Glitter Snowflake Wreath Craft for Kids
Wreaths are a favorite craft for us to make. And we love the snowflake wreath, and today we have a small twist on that same wreath.
You have a great glitter snowflake wreath that is super simple to make and something all kids can do.
You can make this simple wreath in area setting and let kids have tons of fun making it.
This is a great addition to the winter crafts and wreath crafts on the site.
What is a wreath?
A wreath is a laying of items around a circle.
Glitter Snowflake Wreath
We are making simple glitter snowflake wreaths. The wreath is a paper plate with glitter snowflakes in blues and purples around the paper plate.
Winter Book to Read with the Glitter Snowflake Wreath Craft
We love the book Snow. I love how the book starts with just one snowflake, and then the snow covers the whole town. It is a great book to read with this craft.
What we used to make the Glitter Snowflake Wreath Craft
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- paper plate with center cut out
- Snowflake punches 3 sizes: 2 inch, 1.5 inch, and 1inch
- blue and purple glitter paper
- clear glue

How we made the Glitter Snowflake Wreath Craft
You can see the steps below we used to make the glitter snowflake wreath.
Punch out the Snowflakes
You start out punching out the three sizes of snowflakes. We have two blue colors and a purple we are using.
They place the paper in the punch and press down to punch out the snowflakes.
This is a great deep pressure activity for kids to do. They need to press down hard to punch out the snowflakes.

You can see how the snowflake looks after you punch it out.

You can do one at a time or a lot of them.
As you can see, we like to punch out a lot of snowflakes to use with our crafts. It is super easy for kids to use or you can do this in advance to speed up the craft time.

Glue the Snowflakes to the Wreath
Then you want to glue the snowflakes onto the wreath. We left the paper plate white so the snowflakes would stand out on the paper.
You can see how the colors show up well on the white.

Keep Adding Snowflakes to the Wreath
Then you keep adding snowflakes around the wreath. Kids can add as many or as few snowflakes as they want.
And it is okay if they add one snowflake on the paper plate. Let them decide how much is enough.

Final look at our Glitter Snowflake Wreath Craft

More Snowflake Crafts for Kids
You can make a fun Snowflake Paper Plate Wreath. It is simple and easy to use. And then you have a great wreath for the winter!
Make your own snowflakes with model magic. Super simple and lets be creative with their snowflakes.
Great fine motor with these Washi Tape Snowflakes. There is also a great book that goes with the activity. And this is a great fine motor craft for the winter.
Torn Paper Snowflake that kids can tear paper and line the snowflake. It is a super easy to make winter craft for kids and snowflakes are a great winter theme.
Fun to Make Watercolor Snowflakes is a great activity using cookie cutters. It makes a great collage of snowflakes on the paper.
Do some fine motor with while making Q-Tip Snowflake. It is easy to do with and works on fine motor skill with the painting using the q-tip. You can mix this up for different ages of kids.
Check out all the fun Winter & Snow Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –