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Handprint Rainbow Painting

Rainbows are great for spring and for St. Patrick’s Day. You can learn about colors and when you can see rainbows.

And this simple rainbow handprint painting is a great idea you can do with kids.

Kids will love using their hands to paint the rainbow and it is a fun quick painting activity for kids.

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

The Hand Print Rainbow Painting is a great addition to the rainbow crafts and St. Patrick Day Crafts on the site.

What is a rainbow?

A rainbow is a multicolored arc made by light striking water droplets. It is most often viewed after or during a rainstorm.

Handprint Rainbow Painting

Handprint rainbow painting is a painting made from handprints. Where kids put their hands in the paint and stamp the colors of the rainbow on the paper.

A simple painting activity that you can do really quick with kids.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links, we may earn a small commission.

Rainbow Book You Can Read with this Rainbow Painting

You can read the book What Makes a Rainbow? Magic Ribbon Book. The book has ribbons on each page to make the rainbow. It is a fun book to read with kids.

What we used to make the Hand Print Rainbow Painting

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

How we made the Hand Print Rainbow Painting

You will see the steps that we used to make the handprint rainbow painting.

Draw a Link on the Paper

Draw a line on the paper in an arch to help them know where to place their hand.

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

Review the Colors of the Rainbow

We reviewed the colors on the plate. You have red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple for kids to see on the plate.

You can see we did lines on paint on the place. You can place the paint pretty close together if you need to.

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

Put Their Hand in the Paint

You have kids put their hand in the paint. You want to make the heal of the hand on the bottom color and the make sure the fingers reach the top color.

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

Stamp Rainbow Handprint On the Paper

Then you have them stamp their hand on the paper. You might want to start on one side of the half circle and work towards the other side.

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

You can see how the handprint looks on the paper.

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

Keep Stamping Handprints

You want them to keep stamping more rainbow handprints.

You might want to go back to the paint for each handprint to make sure you have bright colors. Or just let them keep doing it how they want to do it.

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

We just update the post but I wanted to keep this picture of my youngest doing this activity when she was 3 years old. Little kids can do this!

Hand Print Rainbow

And yes your hands will look like this when you are done!

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

My girls did this painting organically when they were 3, 5, and 7 years old. And we have done is sever times.

Here is a look at them from when we did this the first time and the paint on their hands.

Hand Print Rainbow

Final look at our Hand Print Rainbow Painting

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

Hand Print Rainbow- you can make a rainbow with paint and a hand and it is fun for kids to make the rainbow. This is great for spring and St Patrick's day

More Rainbow Activities for Kids

Yarn Rainbow Craft is a great craft for fine motor work with cutting and gluing. Plus yarn is a fun craft to use. You make a great rainbow that stands out on paper.

Sequencing: Seeing A Rainbow has four steps in seeing a rainbow. A simple and easy way to work on the order of events to see a rainbow with clip cards, easy reader books, task cards and more.

Tissue Paper Rainbow is a great way to brighten up a window during spring. It is great rainbow to have in your window.

Romping & Roaring R Pack: Rainbow is a super easy rainbow letter r pack for kids to work on. You have rainbow coloring pages, rainbow matching puzzles, rainbow prewriting and more in the letter r is for rainbow pack.

Check out all the fun Rainbow Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Rainbow Printables & Activities on 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out all the St Patrick’s Day Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

Hand Print Rainbow
Hand Print Rainbow
Hand Print Rainbow
Hand Print Rainbow


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