Gross Motor Sight Words
I love to do hands on learning when we can. One fun way we have been doing this masking tape words. There are variety of things you can do when you make the words on the floor. I just want to show some of them that we do. Not everything has to be about flash cards and writing the words.
What you need for this activity: masking tape, sensory balls
and a pointer.

For all the activities I have them say what letter they are on/or tracing and once they finish tell me the letters what word it is.
The first activity we do is take one of the sensory balls and roll it on the tape letters. They trace the letter using the correct way for that letter. I use the sensory balls to give more tactile input.

Next we use one of the pointers, that I picked up at the Target Dollar Section a while ago, to trace the letters.

We tip toe on each of the letters. Always making sure they keep to the correct tracing of the letters.

After we have tip toed each of the letter we go around the letters jumping either tracing the word or jumping from letter to letter. As they jump they tell me what letter they are on. The girls also like to skip and do animal movements.

This is just a simple easy hands on way to learn a sight words. You can always surprise them by putting a word on the floor for them to find in the morning and just see what they do.
Here are some other sight word activities or printables:
Cassie –
I’ve made gross motor ABCs, but not sight words (other than a child’s name). Fun way to learn sight words through gross motor play!
What a great idea! It is creative and it looks like the girls had fun!
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