you create and share! Us public school teachers find your things so useful. I love the little cards that you made to put on the calendar that showed when there was a field trip or no school day, etc. I would love to have them in a larger size, one that would fit a standard calendar pocket chart. Is there a way I can enlarge them myself?
I am working on something similar right now. I hope to have them in the next week or so. I’m glad you like my work.