From Here to There – Water Color Galaxies

We read From Here to There by Margery Cuyler and Yu Cha Pak. It is a good book about pointing out all the different ways you can live. Starting with the town all the way to the universe.
What we used: brushes, textured paper, water color pencils, bowl and water.

Rose and Amelia felt the textured paper. This is the first time we have used paper that has texture to it.

Rose and Amelie made rings with the water color pencils. They started with small circles and worked to bigger circles.

They changed water color pencils every few rounds.

Rose and Amelia dipped their brush in the water and moved the brush in circles around the picture.

Rose and Amelia watched how the color would blend together and fill in white spaces.

The finished Galaxies!

Cassie –
What a lovely quiet time idea! Thanks for sharing.
Monica from Mama Bee