Fun Kids Winter Activities Writing Paper
We use writing paper a lot at our house. We are always working on some writing project. This month we have been doing loads of sight words. I love changing up the paper. Since the first day of winter was yesterday, I thought one with kids doing different winter activities would be fun!
I do know that last year I put out a winter themed paper. This year I wanted something different. I wanted kids doing winter activities to help us have some writing project we could do based on the picture on the paper.
This printable is a part of the 7 Days of Winter Printables.
There are six different activities: skiing, building a snowman, sledding, making a snow angel, snow fort, and catching snowflakes. These are all great winter activities!
There are two types of paper: single line and guidelines. It allows for multiple ages to use the same paper. Some of the papers have a name slot, and some don’t. It will allow you to use it how you want.
The first set of pages is one that kids who are learning to write can use. It has big guidelines that will help them build their letters correctly.

The second page is for older kids who are writing well and don’t need guidelines. They are just a single set of lines for writing.

For this set of writing paper, we have been working on -ot words and I thought it would be fun to write out the words on the new paper. Below you can see how I set up the writing area for my daughter to use. I gave her a pencil and the CVC word family Wall Cards.

There are many others ways to use the papers. Here are a few ways that we have used them.
- Write about what the kids are doing in the snow
- Write about the winter activity on the paper
- Journal to obverse nature and seasonal changes
- Practive writing sight words
- Write a book report
- Practice writing letters
- Practice writing numbers
- Practice writing their name
- Practice writing their address
- Practice writing their phone number
- Practice spelling Words
- Practice writing the day of the week
- Practice writing months of the year
- Keep a journal of what you do
- Write letters to grandparents or other family
What you will find in these printables:
- 6 different images kids doing winter activities
- Pages with just image and lines or guide lines
- 24 pages of printables
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Check out all the printables from the 7 Days of Winter Printables.
You can also check out all the Snow and Winter Printables and Activities here.
Cassie –
How cute and fun!! Once again, this was much needed (for Christmas break). Thank you Mrs Cassie! Merry Christmas!!