Hands-on Learning: Using Easter Calendar Cards
Calendar cards are not something that everyone uses in their home. I know that a lot of people say that they don’t have space for the cards in their full size and can’t always find time to put them up. I’ve taken the Easter themed Calendar Cards created a fun activity for my youngest who is in kindergarten.
This is fun and easy to do and can be changed up in many different ways. This is great for working on learning your number order and finding numbers random numbers on the calendar. This is an activity that could be adapted for multiple calendar themes and not just the Easter one. There are several calendar sets now that have been updated with the new dot marker pages.
This activity is one that appeals to kids and they find it fun because you have changed up how they see it. We have done this activity with the other calendar sets and she loves to do it. But by putting the cards in eggs made it something different.
I also like that I can set up this activity and she does it on her own without me there.
What you need for this activity: Easter eggs, dot marker, and Easter Calendar Printables.

This was a fun activity to set up. I printed the all the calendar cards on one page on cardstock and put one number in an Easter egg. I put all the eggs in a bin.

My youngest got to have the fun of opening the eggs. She liked to pretend she was opening them like mom does when she cooks with eggs. She would pull out the number and say the number.

Next, she would find the number on the dot marker page. She would match up the numbers to make sure she had the correct number and would then dot the number.

The last thing she would do was start a number line at the top of the table. This was a really fun part of the activity. I really like this part because she had to think about where each number belonged as she got them out. Which number was bigger and where did it go. Did she know the numbers enough to pick out what number what numbers come next when they were out of order? I left her on her own to figure the numbers out. I would stop by and ask is 16 bigger or smaller than 22?

This is a fun and easy way to have a fun hands-on math activity using the calendar cards.
Check out these other calendar activities:
- Using Calendar Cards: Making a Seasonal Number Line
- Printing Calendar Cards Smaller
- Different Ways to Use the Calendar Cards
Check out all the other Easter Activities and printables on 3 Dinosaurs:
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
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