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Free Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice

Gross motor is always a favorite for me. And Adding a new gross motor dice set is fun.

And today we have a free Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice to get kids moving while using Hanukkah Themes.

These themed gross motor dice are some of the most requested printables I get! Plus the gross motor dice are so much fun to make and use!

Free Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice - to get kids moving and have fun with easy gross motor movements and fun way to remember parts of the Hanukkah - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Haunakkah is a fun Jewish holiday that has so many fun elements to it. You can read about the history about Hanukkah in The Story of Hanukkah and Maccabee!: The Story of Hanukkah.

The Story of Hanukkah is also talks about the symbols of Hanukkah like the dreidel, the menorah, the present, latkes, sufganiyot, and candles.

Those are also the movements on the dice. This is a fun way to remember the part of Hanukkah with Gross Motor.

Free Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice - to get kids moving and have fun with easy gross motor movements and fun way to remember parts of the Hanukkah - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice

How to use the Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice Inserts

I love using the cube dice for our rolling dice. They are easy to use and switch out!

You start by cutting out all the cube dice inserts.

You can see how easy it is to put the inserts in. Kids can switch them out. Plus with the cude dice, you can mix up all the gross motor dice sets.

Free Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice - to get kids moving and have fun with easy gross motor movements and fun way to remember parts of the Hanukkah - 3Dinosaurs.com

And my girls LOVE to just throw the dice in the air! And they last a lot longer than the folding version.

Free Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice - to get kids moving and have fun with easy gross motor movements and fun way to remember parts of the Hanukkah - 3Dinosaurs.com

How to use the Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice

I always like to start out by having them review the movements before adding the dice part. This way I can make sure they are doing safe movements or they learn to move out of the way when doing them close together.

Dreidel: You spin around like a dreidel.

Menorah: You put the candles in the menorah. You can have them do the movements to match the candles for the day or have them put in the candles for each movement.

Present: You unwrap the present with big movements to pull the wrapping paper off. They can be super creative with this.

Latkes: You are going to cook like a latke in the oil. You can have them lay down and wiggle and shake or you can have them stand and so little small two-foot hops.

Sufganiyot: You pretend to eat the Sujganiyot (jelly doughnut). We did big movements that started with arms out to the side and alternated arms coming to the mouth.

Candles: You hold your arms over your head and have your arms move like the flame on the candle.

Free Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice - to get kids moving and have fun with easy gross motor movements and fun way to remember parts of the Hanukkah - 3Dinosaurs.com

After you know the movements add in the speed dice and the number dice. This can make the movements sill but loads of fun to do. You can get the number dice insets here.

Free Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice - to get kids moving and have fun with easy gross motor movements and fun way to remember parts of the Hanukkah - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Free Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice

  • Dice for Hanukkah themed movements
  • Dice for different speeds: slow, fast, normal
  • Two types: cube dice or make your own die
Free Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice - 2 sets of dice for kids to get moving and with Hanukkah Themes - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Hanukkah Gross Motor Set

This is a full set with gross motor dice, gross motor chart, rolling games, and gross motor task cards. Loads of fun ways to explore the Hanukkah themed movements that can work for many different settings.

Hanukkah Gross Motor Dice - with dice, rolling dice sheets, and gross motor cards so you can do fun Hanukkah themed movements. These are perfect for brain breaks, screen breaks, and mini gross motor centers - 3Dinosaurs.com

What is in the Hanukkah Gross Motor Set

  • Gross motor movement dice with folding and two cube dice options
  • Speed dice with folding and two cube dice options
  • Number dice with 1 to 12 options with folding and two cube dice options
  • Hanukkah Gross Motor Movement Chart
  • Hanukkah Gross Motor Spinning Mat
  • Hanukkah Gross Motor Movement Task Cards with 8 cards total
  • Rolling Hanukkah Gross Motor – Single Movement
  • Rolling Hanukkah Gross Motor – Two movements to match each die roll
  • 22 pages
  • Price: $3.00

Check out these Hanukkah Printables

Hanukkah Themed Writing Paper

Hanukkah Themed Easy Reader Book

Hanukkah Counting Mats: 1 to 8

Hanukkah Ten Frame Cards

Check out these other Gross Motor Activities

Easy Gross Motor Activities & Printables

Christmas Themed Gross Motor Dice

4 Gross Motor Activities on Your Stomach

Gross Motor: Jumping with Two Feet

Camping Gross Motor Dice

Color Themed Gross Motor Dice

Check out all the fun Hanukkah Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Hanukkah Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

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