I Can Wear A Mask Easy Reader Book
Back to school, this year is a crazy one. I know a lot of people are in school and need some different resources or headed back to school soon. None of this is easy.
So I wanted to make a few easy reader books to help with this. Today’s Book is about things you can do wearing a mask.
It is a simple book that kids can read about masks.
Each of these books is about going back to school and how different it will be. But that does not mean a mask will keep kids from learning.
I wanted simple and easy books for kids to learn with.
Each of the pages has one school activity that kids can do while wearing a mask.

Things to use to make the I Can Wear A Mask Easy reader Book
There are the images we used with the book and to make the book. I always get asked what I use.
How to make the easy reader book
First, you line the papers up and cut down the middle. There is a line in the middle to cut.

Then you alternate the pages every other side. the Odd numbers are on the top of each paper and the even are on the bottom.

Once all the pages have been organized, then you staple the side of the book. I like to use three or four staples depending on the child that will be using the book.

Ways to Use the Easy Reader Book
This is a great way to talk to kids about what they can do in a mask rather than what a mask does.
You can show them they can do things like sit and wear a mask.

They can write and wear a mask. Each of these and things they can still do in a mask.

What you will find in the I can Wear A Make Easy Reader Book
- Activities that kids can do at school wearing a mask: reading, writing, math, walking, washing hands, sitting and raising hand
- 8 page book
- 6 pages of printables
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Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com