Free Weekly Winter 2015 Reading Charts
Winter is officially coming soon! It is time to get the next set of seasonal reading charts out! You can check out last year Weekly Winter Reading Charts. This year we are adding the chapter books and book bags to the mix.
We really like having seasonal activities at our house. The charts help kids with their reading and they enjoy it! We have fun using them through the year.
These are meant to be used one week. You can read several books or just the book you are working on. I love that my girls can pick their themed they want to have. There is polar bears, penguins, kids with snowflakes or snowmen.
If you are looking for other seasons of these charts you can find Summer and Fall.
For my youngest right now we are doing a book bag where she reads the same books over and over during the week. She will mark how many times she read the same book. She will also have a space to note if she liked the book or not. This has her build up her reading skills.

For my two older girls, we are doing more chapter books and young adult books. These charts make it easy to see what chapters they read in their books. It also gives me a way to keep track of it should the bookmark fall out of the book.

What you are going to find in these printables:
- 4 Weekly Reading Chart for Book Bags
- 4 Themes for book Bags: Snowflakes & Kids, Polar Bears, Penguins, Snowman & Kids.
- 4 Weekly Reading Chart for chapter books
- 4 Themes for chapter books: Snowflakes & Kids, Polar Bears, Penguins, Snowman & Kids.
If you are looking for chapter books to read check out some of the books we have been reading:
- Summer Chapter Books 2014: My little Pony, National Geographic Kids Chapters, Geronimo Stilton & Thea Stilton, The Kingdom of Wrenly
- Fall Chapter Books 2014: Princess Rescue, Bad Kitty, Notebook of Doom, Equestria Girls, Saurus Street
- Winter Chapter Books 2015: Oliver Moon, Critter Club, Franny K. Stein, Mad Scientist, My Little Pony: Daring Do
- Spring Chapter Books 2015: Pet Hotel, Amelia Bedelia, Owl Diaries, Sophie Mouse, Heroes in Training, Dragon Masters
Check out all the fun Book Finds from 2014!
Looking for other Winter Printables check out all the Winter Printables Available at 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –