Hourly Telling Time Easy Reader Book
I love using easy reader books for learning new ideas. And who says you can’t do easy reader books for math!
The free Hourly Telling Time Easy Reader Books are great for beginners to learn the hourly times on a digital and analog clock.
The Hourly telling time easy reader book helps kids see the many different times and plus the books and easy to help kids learn reading and telling time.
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Telling time is can be tricky when you first start. There are many different ways we tell time. These two books are a great way to work on telling time by the hour.
You have the written words in the sentences, the digital clock, and the analog clock for them to learn with.
It shows how the ways to say and write at the same time.
There are two versions of the book.
In the first version, you have the sentence and the digital clock and analog clock filled out.

The second version has the same sentence and the digital and analog clocks are blank. It is fun to see them write the clock hands and read the book.

Things to use with the Hourly Telling Time Easy Reader Books
I always get emails about what items we used with the different printables. And this is a list of all the items mentioned in the post and to help make the easy reader books.
- printer
- copy paper
- pencil
- crayons
- colored pencils
- fine line markers
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- rings
- Telling Time Mats
- playdough
How to put the easy reader book together
I get loads of questions about putting the books together, so this is a simple step my step guide for the book.
You line the papers neatly together. Then you cut down the centerline. This splits the book in half evenly.

The second step is to alternate the pages of the book. The odd pages are at the top and even at the bottom.

Finally, you staple the book together. I like to use 3 or 4 staples. It depends on the age of the kids and how well you want to book to stay together.

Ways to use the Hourly Telling Time Easy Reader Book
I love that with easy reader books you can use them over and over. I love to have them color the book the first time they read through the book. You can see the clock and the sentence in the book

Another great way to go through the book is to underline all the words and parts of the pictures that go together. You can see the three underline in the different parts of the book.

Another hands-on activity you can do with telling time easy reader books is to pair it with the telling time help mat. This will let you read the book and move the hour hand of the clock as you read the book.

The second version of the book is fun because you can write the time on the different clocks. This allows them to reinforce what time they are learning. You can read through the book and write the time on the clocks.
If you want to make this reusable laminate the book and put it on rings
and it makes a reuseable learning center with dry erase markers

What you will find in the Free Hourly Telling Time Easy Reader Book
- Easy Reader book with sentence and two ways of telling time
- Analog clock and digital clock on the page
- Two Version with analong clock and digital clock filled out and analog clock and digital clock blank
- 13 pages book for each version
- 14 pages of pritnables
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New Year’s Eve Is It Midnight Easy Reader Book
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com