Fun Sensory Play in an Ant & Kinetic Sand Sensory Bin
Growing up I use to love to see the ant in and around ant hills. They were amazing to watch. It was amazing to see what something so tiny could build.
Today I have a sensory bin with ants based on an ant hill. It is easy to set up and play in ant sensory bin that kids of all ages will love.
Plus it is a great addition to all the bug printables and activities on the site.
Sensory play is one activity that my girl has always loved. I love having easy to set up sensory play that I don’t have to do much fuss with.
That is what this bin is. Easy to set up and easy to clean up. It just has 3 items for the whole bin. It takes less and a minute for me to put it all together.
We have been reading the book Are You an Ant? with our ant projects. We enjoyed the book.
What you need for the ant sensory bin:
- kinetic sand
- ants
- bin

Ways to Use the Ant Sensory Bin:
One thing I love about the sensory play is that it is simple and fun and kids can do what they want. I love surprising my girls with new bins for them to play in.
Each has their own idea of how to play in the bins.

One activity we did was I buried all the ants under the sand and they dug them out. They made a pile of the ants in the center after they found them.

Something they found fun was to bury all the ants and then make a big ball of the sand and ants and see how many ants they got.

Another fun activity they found that they liked to do was make impressions of the ants in the sand. I love how this was a fun way to get a deep pressure activity in without them knowing that.

The best part about this sensory bin is that it is just fun to play in and easy for me the parent to set up.

If you are looking for more Ant Activities you might want to check out the sequencing set for the Life Cycle of an Ant.

Check out these other fun bug crafts:
- Wiggly And Squirm With The Bug Gross Motor Dice
- Sensory Play With Water Bead Bug Sensory Bin
- Torn Paper Ant Hills With Fingerprint Ants
Check out all the fun Bug & Insect Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –