Gingerbread Themed Skip Counting Cut & Paste!
I know that skip counting is a skill we start early in 1st grade and keep working on for a while after that. It is easy to see where skip counting comes into so many math skills.
Today I have a fun skip counting printables that have a fun gingerbread theme. The free gingerbread themed skip counting cut and paste is a great way to review numbers during this holiday seasons.
This is part of the 5 Days of Gingerbread Themed Printables.
Each page of these printables has 3 number that you skip count by. You skip counting 4 times for each number. There are 2 numbers missing for each row. There are matching numbers below to fill in the spaces.

How we used this printable
The most basic way is for the cut and paste. I always have a glue stick around so that we can use it at any time. We love doing crafts and activities and glue is always needed.

The second way you can do this is to just have the child write in the numbers where they go and not do the cutting and pasting.

If they need help with the patterns you can pull out the skip counting bookmarks to help them. We have used these a lot over the years.

If you are looking for more skip counting cut and paste then check out my selling set that has one number on each page and skip counts 12 times. There are several missing numbers for them to cut and paste on. There are two pages for each number for you to use.

What Is In The Skip Counting Cut & Paste Selling Set
Looking for non-seasonal skip counting activity then check out the full set of the skip counting cut and paste.
What you will find in these printables
- Number 1 through 12
- 24 pages of printables
- 2 pages for each number
- No-prep printable
- Price $2.50
What you will find in the Free Gingerbread themed Skip Counting Cut & Paste
- Skip counting by 2 to 12
- 3 numbers per page
- 4 pages of printables
- No-prep pages
Check out all 5 Days of the Gingerbread Themes
If you are looking for more Christmas Printables be sure to check out all of them on the site!
Cassie –