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Fun Free Christmas Writing Paper Printables

Writing is something kids are always working on. It varies as they get older but there is always writing to do. Christmas it just around the corner and I thought some fun Christmas writing paper would be fun!

I love that by changing one thing it can make learning fun for kids. Plus we are always working on some type of writing during the year.

The Christmas Writing Paper Printable is part of the 12 days of Christmas Printables.

Free Christmas Writing Paper For Kids - 6 different Christmas themes to pick from - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Christmas Writing Paper is a great addition to the Christmas Printables and writing paper on the site.

What Is Writing Paper?

Lined paper or writing paper is paper printed with lines as a guide for handwriting. They often have three lines to mark the top, middle, and bottom of letters.

You can find them in different sizes and styles. You can also hear this paper called handwriting paper.

These writing paper printables will have a mix of lines. You have guidelines with the three lines to help writing and a single line for older kids who have most of their writing skills down.

Christmas Writing Paper Printables

There are six different Christmas themed writing papers you can find: wreaths, Santa, Gingerbread man, candy cane, reindeer, and stockings.

You have lined Christmas writing paper and guideline Christmas writing paper.

Christmas Writing Paper: Guidelines

The first style of paper has guidelines on it. This is a great way for kids that still need help making sure their letters are formed correctly. There are two pages for the guidelines: one with a name and one without the name. You can see the one without the name below.

This Christmas writing paper is great for kindergarten (ages 5 to 6) and first grade (ages 6 to 7).

Free Christmas Themed Writing Paper For Kids - 6 different Christmas themes to pick from - 3Dinosaurs.com

Christmas Writing Paper: Just Lines

The second page has just lines for writing. This is great for those in second grade and older. I know from my girls that they love having themed paper for writing. At Christmas time they have loads of people they want to write letters to.

This Christmas writing paper is great for first grade (ages 6 to 7), second grade (ages7 to 8) and third grade (ages 8 to 9).

Free Christmas Themed Writing Paper For Kids - 6 different Christmas themes to pick from - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ways to use the Christmas writing paper

You can see a few ideas on how to use these writing pages.

Set up a Writing Center

I have a fun time setting up writing activities for my girls. We use the themed paper a lot. I printed the Christmas pocket chart words from the Christmas Pack and set up an activity for my youngest to work on her Christmas words. This is one way we use the paper.

Free Christmas Themed Writing Paper For Kids - 6 different Christmas themes to pick from - 3Dinosaurs.com

You can also do this fun Christmas light writing activity for another fun writing center idea.

Other Writing Ideas for the Christmas Writing Paper

There are many others ways to use the Christmas writing papers. Here are a few ways that we have used them.

  • Write a letter to Santa
  • Write Christmas Wish List
  • Write Christmas Stories
  • Practice writing CVC & CVCC word family words
  • Practice writing sight words
  • Write a book report
  • Practice writing letters
  • Practice writing numbers
  • Practice writing their name
  • Practice writing their address
  • Practice writing their phone number
  • Practice spelling Words
  • Practice writing the day of the week
  • Practice writing months of the year
  • Keep a journal of what you do
  • Write letters to grandparents or other family

What you will find in the Free Christmas Themed Writing Paper Printables:

  • 6 different Christmas Themes – 4 pages for each picture
  • Pages with lines with name and page with just lines
  • Pages with guidelines with name and page with just guidelines
  • 24 pages of printables

Free Christmas Themed Writing Paper For Kids - 6 different Christmas themes to pick from - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Christmas writing Ideas

The Christmas Thank You Notes are great for kids writing to their teachers or family. You have four Christmas Thank You notes to use.

A fun way to work on CVC and CVCC words with these CVC & CVCC Christmas Tree Writing Printable. You have writing the CVC and CVCC words on Christmas tree. and then writing a sentence on an ornament.

Christmas Bucket List is a fun way to get some writing in during the Christmas season. There are three levels of bucket lists for kids to pick from. You have writing with guidelines, writing, and draw and write.

Nativity Centered Christmas Writing Paper is a fun an easy want to get in some writing. You have several types of lined paper and guideline paper with different pictures on each page.

Check out all the fun Christmas Printables & Christmas Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Christmas Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out all the printables from the 12 Days of Christmas Series!

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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