Hopping Fun Gross Motor Dice
I have always loved gross motor. It was one of my favorite activities in school and one of my favorite to teach as well. I love finding new ways to get my girls up and moving. I also know that my girls have always loved the book Hop on Pop. I know that many time we have read it that we always end up hopping during that time of the book.
So I thought hey why not have a hopping gross motor dice. That way we can have fun hopping all the ways we like!
I love changing up the gross motor. It is always fun to do and these dice are great for inside or outside. My girls also love that the gross motor dice are something they can do on their own. Plus I’m always looking for ways to keep them and me moving.
The hopping sets have 6 kinds of hopping: hopping on the right leg, hopping on the left leg, hopping feet together, hopping feet apart, hopping like a bunny, and hopping like a kangaroo.
We use the cube dice because they allow us to throw the dice around and they don’t hurt much when they fall or hit something. Plus the cards last a lot longer in the dice.

The Hopping Gross Motor Movements
I love hopping because it can be done in place or moving and you need very little room to have fun with it! Hopping is a great way to get big movements while having fun. Plus this has basic movements plus adding in the animal movements is also fun.
Hopping on the right leg: You hop one leg. You can do in place or move with it. The dice is a mirror of the leg they will be hopping on.
Hopping on the left leg: You hop one leg. You can do in place or move with it. The dice is a mirror of the leg they will be hopping on.
Hopping feet together: You put feet together and hop. I always show the difference between a hop and a jump. A hop should be smaller than a jump.
Hopping feet apart: You put your feet out wider than your should or at shoulder width and hop. This changes the muscles you use.
Hopping like a bunny: You crouch down to the floor and hop like a bunny.
Hopping like a kangaroo: You hop like kangaroo around the room.

After you are sure of the movements you can change up the dice a bit. You can add speed & directions and how many times they do the movement. You can get the number dice here.

Now if you hate the idea of the dice and messing with that just print the card and shuffle through the 6 movements. It is simple and easy to do. My girls just love the cube dice because it lets them throw the dice around and have fun with them! Do what works best for your kids or students.

What you will find in this printable
- Movements: hop right leg, hop left leg, hop feet together, hop feet apart, hop like a bunny, hop like a kangaroo
- One dice for hopping movements
- Dice for different speeds: slow, fast, normal
- Two types: cube dice or make your own die
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Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com