Fun Writing Activity for Rhyming Words With A Garden Theme

Rhyming is one of the basic activities you do while learning to read. It is fun to team this up with a fun theme. Garden has many different words that have fun endings. They make a great way to work on rhyming with drawing and writing for kids.

I’ve made a fun printable to work on rhyming words. This has been one of the favorites from some of the themed packs. So I thought it would be fun to pull out and use.

This printable is a part of the 6 Days of Garden Themed Printables.

Free Rhyming Words With A Garden Theme - 6 different word endings to work on rhyming: -orn, -ose, -irt, -oy, -ot, and -eed - with drawing and writing. -

The garden words that were used were: corn, hose, dirt, boy, pot, and seed. These were fun words to use. Plus working on rhyming is always fun.

Each of the pages has a page for writing and a card building the words. It allows you to use it as a learning center. They can mix the letters on the card to see what words might work. Then they can write the words on the sheet.

Here is a look at how is set up the center for them to work on. They had a pencil and some Appletters.

Free Rhyming Words With A Garden Theme - 6 different word endings to work on rhyming: -orn, -ose, -irt, -oy, -ot, and -eed - with drawing and writing. -

There are 6 cards for building words that match up to each of the sheets. There is the ending of the word and a picture of the garden word that matches to the ending. I give them several letters to make words. Not all the letters have to make real words.

Free Rhyming Words With A Garden Theme - 6 different word endings to work on rhyming: -orn, -ose, -irt, -oy, -ot, and -eed - with drawing and writing. -

After making a few words they filled out the sheets. They wrote their words and then drew one of the words and wrote a sentence using one of the words. It was a fun activity for them to do.

Free Rhyming Words With A Garden Theme - 6 different word endings to work on rhyming: -orn, -ose, -irt, -oy, -ot, and -eed - with drawing and writing. -

Graphics from Whimsy Clips.

What you will find in these printables:

  • Word endings: -orn, -ose, -irt, -oy, -ot, and -eed
  • 6 word building Cards
  • 8 Pages of printables
Free Fun Writing Activity for Rhyming Words With A Garden Theme 6 different word endings to make words with drawing and writing -

Check out all the printables from the 6 Days of Garden Themed Printables.

Cassie –

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