Hourly Telling Time Bookmarks
The Hourly telling time bookmarks are an easy way to work on telling time. The math bookmarks show how you tell time hourly in three different ways.
You can have an easy hands-on math reference with these telling time bookmarks.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
This is a fun addition to the telling time printables on the site.
What is Telling Time?
It is the ability to look at a clock and tell time. There are many different types of clocks. You can tell time by an analog clock and a digital clock.
You start by learning the hours on the clock and then work up to an hour and a half hours.
You will find hourly time information on these math help bookmarks. Each bookmark has the hourly time written in words, on an analog clock and digital clock.

Things to use with the Hourly Telling Time Bookmark Printable
Ways to Use the Hourly Telling Time Bookmark Printable
Put the Telling Time Bookmarks on the Ring
First off these are great on a ring. You can flip through and say the time on the clocks. Plus you see all three ways to say the same time.

Use the Telling Time Bookmarks with a Help Mat
You can take telling time bookmarks and use them with the telling time help mat. You can build the hands on the clock with playdoughlike we did below or draw it with a dry erase marker

Print Telling Time Bookmarks on Color Cardstock
You can print these on any color cardstock you want. You can see we used blue. We love to use the color blue during the summer because we the blue color of the ocean. But you might like orange for fall, or green for spring. It all depends on what you want to use. Plus you might have a favorite color to use as well.

Telling Time Bookmark Set
If you are looking for more telling time books you can grab the Telling Time Bookmark Selling Set.
There are four different types of telling time bookmarks. You have hourly, hourly & half hour, every 15 minute bookmarks, and telling time every five minute bookmarks.
You can see other hourly telling time bookmarks plus they have a blank version for kids to write in the time.

The hour and half hour bookmarks are great for showing the time again. Plus you can use the bookmarks work for your kids can build up to the fill in the blank bookmarks.

You can see the every 15-minute telling time bookmarks and that you have a version filled out that you can use when you start learning and a set for kids to fill out after they know more about the time.

The final set has clocks showing the time every five minutes. There are the same two bookmarks with a set filled out and a set to fill out. You can see the set to fill out below.

What you will find in the Free Hourly Telling Time Bookmarks
- 12 telling time bookmarks
- Each bookmark has three ways to show the same time: words, analog clock and digital clock
- 4 telling time bookmarks on each page
- 3 pages
Telling Time Hourly Bookmarks Set
Four different sets of telling time bookmarks for kids to work on hourly, every 30 minutes, every 15 minutes, and every 5 minutes.
You have two versions filled in time and blank to fill out the time.

What you will find the Telling Time Hourly Bookmarks Set:
- Hourly Clocks Rounded Corner
- Hourly Clock Square with Numbers
- Hourly Clocks with Time Words
- Hourly Clock Square with Numbers – Fill in the Clocks
- Hourly Clocks with Time Words – Fill in the Clocks
- Hour & Half Hour Clocks
- Hour & Half Hour Clocks – Fill in the Clocks
- Clocks Every 15 minutes
- Clocks Every 15 minutes – Fill in the Clocks
- Clocks Every 5 minutes
- Clocks Every 5 minutes – Fill in the Clocks
- 83 pages of Printables
- Price: $3
Get all the math bookmarks in one place!
Check out these other Telling Time Printables
Telling Time Mats are great help mats for telling time.
Hourly Telling Time Easy Reader Book lets you read the time in a book or fill out the hourly telling time clocks.
Pond Telling Time Puzzle is a great puzzle for working on hourly telling time.
Check out all the fun Telling Time Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com