Two Fun Gingerbread Themed Sequencing Sets
One of our favorite themes for Christmas time has always been the gingerbread man! They are fun to decorate and plus a great story to go with them.
Today, I’ve added two new sequencing sets to our winter bundle for Making a Gingerbread Man and The Gingerbread Man Story. Two fun ways to explore these fun Christmas themes.
Each of these has a fun way to work reading, writing, and order into these printables
There are so many great gingerbread man stories that I went with a classic tale of the ending with the fox. Plus you also have a set about making a gingerbread man. These are the newest sets added to the Winter Sequencings Bundle.
Each of the sets has sequencing order cards. They come in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th; first, second, third, fourth; and first, then, next, last.

You will find matching clip cards for the story order cards. This is a fun way to explore the story by seeing if they remember what might come next. The clip cards come in 3 different types.

You have a fun little book that explores the sequencing and matches up to everything else. It is a 6 page book with a cover, the 4 parts of the sequencing and an ending page. They are great to explore with kids.

There are also different types of writing pages in the set. You have tracing the sentences from the book, writing your own sentences and more. This is sure to meet the needs of those that are looking for something different.

The set also includes a few options for cut and paste the order. This allows you to do what you want. There is 1,2,3,4 first, second, third, fourth and read the sentences and put in order.

Sequencing: Making A Gingerbread Man
Sequencing: Gingerbread Man Story
What You Will Find in the Sequencing Cards Set for Winter
It has 18 full sets of Winter Themed Sequencing cards, worksheets and easy reader books for the following themes: Decorating a Christmas Tree, Making Hot Chocolate, Making Cookies, Wrapping A Gift, New Years Eve, Getting Dressed for Winter, Life Cycle of a Snowman, Making Snow Ice Cream, Making a Snowman, Groundhog Day, Making a Valentines, How to Mail a Valentines, Making Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man Story, Vegetable Soup, Hanukkah, Christmas Tree Shopping, and The Nutcracker. This is a growing bundle. That means I’ll be adding more to it during the winter season.

- Has the following themes: Decorating a Christmas Tree, Making Hot Chocolate, Making Cookies, Wrapping A Gift, New Years Eve, Getting Dressed for Winter, Life Cycle of a Snowman, Making Snow Ice Cream, Making a Snowman, Groundhog Day, Making a Valentine, Mailing a Valentine, Making A Gingerbread Man, The Gingerbread Man Story, Vegetable Soup, Hanukkah, Christmas Tree Shopping, The Nutcracker
- Clip Cards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
- Task Cards for writing the Sequencing Order
- 3 Part Cards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
- Clip Cards for first, second, third, fourth
- 3 Part Cards for first, second, third, fourth
- Clip Cards for first, then, next, last
- 3 Part Cards for first, then, next, last
- Writing Page for first, second, third, fourth
- Writing Page for first, second, third, fourth with word bank
- Writing Page for first, then, next, last
- Writing Page for first, then, next, last with word bank
- Writing Page for first, second, third, fourth with cut and paste pictures
- Writing Page for first, then, next, last with cut and paste pictures
- Cut and Paste Pictures for 1, 2, 3, 4
- Cut and Paste Pictures for first, second, third, fourth
- Cut and Paste Pictures & Sentences for 1, 2, 3, 4
- Writing Page that goes along with the Easy Reader Book
- Trace Page that goes along with the Easy Reader Book
- Easy Reader Book Single Print
- Easy Reader Book Teacher Print Print
- Word Bank Bookmarks in Color and Black & white – single and teacher print
- 550+ pages
- Price: $30
Cassie –