Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel
Hanukkah is a great time for kids to do some simple math with a dreidel! We love spinning the dreidel the 8 nights of Hanukkah.
It is always fun to play the game but this year I wanted to have some fun with some graphing. It is a fun to see the graph fill up as they do the work.
I have some free Hanukkah Spin & Count The Dreidel printables to help with this.
This is a great addition to the Hanukkah printables on the site.
There are two types of sheets in the set. You have a 1 to 5 and a 1 to 10. They each have the symbols at the bottom and are a no-prep printable. This will meet the needs of different ages of kids.

How we used these printables
The only items you need for this are dreidel and crayons. IF you don’t have one there is a spinner in the printable set you can use.

When I set up the printable I give them the crayons to color the top and the dreidel. It is simple and easy you just need a blue, yellow and gray crayon.

After they spin the dreidel they color the matching Hebrew letter on the paper.

When a column reaches the top they then color the dreidels in the correct order. It goes blue, yellow, and then green.

If you want to have fun and have a dreidel that has colors on all the sides you can color the columns to make the dreidel.

And because I love having different things I also threw in a tally sheet for kids to use. This has the symbols and a tally row. I love giving them a time limit to spin or a number of spins to do.

What you will find in the Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel Printables
- 3 pages of graphing printables
- Spin & count and graph 1 to 10 or 1 to 5
- Spin and tally the dreidel

Hanukkah Roll & Graph Set has graphing, letters, shapes, and numbers with two versions with rolling dice and dreidel version.
Check out all the Hanukkah Activities and Printables on the site.
Cassie –
Cassie, THANK YOU! I have a handful of Jewish patients and I think that they are going to love this fun activity. I am going to try it next week with them and I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂
I’m glad that these will help.