Green Yarn Sheep – Where is the Green Sheep?
It is time for the Virtual Book Club again. This time we have a fun green yarn sheep craft to go with the book we picked for Mem Fox. This is a fun hands on craft that goes really well with the book.
It was hard to pick just one book for this author! We looked through a lot of Mem Fox’s books. We finally choose Where Is the Green Sheep?
What you need for this activity: green & white construction paper, green yarn, glue and glue stick.

She started by gluing on the legs, head, tail and ears of the sheep. We used a glue stick so that it would be easier to turn the sheep over for different part of the craft.

She draw on the eyes and mouth on our green sheep.

She then put glue on the sheep and put the yarn on the sheep. She started by putting the yarn on one strand at a time but then put it on in much bigger handfuls.

What had a lot of fun exploring Where Is the Green Sheep? . I really like that this book has so many words that are repeated. You can read the book one time so they know the book and the next time pause at every time you come to the word sheep and let them say it. You can also let them say “green sheep” or the whole sentence. This book has a lot of fun opposites as well.
Cassie –
This is super cute! I love the idea of crafts with texture!
I love using yarn for crafts. It is so fun to work with.
So cute. I love the texture that the yarn gives it!
What a cute craft to go with the book! We haven’t read that Mem Fox book yet. We will have to check it out. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!