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Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin

Dreidels and candles are a big part of Hanukkah. We always have fun exploring them in different ways. A few years ago we did a Hanukkah sensory bin and had so much fun.

Last year we made that same one again. This year we wanted to do something different. So we decided to have some fun with dreidels and candles.

Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin - 3Dinosaurs.com

What is a sensory bin?

A sensory bin is typically a plastic tub or container filled with carefully selected materials and objects to stimulate the senses of children in preschool.

Sensory bins might have rice, water beads, corn, beans, or other types filled with small items.

Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin

We pulled out all the dreidels that we had of every shape and size that we had. They had fun pulling them all out. We had a lot of fun exploring the meaning of the candles and the dreidels.

What we used to make the Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin

Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ways to Use the Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin

The first she did was pull out and count all the dreidels! She wanted to see how many we had in the bin. She lined them up in 5 in a row. We counted that there were 23 in the bin.

Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin - 3Dinosaurs.com

She then sorting them by color and we talked about what color had the most and what color had the least amount. We made a pattern with the blue dreidels.

Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin - 3Dinosaurs.com

Next she pulled out the candles. She was counting them. We laid them out in a pattern by the number of candles we would use to count the days. We did not count the shamash candles for each day. After we counted out to 8 days we counted the left over candles that added up to 8 for the shamash.

Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin - 3Dinosaurs.com

Then we had fun playing the dreidel game. I challenged her to try spinning two dreidels at the same time.

Hanukkah Dreidel & Candle Sensory Bin - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out these other Hanukkah activities:

Check out all the fun Hanukkah Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Hanukkah Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. That’s pretty neat! We’ve never done sensory bins, but I have been hearing a lot about them recently, and am interested in learning more about them.

  2. What a fun idea! I really miss my children being of the “sensory bin” age. That was one of my favorite activities to do. I do have friends that are starting to home preschool and I will share this activity with them.

    1. I missed it for my oldest who is 9 but I find her playing with the sensory bins as much as her sisters do. They pull them out and find out some pretend play with them. I have made sensory bins with her sight words to practice.

    1. I love making them hands on learning when I can. I see them pull stuff out and do their own learning as well when they play with it hours later.

    1. Thanks we have slowly gathered them over the years. That is not all we have. last year we did a challenge with all of us to see how many dreidles we could get going at one time.

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