Free Gingerbread Man Story ABC Easy Reader Book
I never get tired of easy reader books. They are great for kids, teachers, and parents. They are always great to bring out something in a story or work on a theme.
Today I have some a free ABC lowercase easy reader book for the Gingerbread Man story. These make a great way to review the words from the story and work on more lowercase letters.
This is part of the 5 Days of Gingerbread Themed Printables.

We plan on using The Gingerbread Man (Easy-To-Read Folktales) or a similar story book with these printables. We might also use Gingerbread Baby which does not match up perfectly with the book but is similar.
The book has the following animals: gingerbread man, woman, man, oven, cow, pig, sheep, horse, and fox.
Each of the pages has a lower case letter to trace with a simple sentence using the sight words: is and for.

How we used the Gingerbread Man Story ABC Easy Reader Book Printable
When we are doing these books we are looking to work on a single letter on each page. We trace the lowercase letter and then we find the matching letter in the book. You can also see the letter that starts the sentences if uppercase and you can point out that all sentences start with a capital letter.
We underlined all the f’s on the page for the fox.

Focus on Letters Before You Read the Book
If you want to work on letters before the book or after that book. You can find letter printables below.
– Letter C
– Letter F
– Letter G
– Letter H
– Letter K
– Letter M
– Letter O
– Letter P
– Letter S
– Letter W
You can use the letter printable that will help your students. Plus each are great to work more on letters.
Work on the Sight Words in the Book
You can also work on the sight words in the book. You can talk about the sight words or do anything with the sight words before reading the book.
You can get fun free sight word printables here:
Sight Word is
Sight Word for
Gingerbread Man Packs
If you are looking for more activities to go with the Gingerbread Man Letter book you can check out the Gingerbread Packs! They are a great way to expand on the book. It has 212 pages of activities full of more letters and reading helps for the book.

Looking for more Gingerbread themed ABCs check out the Gingerbread Man ABC Finds. It has uppercase and lowercase letters in the set. Plus is it an easy no-prep printable that included tracing the letters.
We pulled out our dot marker and had fun dotting the gingerbread men on the page.

Gingerbread ABC Find
Uppercase and lowercase themed ABC finds for kids to work on their letters. You can trace the letter then dot or color the gingerbread men.
If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.
What you will find in the Gingerbread Man Story ABC Easy Reader Book printable
- 1 Easy Reader Book
- Letters: g, m, w, o, c, h, p, s, f
- Sight Words: is, for
- The book has 10 pages

Gingerbread Man Pack for PreK & Kindergarten
A fun collection of activities based around the Gingerbread Man Story with prewriting, numbers, ABCs, shapes, easy reader books and more. It has a collection of no-prep and hands-on activities for kids to do.

What you will find in the Gingerbread Pack for PreK & Kindergarten:
- Prewriting Practice
- Pattern Prewriting Practice
- Gingerbread Man cutout prewriting practice
- Which One is Different
- What Comes Next
- Color the Pattern with AB & ABC Patterns and Coloring cards
- Pattern Cards and Pattern Strips
- Gingerbread Man Size Sorting
- Color by Size
- Dot the G and Find the G in uppercase & lowercase
- Letter G Tracing Pages with 3 options
- Letter G Playdough mats with tracing
- Gingerbread Man Story 3 Part Cards
- Gingerbread Man Story Pocket Chart Cards
- Gingerbread Man Story Word Tracing Strips
- Gingerbread Man Story Beginning Sound Tracing Strips
- Gingerbread Man Story Writing Strips
- Gingerbread Man Reading Word Page
- Gingerbread Man Writing Sentence pages
- Gingerbread Man Themed Color, Trace Beginning Sounds: G, W, M, O, C, H, P, S, F
- Dot the letter and Trace the letter: G, W, M, B, O, C, H, P, S, F
- Gingerbread Man Sentences Cut & Paste
- Gingerbread Man Beginning Sound Easy Reader Book Single Print
- Gingerbread Man Beginning Sound Easy Reader Book Teacher Print
- Ginger Bread Man Beginning Sound Reading Page
- Beginning Sound Clip Cards Uppercase letters
- Beginning Sound Puzzles
- Gingerbread Winter Activities 3 Part Cards
- Gingerbread Man Winter Activities Pock Chart Cards
- Gingerbread Man Winter Activities Tracing Word Strip Cards
- Gingerbread Man Winter Activities Word Reading
- Gingerbread Man Winter Activities Sentence Reading
- Gingerbread Man Winter Activities Easy Reader Book Single Print
- Gingerbread Man Winter Activities Easy Reader Book Teacher Print
- Gingerbread Shape Tracing Word and Shape
- Gingerbread Shape Matching Puzzles
- 4 Piece Puzzles
- 10 Piece Puzzles 1 to 10 & 11 to 20 with puzzles mat
- Gingerbread Man Gumdrop Number Puzzles 0 to 10
- Gingerbread Man Gumdrop Number Counting Easy Reader Book Single Print
- Gingerbread Man Gumdrop Number Counting Easy Reader Book Single Print
- Dot The Number No-Prep Counting
- Dot the Missing Number
- Count & Color 1 to 4 & 6 to 9
- Fill in the Missing Numbers
- Fill in the Missing Number 100 Chart
- Count & Graph No-Prep Page
- Count & Graph Dice with pages 1 to 5 or 1 to 10
- Adding with a Number Line
- Count and Add with Number Line
- Roll & Add
- Add & Sort With Matching Worksheet
- Subtract and Cross to Match Equation
- Subtraction with a Number Line
- Roll & Solve Subtraction
- Subtraction from 10 Matching Puzzles
- CVC Color the Gumdrops
- Dot the Rhyming Word
- My Gingerbread Man 3 Part Cards (Job Themes)
- My Gingerbread Man Tracing Words Strips (Job Themes)
- My Gingerbread Man Reading Words (Job Themes)
- My Gingerbread Man Reading Sentences (Job Themes)
- My Gingerbread Man Easy Reader Book (Job Themes) Single Print
- My Gingerbread Man Easy Reader Book (Job Themes) Teacher Print
- 212 Pages
- Price: $10
Check out all 5 Days of the Gingerbread Themes
If you are looking for more Christmas Printables be sure to check out all of them on the site!
Cassie –