Garden Themed Subtraction Cards For Math Centers
Math centers are something you can never have enough of. I know that I’m always looking for different ways to use the printables that we have. Or maybe something to fill a need that we don’t already have. That is what today’s printable is!
We have loved the last few sets of math cards that kids can fill in. I also thought it would be fun to have some for subtraction. This set has a garden theme and goes perfectly for the spring, summer, and fall.
This printable is a part of the 6 Days of Garden Themed Printables.
I love how these cards turned out. Each of the cards has a set number and then has a certain amount that is crossed off. It allows the kids to build the starting number and what number they take away. The cards are made so they could write out the equation.
Here is a look at how I set up the cards. I have laminated the cards and put the in a stack for my girls to use. I also put out unifix cubes
and a dry erase marker

I gave her unifix cubes so that she could test out her equation with hands-on objects. It allows for self checking of the cards.

After she tested out with the cubes, she then writes in the equation on the card. Because they are laminated it makes for easy write on and wipe off.

I just love the different types of math printables that you can make. I’m always happy to find something we can use that we love having in the house.
Graphics from Whimsy Clips.
What you will find in these printables:
- 4 cards per page
- Squares to fill in the equation
- 1 to 10 Subtraction
You might want to check out the Life Cycle of a Plant Pack that goes great with this theme.
Check out all the printables from the 6 Days of Garden Themed Printables.
Cassie –