Free Winter Skip Counting By 6 Easy Reader Book
Working on skip counting can be hard, but skip counting easy reader books can make it easy. The free winter skip counting by 6 easy reader book is a great way to introduce skip counting by six to kids.
You can see a visual of skip counting by 6, see repeat addition for 6 and a number on each page to make the skip counting by 6 visual and then repeat addition.
Plus these are great for kids to have to review their skip counting by six.
The Winter Skip Counting By 6 Easy Reader Book is a part of the 20 Free Printables for January.
This is a great addition to the skip counting printables and winter printables on the site.
What is Skip Counting by 6?
Skip counting by 6 is adding the number 6 over and over. You have a pattern of adding or counting.
So if you skip counting by 6s, you have a pattern like, 6, 12, 18, 24 and so forth. These patterns can be repeated for many numbers.
The skip counting by six easy reader book printable works on skip counting by 6 and skip counting 12 times.
Skip Counting by 6 Easy Reader Book
You can see an example of one of the pages. It has a visual picture of the number, repeat addition by 6 at the bottom and the number to color on the page.

Things to use with the Winter Skip Counting By 6 Easy Reader Book Printable
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
How to Make the Winter Skip Counting by 6 Easy Reader Books
I always get asked how I make the easy reader books. Here are the simple steps that I use to make the books. I use scissors and a stapler.
Cut Down the Center of the Winter Skip Counting by 6 Easy Reader Book
You start by lining up the pages and cut down the middle of the book. You want to make sure you hold the pages steady while you cut.

Alternate the Pages of the Easy Reader Book
You alternate the pages of the book. The odd pages are on the top and the even pages on the bottom. You have even and then odd until all the pages are sorted.

Staple the Left side of the Winter Skip Counting by 6 Easy Reader Book
After you make sure all the pages of the book are lined up you staple the book on the left side. Then your easy reader book is ready to be used.

Ways to Use the Winter Skip Counting By 6 Easy Reader Book Printable
You are shall see some ways that these skip counting by 6 printables work.
Read and Color the Skip Counting by Six Printable
You can read through the skip counting by 6 book and color the snowflakes and the numbers. This is a great way to work on skip counting. As you turn the pages, you see how the number goes up.
Plus, you can just read the book and say the numbers on each page.

Do the 6 Repeat Addition
You can have them do the repeat addition on the page. You can have them add the first two number together and then add each six to that number to see how it goes up to match the number on the page.

Use Unifix Cubes to Show the Skip Counting by 6 & Repeat Addition
You can also use a hands-on item like unifix cube with the skip counting by six book. The cubes are a great way to see how the sixes add up on each page.

The Fine Page of the Skip Counting by 6 Book
On the final page of the skip counting by 6 books you have skip counting numbers by 6 from 6 to 72. This is a great review at the end of the book for skip counting.
More Skip Counting Easy Reader Books
I love these books so much I have a full set Skip Counting Easy Reader Books. You can grab them at my store. They have work on skip counting 12 times from 1 to 12. Plus there are matching wall cards to go with each book. The books can be used at any time with whatever learning system you are in.

Skip Counting Easy Reader Books & Wall Cards
This set is a great idea for visual learning. You can see the numbers, and the repeat addition as it goes up plus see the visual of how skip counting works.

What you will find in the Skip Counting Easy Reader Books & Wall Cards printables:
- Skip Counting Books for Numbers 1 to 12
- Single print skip counting book and teacher print skip counting books
- Skip Counting Wall Cards that match the books with the number, repeat addition and multiplication
- 337 pages
- Cost: $4
What you will find in the Free Winter Skip Counting By 6 Easy Reader Book
- Skip counting by 6 12 times
- Girl with snowflake theme
- 12 page skip counting by 6 easy reader book
- 8 pages of printables
More Winter Skip Counting Printables
Hands-On Winter Skip Counting by 2 Puzzles work on learning skip counting from 2 to 100.
Snowman Skip Counting By 2 Puzzles is a great matching puzzle with snowman theme with skip counting from 2 to 24. This is a great review of skip counting by 2 for kindergarten and first grade.
Snowman Skip Counting Set has skip counting from 2 to 12 with worksheets, puzzles, matching cards and skip counting mats.
Winter Woodland Skip Counting Tracks works on numbers 1 to 12 with fun paw prints to follow. These are a great finger walking skip counting set.
Check out all the fun Winter & Snow Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Check out all the fun Skip Counting Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –