Hanukkah Activity Pack: Prewriting, Shapes, Letters & Numbers
The Hanukkah Activity pack has printables that are all made to work together. You set of printables for four different areas. You have Hanukkah prewriting, Hanukkah ABCs, Hanukkah shapes, and Hanukkah numbers. All of these are super fun for kids to learn with.
You have a mix of no-prep Hanukkah printables, Hanukkah easy reader book printables, Hanukkah tracing strip printables, and Hanukkah clip card printables.
You can mix and match the different printables to help kids learn with a great Hanukkah theme. The Hanukkah Activity Pack work great for prek and kindergarten-age kids.

The Hanukkah Activity Pack is a great addition to the Hanukkah Printables on the site.
Hanukkah Activity Pack Printables
The Hanukkah activity pack is great because it can be flexible for kids at different learning levels. You have the four types of printables to help make great learning centers fun for kids. The Hanukkah Activity Pack is great for Hanukkah for prek and kindergarten.
You will have fun Hanukkah themes for kids to learn while working on prewriting, shapes, ABCs, and numbers. Plus, they come in a mix of no-prep pages, easy reader books, tracing strips, and clip cards.
The Hanukkah Activity Pack is great for PreK (ages 4 to 5) and Kindergarten (ages 5 to 6) printables for kids.
You can get all 189 pages of this pack for $10.
Things to use with the Hanukkah Activity Pack Printable
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- white copy paper
- white cardstock
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- markers
- colored pencils
- crayons
- dot marker
- 1 inch ring
Hanukkah Books to Use With the Hanukkah Activity Pack
Here are a few book suggestions to use with the Hanukkah pack.
I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Dreidel is a super fun Hanukkah book that is silly but has all the themes from Hanukkah.
The Story of Hanukkah is a great book about the history of Hanukkah and has dreidel game information at the end of the book and things you can do for Hanukkah.
The 9 Candles Of Hanukkah Tell The Tale is another great book that tells the story of Hanukkah in a very fun and unique way.
My First Chanukah has different symbols of Hanukkah for kids to learn about.
Ways to Use the Hanukkah Activity Pack: Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs & Numbers Printable
The Hanukkah pack has in four parts: prewriting, shapes, ABCs, and numbers.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Prewriting
You have a great pack with dreidels for the prewriting. A great way for kids to trace their prewriting lines in different ways.
You have two types dreidel prewriting strips, three types of dreidel prewriting worksheets, and a dreidel prewriting easy reader book for kids.

Hanukkah Activity Pack: Prewriting No-Prep Pages
The Hanukkah prewriting worksheets has thin lines and thick lines prewriting in a dreidel, prewriting worksheet with tracing the lines from one dreidel tot he next dreidel.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Prewriting Easy Reader Book
The Hanukkah easy reader book has you tracing lines with on dreidel to the next dreidel. Each page has a sentence that matches the line they are tracing.
One way to use the book is to trace the lines in the book over and over with a finger and pointer.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Prewriting Tracing Strips
You have two sets of prewriting strips. You have a thick prewriting line to trace with 10 prewriting tracing stirps. And you have a thin line prewriting line to trace with 12 prewriting tracing stirps.
You can print these on cardstock and laminate them to use over and over. You can also use these for playdough lines as well.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Shapes
The Hanukkah shapes have 9 shapes for kids to help with learning. You have no-prep pages, Easy reader books, clip cards, and tracing strips for all of the shapes.
There are 9 shapes to work on: circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle, rhombus, star, heart, and crescent.

Hanukkah Activity Pack: Shapes No-Prep Pages
Each of the Hanukkah shape no-prep pages has a big shape ot trace with a dreidel inside the shape. You can use these are a shape coloring pages by tracing the shape and coloring the dreidel and kids. Or you can reuse and put it is a sheet protector.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Shapes Easy Reader Book
The Hanukkah shape easy reader book has the same shapes as the worksheets but in a book format. Each of the pages of the Hanukkah book has a shape to trace and a sentence about the dreidel being in the shape.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Shapes Clip Cards
The Hanukkah shape clip cards has a blue present with a shape on the present. You have three options of shapes for kids to clip to make the same shape on the present.
You can print theses on cardstock and use clothespins to clip the shapes.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Shapes Tracing Strips
You have 9 Hanukkah shape tracing strips. You have a gift with a shape on it with three of the same shape to trace on each strip.
You can print these on cardstock and laminate them to use over and over.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: ABCs
The Hanukkah alphabet printables have two types of no-prep pages, two sets of clip cards, and three types of alphabet tracing strips. All of these work on a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters.

Hanukkah Activity Pack: ABCs No-Prep Pages
You have two types of Hanukkah letter worksheets. You have find and color the letters with uppercase and lowercase for two letters on each page. You have a trace the letters and find and color for the same letter with uppercase and lowercase letters.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: ABCs Clip Cards
You have two Hanukkah ABC clip card options. You have uppercase letters where you work on clipping the same letter and where you clip the lowercase letter to matches the uppercase letter.
You can print theses on cardstock and use clothespins to clip the letters.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: ABCs Tracing Strips
The Hanukkah alphabet tracing strips has three options uppercase and lowercase together, uppercase only, and lowercase only. This lets you work on the letter case that you are learning.
You can print these on cardstock and laminate the letters to use over and over.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Numbers
The Hanukkah numbers work on numbers from 0 to 10. Each of the activities works on counting, comparing, and tracing. It has no-prep pages, an easy reader book, clip cards, and three number tracing strips.

Hanukkah Activity Pack: Numbers No-Prep Pages
You have a number to trace and matching dreidels to count and color on each page. You have numbers 0 to 10 to trace and color. It is a great no-prep number worksheet for kids.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Numbers Easy Reader Book
The Hanukkah number easy reader book has counting dreidels, a sentence about how many dreidels there are and a number to trace on each page.
It comes in single print and teacher print options.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Numbers Clip Cards
You have four types of Hanukkah Number clip cards: which has more, same number, count and clip and what number comes next.
You have a clip card to clip the same number that they find on the present.
You have a Hanukkah clip card for clipping what number comes next in the order of numbers.
You have a count the dreidels and clip the number. These match the book and the worksheet for the dreidels.
Then you have a which side has more dreidels for kids to count and clip.
You can print theses on cardstock and use clothespins to clip the numbers.
Hanukkah Activity Pack: Numbers Tracing Strips
You have three set of Hanukkah number tracing trips. You have number only, Number and words, and number word only.
You can print these on cardstock and laminate the letters to use over and over.
Hanukkah Activity Pack
The Hanukkah Activities Pack has loads of no-prep pages, easy reader books, tracing strips, and clip Pirates for learning with an Hanukkah theme for PreK and kindergarten.

What you will find in the Hanukkah Activity Pack
- Hanukkah Prewriting Thick Line
- Hanukkah Prewriting Thin Line
- Hanukkah Prewriting Lines
- Hanukkah Prewriting Strips Thick Line
- Hanukkah Prewriting Strips Thin Line
- Hanukkah Prewriting Book Single Print
- Hanukkah Prewriting Book Teacher Print
- Hanukkah Shape Tracing
- Hanukkah Shape Tracing Strips
- Hanukkah Shape Clip Cards
- Hanukkah Shape Book Single Print
- Hanukkah Shape Book Teacher Print
- Hanukkah by ABCs – Two letters per page
- Hanukkah by ABCs matching uppercase and lowercase letters with tracing
- Hanukkah Clip Cards for matching Uppercase letters
- Hanukkah Clip Cards for Matching Lowercase with lowercase letters
- ABC Tracing Strips with uppercase and lowercase letters
- ABC Tracing Strips with uppercase only letters
- ABC Tracing Strips with lowercase only letters
- Hanukkah Number Clip Cards 1 to 10
- Number Clip Cards Which comes next
- Hanukkah Clip Cards
- Hanukkah Number Chart
- Hanukkah with Tracing 0 to 10
- Hanukkah Counting Book 0 to 10 Single Print
- Hanukkah Counting Book 0 to 10 Teacher Print
- Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips 0 to 10 Number digit and word
- Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips 0 to 10 Number digit
- Hanukkah Number Tracing Strips 0 to 10 Number word
- Which Side Has More Dreidels Clip Cards
- 189 pages
- Price: $10
What is in the Themed Activities Pack with Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs, and Numbers Bundle
This bundle is a growing bundle! That means that every set I make will be going into this bundle. It will have different seasonal and non-seasonal themes that will be in the set.

What you will find in the Themed Activities Packs:
- Themes: Christmas, Winter, Penguins, Valentine’s, Space, St Patrick’s Day, Spring, Easter, Butterfly, Summer, Beach, Shark, Apple, Leaf, Pumpkin, Turkey, Gingerbread Man, Animals in Winter, Groundhog Day, Football, Flower, Frog, Transportation, Pirate, Bat, Party, Dinosaur, snowman, Fireworks, Haunkkah
- Themed Prewriting Thick Line
- Themed Prewriting Thin Line
- Prewriting Lines
- Prewriting Strips Thick Line
- Prewriting Strips Thin Line
- Prewriting Book Single Print
- Prewriting Book Teacher Print
- Shape Tracing
- Shape Tracing Strips
- Shape Clip Cards
- Shape Book Single Print
- Shape Book Teacher Print
- ABCs – Two letters per page
- ABCs matching uppercase and lowercase letters with tracing
- Clip Cards for matching Uppercase letters
- Clip Cards for Matching Uppercase with lowercase letters
- ABC Tracing Strips with uppercase and lowercase letters
- ABC Tracing Strips with uppercase only letters
- ABC Tracing Strips with lowercase only letters
- Number Clip Cards 1 to 10
- Number Clip Cards Which comes next
- Number Clip Cards
- Number Chart
- Tracing 0 to 10
- Counting Book 0 to 10 Single Print
- Counting Book 0 to 10 Teacher Print
- Number Tracing Strips 0 to 10 Number digit and word
- Number Tracing Strips 0 to 10 Number digit
- Number Tracing Strips 0 to 10 Number word
- Which Has More Clip Cards
- Price: $192
More Hanukkah Printables for Kids
A Fun Hanukkah Easy Reader Book is a 8 page book with different Hanukkah themes in it. The easy reader book has simple sentences on each page.
Hanukkah ABC Letter Find is a great way to work on ABCs. You have tracing letters and finding letters on the dreidel.
Hanukkah ABC Tracing Strip Printables has all 26 letters of the alphabet with trace for uppercase and lowercase letters together on the strip. Thss is a great handwriting printable for Hanukkah.
Hanukkah Counting Mats: 1 to 8 are great to use each night of Hanukkah.
Check out all the fun Hanukkah Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com